ES Trading

After studying the markets last weekend I decided to place another standing order to go long the DEC 12 SPX 500 contract with IG index @1391.00

So my current trade situation is:

DEC 12 SPX 500
28/11/12: BUY @ 1391.00 (filled)
28/11/12: Partially closed @ 1406.63
28/11/12: Stop @1393.00

09:40 Market currently @ 1415/1416

I partially closed the trade because according to my figuring the market is indicating a reversal which is likely to take out my stop @ 1393.00 probably sometime next week. If that happens I will be looking to go long again and hold until expiry. I will be holding this current trade until expiry or until my stop is hit.

I need to study the market more so I can get fully back in sync with it especially since my holiday, but I look to adding to my position/s as the year end draws near. The U.S fiscal cliff is nothing more than another utterly insignificant sideshow, distraction, pantomime performed by clueless Politicians...

14:55 Closed (Stop hit) @ 1445.00

Close enough to expiry.

Fiscal Cliff

There are only two words I will be focusing on in regard to the U.S Fiscal Cliff deal - DEBT CEILING(Limit).

What comes before those two words is all I care about. Everything else is irrelevant.


Gold – Long term although most positions are in profit it is a long term accumulate.

I have been following gold for many years now and if there is one common characteristic with almost every single gold bear I have encountered (In person, in forums, in comments under news articles or analysts on TV) it is this - NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER OWNED ANY PHYSICAL GOLD. This is why they can’t understand why anyone else would. They don’t understand gold but will gladly advise you to sell because it is over-priced and then give you a long list of reasons why. The bears have used the SAME ARGUMENT for selling gold when it was @$700, $800, $900 all the way up to $1900!

Warren Buffet doesn’t understand gold. He didn’t understand when it just kept going up...and...up...and...up...but he is also one of the dumbasses who didn't see the Global Financial crisis coming either 🙄

The next time you come across someone giving a very bearish forecast on gold, ask them this “At what price did you buy gold?”

Gold has sold off again and I suspect the stock market will follow. As usual, the U.S fiscal cliff pantomime is upsetting the dumb money and providing a good opportunity for the smart money to buy. I will be looking to start accumulating more gold below US$1650 if it manages to breakdown that far. Below $1650 is a buying opportunity and below $1600 is a gift!

13:50 - Gold @ 1695.00
13:50 - ESZ @ 1407.00

Bought back some of the GOLD I sold 👍

Central Planning Failure

U.K. House Prices Fall as Hometrack Sees Further Decline in 2013

U.K. House Prices Fall as Hometrack Sees Further Decline in 2013 - Bloomberg

Britain’s economic recovery has yet to gain traction amid a squeeze in credit markets, keeping consumers under pressure while inflation outpaces wage growth. Data last week showed the economy’s rebound in the third quarter was weaker than initially estimated, and Governor Mervyn King has forecast a “zig-zag” pattern of growth.

Over 15 months ago I was warning people that this would be the result of the inflationist Central Planning policies but the clueless dumbass modern economists and inflationist members of this forum just laughed!

Luckily I sold my U.K property a few years ago and put the money to much better use. This country is going nowhere fast. The only “growth” I am seeing is inflationary growth, not real economic growth. Dumbasses don’t know the difference.

Where are the equity Bulls?

I have been following gold for many years now and if there is one common characteristic with almost every single gold bear I have encountered (In person, in forums, in comments under news articles or analysts on TV) it is this - NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER OWNED ANY PHYSICAL GOLD. This is why they can’t understand why anyone else would. They don’t understand gold but will gladly advise you to sell because it is over-priced and then give you a long list of reasons why. The bears have used the SAME ARGUMENT for selling gold when it was @$700, $800, $900 all the way up to $1900!

Warren Buffet doesn’t understand gold. He didn’t understand when it just kept going up...and...up...and...up...but he is also one of the dumbasses who didn't see the Global Financial crisis coming either 🙄

The next time you come across someone giving a very bearish forecast on gold, ask them this “At what price did you buy gold?”

So where are all the dumbass gold bears/equity bulls now? Gold makes a 5% move down and they all come out singing and dancing with glee...the stock market follows not long after and they all go crawling back under their rocks, where they belong! Just as I expected...dumbasses!

