ES Trading

Great Post Choices.

This is a great post from ducati998. This should go under the sub category: Politics & economics.

The blue italics are quotes from the post he was replying to.

ducati998 said:
Well, for sure, the welfare idea has been tried before. It's not immediately obvious to me (as it appears to you) that social safety nets are necessarily bad. However, this is clearly a very different issue, so let's not discuss it here. If you wanna start a new thread, we can have a meaningful conversation about the pros and cons of "welfare" there.

I never made a value judgment on social safety nets, rather, one on the 'Welfare State' which is government redistribution under coercion, which is a very different kettle-of-fish.

As to the positives, if you happen to live in the West, you, as well as your forebears, have enjoyed a lot of benefits that have all translated to a pretty unprecedented rise in the quality of life (as measured by pretty much any indicator).

Certainly that is true. What was the causative agent for that? It was of course capitalism. Capitalism functions most efficiently with a free market money.

So stuff like education, public health (which equates to life expectancy), public order etc which we all take for granted. Do you think all these would be possible in the West without governments and their power to tax?

Definitely. Government is simply not required.

Now as to your final point... As I have said a number of times, I completely agree that the full-on gold standard may impose a degree of discipline and prevent abuses. However, my question wasn't about the advantages of the gold standard, but rather the cost of these advantages. Or do you think they come for free?

I haven't had time to peruse the entire thread, so if you have previously elucidated these 'costs' earlier in the thread, I have not yet read them: you will have to specify which costs in particular you are referring to.

Finally, let me point out that the argument yet again hinges on the ignorance and stupidity of the "average man-in-the-street" who is unable to recognize inflation as a tax.

First off, I didn't refer to the average man in the street as ignorant/stupid. What I actually said was: "Inflation is a taxation, but one that is hidden and less obvious to the average man-in-the-street,"

Inflation created by money & credit expansion doesn't flow proportionally to all prices. The prices that concern our average chap, may, or may not, show proportionally the extent of the inflation.

This is exactly how the idea of a paternalistic government arises.

You may see 'paternalism', that is not how I would describe government, or more accurately, 'The State'.

Surely if you start with the idea that your average man on the street is stupid and naive,

Which I don't.

taxation for the sake of lofty "social goals" imposed by the government makes a lot of sense.

Taxation never makes sense. Taxation alters time preferences, raising them higher, thus directly lowers production. Production is the driver of material wealth, thus in a material context, we are all becoming less wealthy as taxation rises. This of course impacts the actual revenues government can directly expropriate through taxation.

jog on

My summary:

  • Socialism requires Government coercion. This is why IMO, Socialists are nothing more than envious and coveting hypocrites who think with their hearts and not with their heads. They are comparable to a gang of armed thugs who claim to have other peoples best interests at heart.
  • Socialism can only redistribute wealth, it does not create it.
  • Capitalism functions most efficiently with a free market money which throughout history has been GOLD & SILVER.
  • Inflation created by money & credit expansion doesn't flow proportionally to all prices. More correctly stated: Inflation IS money & credit expansion, rising prices is the consequence of inflation and doesn't flow proportionally to all prices.
  • Production is the driver of material wealth. Not taxes or regulation. Taking money from one group of people and giving it to another does not create wealth. It's the left who put the cart before the horse and argue that consumers drive an economy.

Democracy *LOL*

Crimeans Celebrate Vote to Join Russia as Ukraine Tensions Rise

About 96 percent of Crimeans voted in yesterday’s disputed referendum in favor of leaving Ukraine and becoming part of Russia, partial results show. The government in Kiev, the European Union and the U.S. don’t recognize the vote, which Russia said complied with international standards

That says it all..."Hey, Russia, we don't like your democracy! People can only vote when we say they can." 🙄

How can anyone be a Government apologist? You need your head examined.

On the brighter side, this will hopefully lead to a new Cold War and even better, an all out Nuclear War. I have invested heavily in areas that will benefit from both, and besides, the earth needs a good purging... way too many annoying people.

Makes me laugh when I think of an imbecile in this forum who believed there was no need to own gold because we have entered into a new era of wars as far as the eye can see...! 😆😆


Russia Shrugs Off Sanctions as It Seals Claim to Crimea

Sanctions unveiled by the U.S. and the European Union have so far failed to dissuade Putin from annexing Crimea with Russia and the West embroiled in their worst confrontation since the Cold War. More violence may be unavoidable, said Samuel Charap, a senior fellow for Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Washington.

Nice work Russia, proving that our grand Central Planners are nothing but spineless money debasing turds. Besides, what will the USA do without their Space shuttle? They have an ISS to support.

