Eur/usd Up To 1.36 (elliot)


Junior member
I think it's the 1st little wave of a new wave(3th or 5th), so the min target of the 3th one (although 1st one stops at the 1.306) will be 1.375 (at the 15/02/2005). !!
Hi Xrinix
agree :)


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oh so sorry for the size. :(
I'd linked it an image otherwise i would resize it.
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Do you think there will be any kind of correction due after the G20 this weekend, i see a turn coming for at least short term on the month and week charts. DX week chart needs a correction to be timely in its decent. Anyone have insight, i agree with Mid term climb of strength on all the USD crosses, this is the USD down cycle and i see at least 75.00 for the DX downside but this cant all become without some kind of correction. This week ahead dailies cry for corection.
What do you think?
agree Yom Or. I'm looking for some short opportunities in this week too.(Eur/Usd only)

Hayek, what do you mean? No, but what all chartists do? predicting rthe future with a bunch of technical instruments, isn't it?
BTW i think any furthur in future the analysis(prediction) is, less the occuracy of it will be, don't you think so?
Hi all...

Just that chart available on the net somewhere as its identical to the one posted on the Moneytec forum on the 14th I think by Stormygold.


For the correction it s better to be pragmatic, when it ll begin to do 2nd wave(down) we ll know it, it ll be down from the top, but technical analysis is this..
I will write here, when the downside wave will begin, promise :)
yeah everyone knows about monthly charts big and negative divergences and it will result in a crash for euro but when is the matter;)
sorry I didn't noticed that chart I've posted yesterday belongs to stormygold. I'm an admirer of his(?her) works. but someone posted that image without any name or link on my website(it's in persian: and i just seen this topic and posted it here. I apologize for that. :blush:

Rookie, not crash for euro i meant the next downside movement thats all(target 1.26), and it will be 2nd wave of the 5 upside mvt, so 3th wave will be up, and will go up from the (1.26-->1.375) 1.3075...The crash is after 5th one !!
They're agree with me (they vol per day is 1.9 trillion per day, %22 of currencies market).
I have to go to London to work for them ::))

"JPMorgan predicts the dollar will drop to 96 yen and $1.37 per euro in March, compared with previous forecasts of 100 and $1.30. Merrill cut its March estimates to 96 yen and $1.39 from 100 and $1.33. UBS lowered its three-month projections to 103 yen from 107, and to $1.36 per euro from $1.30. "
Yeah, basicly i agree with you, no-one predict the future, and I PREFER TO BE PRAGMATIC. But what we have to learn from those reports "they think bullish" !!
And i said "up to 1.37" beacuse of the elliot analysis, BUT if the up trend is no valid, we will sell Euro against Dollar. And also, if the trend is still up after 1.37 we ll continue to hold Euro...
Now i am long in Euro, i will write here, when i will sell it ! Promise !
A bientot !
I ve promised to say time to sell Eu against Us Dollar, it s now 1,3320
good Luck