I had good reason to doubt the Stock Market rally:

“Governments Lie; Bankers Lie; Even Auditors sometimes Lie... GOLD TELLS THE TRUTH.”
-Lord Rees Mogg

Bubble in the making?

Stocks Beat Bonds, Commodities by Most Since 2009 on Stimulus

Stocks Beat Bonds, Commodities by Most Since 2009 on Stimulus - Bloomberg

Unprecedented central bank stimulus sent global stocks to the biggest annual rally in three years, beating bonds, commodities and the dollar by the most since 2009 as shares surged from America to Germany and Venezuela.

Bloomberg appears to interpret this as good thing, however, anybody who has studied History and also the warnings of those who really understand Economics, who are against Central Bank ‘stimulus’, fiat money and Government meddling in the Economy would only view this as an ominous thing.

The Stock-market bubble and consequent crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression, was caused by the inflationary monetary policy during the mid 1920’s.

From Alan Greenspan’s 1966 essay “Gold and Economic Freedom” (The link is in my signature at the bottom)

"The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market-triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in braking the boom. But it was too late: by 1929 the speculative imbalances had become so overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a sharp retrenching and a consequent demoralizing of business confidence. As a result, the American economy collapsed."

Is there any thinking adult alive today who believes that this time will be different? Is there anyone who actually thinks that the current Federal Reserve, that positively did NOT see any of the warning signs of the last Global Financial Crisis, will succeed in sopping up excess reserves this time around without any consequences?

I remain LONG equities and Gold and hope I am smart enough to get out in time.

Re: Fiscal Cliff

There are only two words I will be focusing on in regard to the U.S Fiscal Cliff deal - DEBT CEILING(Limit).
What comes before those two words is all I care about. Everything else is irrelevant.

"Politics Is Show Business for Ugly People"


Re: Bubble in the making?

Stocks Beat Bonds, Commodities by Most Since 2009 on Stimulus

Stocks Beat Bonds, Commodities by Most Since 2009 on Stimulus - Bloomberg

Bloomberg appears to interpret this as good thing, however, anybody who has studied History and also the warnings of those who really understand Economics, who are against Central Bank ‘stimulus’, fiat money and Government meddling in the Economy would only view this as an ominous thing.

The Stock-market bubble and consequent crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression, was caused by the inflationary monetary policy during the mid 1920’s.

From Alan Greenspan’s 1966 essay “Gold and Economic Freedom” (The link is in my signature at the bottom)

"The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market-triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in braking the boom. But it was too late: by 1929 the speculative imbalances had become so overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a sharp retrenching and a consequent demoralizing of business confidence. As a result, the American economy collapsed."

Is there any thinking adult alive today who believes that this time will be different? Is there anyone who actually thinks that the current Federal Reserve, that positively did NOT see any of the warning signs of the last Global Financial Crisis, will succeed in sopping up excess reserves this time around without any consequences?

Midnight Oil - Short Memory - YouTube

I remain LONG equities and Gold and hope I am smart enough to get out in time.

Fed becoming worried about stimulus side effects

Fed becoming worried about stimulus side effects | Reuters

(Reuters) - Federal Reserve officials are increasingly concerned about the potential risks of the U.S. central bank's asset purchases on financial markets, even if they look set to continue an open-ended stimulus program for now.

You really couldn’t make this sh!t up. After years of bigger and bolder ‘Q.E’s’ that allegedly were “saving” the U.S Economy from the dreaded deflation bogeyman, the FED is now worried about unintended consequences!
King MORON Paul Krugman was saying the stimulus wasn’t big enough...😆

Trade [ESH3]

Trade ESH3:
Long @1460.75
Exit @1461.00

Just in case you had any doubts that I still trade the ES!

I have found a happy balance with my trading & investing.

1) Stocks and Commodities: Long term (3-5+ years)
2) Spread Betting: Swing trading
3) DMA Futures: Scalping



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Central Planners Strike Again!

Banks Win Watered Down Liquidity Rule After Basel Group Deal

Global central bank chiefs agreed to water down and delay a planned bank liquidity rule to counter warnings that the proposal would strangle lending and stifle the economic recovery.