RD-180s, made by Russia's Energomash corporation. This is only one of many examples that demonstrate the world space industry's reliance on Russia for flight-ready hardware. It's true for the European Union, Japan, and the United States.

Bloomberg, are you going to keep using the "worst confrontation since the Cold War" line in the same way you kept using "some investors lost faith in gold as a store of value"? Because we all know how wrong that was.

ES @ 1866.00
GC @ 1346.9

Moral Busy Bodies

Moral Busy Bodies

That is just one term I would use to describe left wing Politicians. But you can find many examples of such people in this forum. Unwelcome people who will continually trash and post in a thread even after their presence is obviously unwelcome and unwanted. Why do they continue to trash a thread? Because they are moral busy bodies who believe what they are doing is for the good of their victims! 😆

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

- C. S. Lewis

"Moral Busy Bodies....small people trying to be big people. Petty individuals who have no lives of their own and want to control yours. Meaningless wastes of skin..."

- J Carlton, Calgary

"The people who are regarded as moral luminaries are those who forego ordinary pleasures themselves and find compensation in interfering with the pleasures of others."

- Bertrand Russell


Fed Decision Day Guide From Yellen Debut to Overhaul of Guidance

Here’s what to look for when the Federal Open Market Committee releases its policy statement at 2 p.m. today in Washington along with new economic projections. It is the first meeting led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, who plans to give a press conference at 2:30 p.m.

I think it will go something like this:


(Give or take a yak.)

Government Shill

Buffett Cuts Tax Bill, Tells Others Not to Complain

“If it were anybody but Warren Buffett, there’d be no story,” Matthews said. “But this is a guy who takes companies to task for going to great lengths to minimize their tax burdens, and he’s been doing it all his career.”

This is the kind of hypocrisy you get from those advocating higher taxes. What people like Warren really want is higher taxes for other people. You find the same kind of hypocrisy in this forum from the left wing Spread Betters. They make tax free profits while advocating higher taxes for others!

Wot next?

S&P500[ES]: The price action indicates to me that it is preparing for a major advance. As hinted in a previous post, the majority of the action appears to be in the range from the low 1840's - mid 1860's. I figure this will resolve itself in a breakout which will eventually hit what has now become my minimum target @ 1950.

Gold[GC]: The price action indicates to me that the bear market is in its death throe. If my figuring is right it should recapture the 1315 level and then move up to the low to mid 1330's within the next 2-3 weeks. There is the chance it will dip down into the 1260's and possibly 1230's first. I will lift my skirt, grab my balls and continue to stack on the dips.

I will keep a close eye on the market action to see if there are any major developments that will alter my view.


ES @ 1843.50
GC @ 1297.4

Pump and Dump!

Briton Eyeing Property Punches Air as Pension Limits Axed

Property Boost

“I’d be surprised if this move didn’t boost the property market,” said Ross Walker at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. “The number of people who invest in property is relatively high, it’s a safe store in value. But this is not going to help rebalance the economy. You also have to ask whether that will be fueling the bubble.”

Bubbles? Central Planners can't even recognise a bubble let alone admit one exists! As someone once said "It is difficult to make someone understand something when their pay check depends on them not understanding."

There are only 2 things the Central planners want you to own in their fiat money Pump and Dump economy; DEBT and PROPERTY. The Government knows that rising house prices is a good vote winner which is why they pump the economy with cheap money hot off the printing press and bribe first time buyers with 'Help to buy' schemes.

Debt keeps you on the treadmill and gives Governments an excuse to do what they want, which is inflate the money supply to cover poorly managed budgets and dishonestly default on their debt.

Rising property prices (due to the inflation) creates the illusion you are getting richer when in fact you are getting poorer in real terms. This is a FACT you can research.

When the economy dumps due to the misallocation of capital and excess debt, the Central Planners are quick to blame Capitalism giving them a reason to usurp more of our freedom, redistribute more of our wealth and start the whole Pump and Dump process again with a new generation of suckers. Almost invariably the Central Planners will say their response to the crisis is an effort "To save poor homeowners". Governments love nothing more than to have an entire class of people dependent on them! What better group of people than the homeowner class!

For many first time buyers the Global Financial crisis means nothing to them, and with the constant diet of property porn from the establishment media they are convinced "You can't lose with property"!

...of course you can't thanks to taxpayer largesse! Pump and Dump, time after time after time...history does repeat.

This is just one of the reasons why I hate democracy!

Central Planners now think inflation is bad!

