Hello All,
Ive been trading for 7 years now, mostly swing trading. I tried day trading via spreadbets in 2006 when the market was dropping like stone. Made easy money on the way down thinking it was simple, but then lost it all back and then some until i finally decided to stop as my loosing streak was getting out of control.
Anyways the system I was using back then was the system I am still using today. Im trading the DOW in the evenings only btw. Simple system of identifying flags/pennants/ranges and entering sometimes agressively with a position in the direction of the prevailing daily trend. Will post some charts later to show the setups im taking.
Anyways have been day trading the dow on a daily basis since June. Ive attached my equity curve.
I would like others who also day trade to post their equity curve. I want to see what kind of drawdowns you are experiencing and the rate of ascent.
My first drawdown was 64% which I must admit is pretty high. However this was due to a very bad run which I was mostly to blame for as my system should have been adjusted to accomadate for the choppy conditions of August and early October, and also for not reducing position size when things were turning sour.
The equity curve has been plotted with 5 months of real data, which is my daily profit or loss.
Apparantly 95% of day traders lose in the long run. So im assuming 5 months of data does not prove that I will continue to be able to day trade over the long term. How much data is required before you are no longer in the short term box and in the long term 5% that win box?
BTW I use no indictors and no volume. Just pure unadulterated price action only and a bit of the all important SME added into the mix. For some reason I have yet to come across anyone that trades like this with a day trading system. They all use some kind of system which involves indictors..Which to this date I still find baffling...?

Ive been trading for 7 years now, mostly swing trading. I tried day trading via spreadbets in 2006 when the market was dropping like stone. Made easy money on the way down thinking it was simple, but then lost it all back and then some until i finally decided to stop as my loosing streak was getting out of control.
Anyways the system I was using back then was the system I am still using today. Im trading the DOW in the evenings only btw. Simple system of identifying flags/pennants/ranges and entering sometimes agressively with a position in the direction of the prevailing daily trend. Will post some charts later to show the setups im taking.
Anyways have been day trading the dow on a daily basis since June. Ive attached my equity curve.
I would like others who also day trade to post their equity curve. I want to see what kind of drawdowns you are experiencing and the rate of ascent.
My first drawdown was 64% which I must admit is pretty high. However this was due to a very bad run which I was mostly to blame for as my system should have been adjusted to accomadate for the choppy conditions of August and early October, and also for not reducing position size when things were turning sour.
The equity curve has been plotted with 5 months of real data, which is my daily profit or loss.
Apparantly 95% of day traders lose in the long run. So im assuming 5 months of data does not prove that I will continue to be able to day trade over the long term. How much data is required before you are no longer in the short term box and in the long term 5% that win box?
BTW I use no indictors and no volume. Just pure unadulterated price action only and a bit of the all important SME added into the mix. For some reason I have yet to come across anyone that trades like this with a day trading system. They all use some kind of system which involves indictors..Which to this date I still find baffling...?

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