Remember this you dumbass anti-free market socialist morons. Remember this well, so that when the next crisis hits you won't use Capitalism as the scapegoat again! 🙄

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Gold Lures Japan’s Pension Funds as Abe Targets Inflation

Gold Lures Japan

Japanese pension funds, the world’s second-largest pool of retirement assets after the U.S., will more than double their gold holdings in the next two years as the new government pushes for a higher inflation target, according to an adviser to the funds.

Gold priced in yen reached a record a week ago.

Remember that ALL Central Planners want inflation...that is why they keep trying to frighten you with the deflation bogeyman!!! Check under your beds before going to sleep at night :-0

War on Gold

Curbing gold demand as panacea for economic ills not a good sign

Curbing gold demand as panacea for economic ills not a good sign - The Economic Times

"Demand for gold must be moderated... We may be left with no choice but to make it more expensive to import gold. The matter is under government consideration."
-Finance minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, January 2013

I hinted at the idea back in a post on June 15, 2012:

Naturally this doesn’t include the distinct possibility of Governments:

  • Demonizing gold bugs and blaming them for the continuing economic problems
  • Confiscating gold
  • Making it illegal for individuals or institutions to hold, buy or sell gold.

Even though doing any or all of these things would be an admission by Governments that their paper money system is a complete and utter abject failure, that still won’t stop them from ignoring private property rights. As someone else once said, “It is dangerous to be right when the Government is wrong”.

My opinion is that if more of the general population owns gold then the less likely Governments will resort to such desperate measures. However it will be easy for Governments to convince the angry mob that their problems are caused by "rich and greedy" gold hoarders. The angry mob will scream “Kill the beasts, cut their throats, spill their blood, and take their gold”

I wonder when other Governments will blame gold for their economic ills and declare war on gold!


So where have all the DUMBASS Socialist's gone? Surely they don't want to see any of these companies fail? That's nasty Capitalism isn't it? C'mon you hypocrites, demand that socialism bail out capitalism...we need Blockbuster and HMV and Jessops, otherwise it will be a disaster! Consumers getting lower prices...OMG that's deflation!! We need a Central Retailer to bail out these companies....

What really killed HMV, Jessops and Blockbuster?

What really killed HMV, Jessops and Blockbuster? - Yahoo! Finance UK


I must be really dumb for buying gold coins. The people in this video must know more than I do, in fact, I’d say they know at least as much as the gold bears in this forum.

Selling 1 Oz Gold Coin for $25 (when it's worth over $1,500) - YouTube

I might sell all of my gold and start investing in microphones.

U.S. Mint Silver Coins Sell Out With Fund Buying at 5-Year High

U.S. Mint Silver Coins Run Out as Fund Buying at 5-Year High - Bloomberg

The U.S. Mint sold out of American Eagle silver coins at a time when investors bought the most metal in five years through the biggest exchange-traded product.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of this buying is from the "man in the street", as they have been dumbed down by the Government and the mainstream media.

Gold & silver, makes no difference, they are both SOUND MONEY.👍

Re: Fiscal Cliff

There are only two words I will be focusing on in regard to the U.S Fiscal Cliff deal - DEBT CEILING(Limit).

What comes before those two words is all I care about. Everything else is irrelevant.

Goldman Forecasts Gold Rally Amid Debt-Ceiling Confrontation

Goldman Forecasts Gold Rally Amid Debt-Ceiling Confrontation - Bloomberg

As if the goldbugs didn't know about the impending Debt Ceiling fiasco near the end of 2012 during the Fiscal Cliff pantomime...🙄

Who Pays attention to these analysts? The only people I can think of who do, are the clueless gold bears in this forum, and they have been dead wrong so far! 😆

Gold’s bull market is over, Allan Hochreiter Chief Executive Officer Rene Hochreiter, the top forecaster in the London Bullion Market Association’s 2012 poll, said this month. The metal’s appeal is set to diminish as so-called fear trades fade, according to Credit Suisse’s Tom Kendall, head of precious-metals research and the most accurate precious-metals forecaster in the past eight quarters tracked by Bloomberg.

Got that?

14:15(UK) - GC G3 @ 1687.20