Japan Shows Price Pressures Unseen Since 1980s: Chart of the Day

The figures indicate inflation -- initially driven by a rise in energy prices and a weaker yen -- is rippling through the economy. At the same time, with price gains outpacing wage growth even before tomorrow’s sales-tax increase, household spending power could suffer, increasing headwinds to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s effort to drive growth in the world’s third-biggest economy.

Headwinds? But you keep telling us that households are utterly terrified of falling prices!

“Inflation has entered a new phase, with price pressures spreading,” said Yoshimasa Maruyama, chief economist at Itochu Corp. in Tokyo. “Wage growth will probably be limited, and is unlikely to beat an increase in inflation. This will clearly be negative for Japan’s economy.”

"Inflation has entered a new phase"...what on earth is this imbecile talking about? Inflation is inflation!! Is he suggesting there is a good phase of inflation and a bad phase of inflation, and that the all knowing Central Planners can pick out of thin air the precise figure where it is good and when it is not...1.99% inflation....2.013% inflation....

Wage growth will never be able to outpace the Central Planners ability to create new money out of thin air...never!

At least this idiots admits that inflation is negative for the economy.

A tightening labor market could put upward pressure on wages in months ahead, relieving some of the pressure on households. The job-to-applicant ratio reached a seven-year high in February, while the unemployment rate fell to 3.6 percent.

Yes, that's right...inflation puts pressure on households, it does not create an irresistible urge to run out and start shopping like there's no tomorrow. As far as upward pressure on wages is concerned...what about people on fixed incomes? Nothing but misery for them with little hope of respite.

INFLATION IS NEVER GOOD...not...0.5%...1%....1.99%....whatever magic number Central Planners pick out of thin air...

What's worse is that Central Planners actually believe that they are so omniscient that they can pick the right inflation rate AND create the right amount of money to generate it AND have the inflation go exactly where they want it, when they want it...and tame it when and if they need to...

More inflationary nonsense!

Euro Inflation at Lowest in Over 4 Years Misses Estimates

“They will be very uncomfortable with a 0.5 percent inflation rate, though they would expect that to bounce back in April,” said Chris Scicluna, head of economic research at Daiwa Capital Markets in London. “On balance they would believe that the number itself doesn’t merit further action given that the forecast is for it to trend higher. It’s definitely a presentational challenge, 0.5 percent is not where any central bank in its right mind would want it to be.”

More inflationary nonsense from the establishment media. "0.5 percent is not where any central bank in its right mind would want it to be". So why is 0.5% such a dreadful number? Anyone? Did it worry you that your grocery bill was only 0.5% higher? If it did, don't panic!! Super Mario promises to don his cape and make sure your grocery bill is 2.00000000000% higher...

I'm sure you might be asking what credibility do I have criticising Central Planner policy. Well, I strongly advise you to watch this lecture from a man who has far more credibility than I ever will.

Jim Grant quite often appears on establishment media channels and is a well respected American writer and publisher. He speaks about the Depression the Keynesian Central Planners and establishment media don't want you to know about: The 1920-21 Depression. [Go to 22min10 for that, but I advise watching the whole lecture. It is both entertaining and informative]

Hazlitt, My Hero | Jim Grant

The truth about inflation

Draghi Europe Scenario Points to Lowflation Still Painful

For all the fears of a Japan-style era of deflation, a more likely threat for Europe is what International Monetary Fund officials are calling lowflation.

They gave us Stagflation, Disinflation and now the latest addition to the Central Planner Dictionary of misinformation: "Lowflation"


A sustained period of ultra-low, albeit rising, inflation still has the potential to destroy output, hurt hiring and revive memories of the recent fiscal crisis by hammering the ability of governments to repay debts.

The only truth about inflation is highlighted in the above paragraph. As I pointed out in previous posts:

Debt keeps you on the treadmill and gives Governments an excuse to do what they want, which is inflate the money supply to cover poorly managed budgets and dishonestly default on their debt.

Governments have been the biggest spenders and biggest debt issuers...and who benefits most from inflation? You guessed it, debtors.


With data yesterday showing inflation about a quarter of the European Central Bank’s goal of just below 2 percent, President Mario Draghi is under pressure to respond.

No doubt Super Mario can't sleep at night knowing how much Europeans are suffering because their grocery bill is only 0.5% higher. He is on a mission to make sure Grocery bills reach his target of 1.99999999999999% higher...I can't imagine the pressure poor Super Mario must be under...

The Government has no savings it only has DEBT. This is the ONLY reason Central Planners and the establishment media try to convince you that inflation is good for you. There is NO period in history where an economy has been destroyed by low inflation or deflation. There are countless examples throughout history where economies have been destroyed by inflation.

Some of the greatest era's of economic growth in the history of the USA occurred during a period falling prices.

