There's a lot to be learned from forex forums, but not in the way you'd think!
Forums are full of common knowledge, and it's common knowledge which puts your stops directly into the order books of the Institutional Traders who make the setups which allow you to win enough times to think you have an edge, so that you'll keep depositing and depositing until you're broke.
If you want to learn the markets, you'll need to learn the misinformation fed to the herd, so that you'll know where their entries are, and more importantly, their stops. The ITs are a lazy bunch, who haven't needed to change their tactics much since Rothschild crashed the London stock exchange after the battle of Waterloo.
Understand the manipulation of the herd by the ITs, and you'll spot the tricks the ITs play, day in, day out, and you may one day be able to trade alongside them 🙂