Hi, G'Day, hola ...
You fellas seem to be trading the open on the ES using a gap method. Haven't seen you mention the gap of what? (yesterday's close against today's open?)
Also, price action during that portion of the day is often pretty rowdy. As in wild price swings, no apparent trend but 4 & 5 point price bars, and so on. Yet you don't mention those issues in any of your posts. ???
At any rate, I am also an ES guy and find anything along those lines worth a read.
Noticed mention of the phsycological side of trading. Seems as if I've observed that in myself and have just recently gained some ground in that area.
Also, coincidentally, trading price and volume seem to be winning out with fewer indicators.
Have to agree with you also on time & price being a bit difficult to ascertain what is being portrayed.
I've attached a 5 min chart from Friday 3/19 and the 2 trades I took. Price started running, volume was present, I hit 2 - 1 pt trades. I should also say, I only get to watch the market the first hour or so and the last hour or so.
Putting all those concepts together mentioned above seems to have improved my trading. Of course, now that I mention it, my results will probably tank...
Glad to see your inward retrospect seems to be the guiding principle and being able to react to it in a positive way shows the pursuit of a trader trying to learn and grow.
Can you put up a chart of a trade?