"It should be clear, then, that the Great Depression of the 1870s is
merely a myth—a myth brought about by the misinterpretation of the
fact that prices in general fell sharply during the entire period. Indeed
they fell from the end of the Civil War until 1879. Friedman and Schwartz
estimated that prices in general fell from 1869 to 1879 by 3.8 percent
per annum. Unfortunately, most historians and economists are conditioned
to believe that steadily and sharply falling prices must result
in depression: hence their amazement at the obvious prosperity and
economic growth during this era
. For they have overlooked the fact
that in the natural course of events, when government and the banking
system do not increase the money supply very rapidly, free-market
capitalism will result in an increase of production and economic growth
so great as to swamp the increase of money supply. Prices will fall, and
the consequences will be not depression or stagnation, but prosperity
(since costs are falling, too) economic growth, and the spread of the
increased living standard to all the consumers."

-The Case for Gold by Ron Paul

Topic of the week for the sheeple

High-Frequency Traders Chase Currencies as Stock Volume Recedes

The debate surrounding high-frequency trading, a term describing strategies that use lightning-fast computers to eke out profits in securities markets, blew up this week after Lewis published “Flash Boys” and said U.S. equities are rigged. The book makes few references to currency, saying instability HFT creates is bound to spread from equities sooner or later.


The establishment media's topic of the week keeps the sheeple distracted, terrified and begging for the Government to save them. HFT and "Algo's" are the nefarious bogeymen behind market movements that dunces cannot explain.

Short sellers were blamed for the panic of '08 and who knows, HFT will probably be blamed for the next panic.

"Those who know, know, and those who don't, blame HFT and Algo's" 😆


s&p500[es]: the price action indicates to me that it is preparing for a major advance. As hinted in a previous post, the majority of the action appears to be in the range from the low 1840's - mid 1860's. I figure this will resolve itself in a breakout which will eventually hit what has now become my minimum target @ 1950.

gold[gc]: the price action indicates to me that the bear market is in its death throe. if my figuring is right it should recapture the 1315 level and then move up to the low to mid 1330's within the next 2-3 weeks. There is the chance it will dip down into the 1260's and possibly 1230's first. I will lift my skirt, grab my balls and continue to stack on the dips.

I will keep a close eye on the market action to see if there are any major developments that will alter my view.

as always: do your own figuring.

es @ 1843.50
gc @ 1297.4

gc @ 1316.4


The point about the CPI and PPI brings me back again to whether or not you believe Governments are creating inflation (inflating the money supply) and which planet I live on. I contend that I live on planet earth and that Governments are massively inflating. The fact that some producers are absorbing the inflation in reduced margins means that the inflation hasn’t fully filtered through to consumers yet and therefore won’t show up in the CPI. Producers may be absorbing inflation in other ways like shrinking packaging or a reduction in quality. These things don’t show up in CPI but is still evidence of inflation.

The phrase you will hear and read from more and more people over the coming years, and the one you may even find yourself using more will be:


The Central Planners will keep telling you that inflation isn’t high enough and that the real danger is deflation...while you keep paying for more things that USED TO BE FREE!

The owner of this site may one day find that advertising revenue alone is not enough to cover costs and you may eventually start paying for a service that is now provided free.

Some might say “It’s only a small fee”, but it’s large when you consider that IT USED TO BE FREE!

Inflation will show up in ways that aren’t captured by Government Statistics even though they add to our cost of living...

•CME Market Data

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I knew this would be coming, not that I am prescient in any way, it was just so obvious...Technology and progress should be bringing costs down...but not in an Orwellian World ruled by deranged inflationist Central Planners.

Higher prices, they say, are good for the economy,
But how are they good for me?

Week 15 summary

S&P500[ES]: The price action indicates to me that it is preparing for a major advance. As hinted in a previous post, the majority of the action appears to be in the range from the low 1840's - mid 1860's. I figure this will resolve itself in a breakout which will eventually hit what has now become my minimum target @ 1950.

The past week’s Price Action indicates to me that the current decline is nothing more than a shakeout of the weak longs and the inexperienced traders/investors. I am sticking with my bullish price projection of ES @ 1950 until the market clearly contradicts this forecast. The ES may decline further next week with a possible dip to 1780 – 1790 but that most likely would be a good area to start stacking longs. Next week will give a better idea of intent. I am guessing that the market is gearing up for the next FOMC meeting (April 29-30). The market wants (needs!) MOAR Q.E!!

ES @ 1811.50
GC @ 1318.4

Super Mario warns people have too much money

Draghi Euro Warning Looms as ECB Debates Policy Measures

“The strengthening of the exchange rate requires further monetary stimulus,”

Super Mario is bothered by the fact that you can buy more things with your hard earned money and he is going to fix this by doing what any idiot can fact, even a parrot can be trained to “Print money and keep interest rates artificially low”.

With inflation at about a quarter of the ECB’s goal, the currency’s almost 6 percent gain against the dollar in the past year is further jeopardizing price stability by cheapening imports and hurting exporters.

This is nothing but establishment media economic mumbo-jumbo. One country’s exports are another country’s imports. Super Mario isn’t the only lunatic who can create currency out of thin air, so there can be no possible competitive advantage. It’s all a big con.

How can exporters be hurt? Exporters that use imported raw materials benefit from declining input costs because they can then lower the price of their final goods and still be competitive. Inflation only benefits the state and the politically connected, it hurts everyone else.

How can having more purchasing power be bad? Think about it. Let’s say it takes you exactly 5 days of work to earn enough money to buy the very latest Smartphone. Now, because of increased purchasing power, you only need to work 4 days. You have now gained an extra day’s purchasing power. You can now buy something else with it, perhaps a nice pub lunch. The people who benefit from the increase in purchasing power are you, the Smartphone retailer and the publican.

Well Super Mario doesn’t like this. He wants to devalue your currency so that you now have to work 6 days to buy a Smartphone. The way he robs you of your purchasing power is by creating more currency out of thin air. He calls this “stimulus”. The truth is, it’s an inflation tax.

Think about it this way and you will see the reality for what it is: Super Mario could rob you of your purchasing power by taking the money you’ve earned directly from you. He could simply say that after you have worked for 4 days you can buy your Smartphone and all the money you earn for the next 2 days must be paid directly to him. But this would be politically unpopular. It is much better for him and the establishment media to convince you that inflation is good for you and have you so terrified of deflation that you practically beg him to take away your purchasing power. But make no mistake; Inflation is a transfer of purchasing power FROM you TO The Government. It is stealth TAX not a stimulus.

The elevated rhetoric, echoed by other ECB officials, was a theme of weekend meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank that global policy makers used to urge European officials to address lackluster inflation before it turns into Japanese-style deflation.

I know it is hard to believe, but this is NOT a picture of the devastating effects of deflation in Japan. It is a picture of the destruction caused by a tsunami in Japan.


These next two pictures show the utterly devastating effects of deflation in Japan and it is terrifying!




Accelerating Inflation Adds to Signs U.S. Improving

Consumer prices accelerated in March as Americans paid a bit more for food and rent, adding to signs that demand is improving in the world’s largest economy.

More economic mumbo-jumbo from the establishment media. Consumers paying more for rent and food is made to look as if it is good news! Only a retarded modern economist or Government apologist could believe this sh!t.

Paying more for your rent and food is a sign that demand is improving? How on earth do they figure that? Are they suggesting that when food prices rise people eat more? When the landlord tells you he is increasing your rent do you thank him for the good news and ask him if he has a bigger place that you can rent now that prices are going up?

Don't be a retard. Inflation makes you poorer not richer. Nominal gains mean zero! It is an illusion to make you think you are getting richer.

Inflation - The truth

Accelerating Inflation Adds to Signs U.S. Improving

Paying more for your rent and food is a sign that demand is improving? How on earth do they figure that?

Let's see how the Government apologists and establishment economists explain this one...with more economic mumbo-jumbo no doubt...

Burger King’s Big King Hamburger Gets a Chicken Makeover

As beef prices have increased significantly over the last 20 years or so consumption has gone down,” he said. “Chicken is growing in consumption quite a lot.”

The TRUTH about inflation is contained right there in that quote, which can be stated simply as:

Prices go UP = Demand goes DOWN.​

Understanding Monetary Chaos | Joseph T. Salerno

Inflation...Deflation...does the establishment media baffle you with their economic mumbo-jumbo?

Once you understand the history of money, you will understand why Government and the establishment media try to BRAINWASH you into believing that Inflation is good for you.

Just like religion, Keynesian Economics relies on indoctrination, but once you pull a thread everything unravels. Even asking a basic question like “Why are rising prices better for consumers than falling prices?” has you questioning what you hear and read from the establishment media.

This is an excellent podcast that might help you begin to understand the truth. It is from the only economic school that actually understands economics.

Understanding Monetary Chaos | Joseph T. Salerno

Some things covered in the podcast:

1) How consumers benefit from falling prices.
2) Why weakening a currency to boost exports is an economic myth.
3) Businesses are not hurt by deflation.
4) Myths about the gold standard.
