What happened to his signal providing service? (I was so disappointed last time I checked the performance)
Apparently he closed it to do more 'R&D', I imagine seminars are easier work though.
What happened to his signal providing service? (I was so disappointed last time I checked the performance)
Apparently he closed it to do more 'R&D', I imagine seminars are easier work though.
Anymore folks here who'd like to troll this thread to the death and make assumption after bleedin' assumption.
I tell you what, guys. You have assumed so much but you can't prove a thing. You have never ever used the Matrix, never read/heard the entire material and judging by all the bitterness here, have obviously been ripped off BIGTIME by con merchants in the past. But you are trying to kill the thread of an innocent messenger here who means well and nothing less.
I don't give a monkeys what Tom Hougaard does with his trading. I actually know for a fact, he's crap at intraday trading and truth be told, he's admitted that it isn't his forte either. He prefers to trade positions over multi-day periods or month which he's better at doing. He certainly doesn't use the Matrix in his daytrading, that's a certainty!
pboyles....89 copies?? Please enlighten further.
As for Mr Leopard. You call me a liar and a fool? Please prove to me that you are a successful trader and I promise I will do likewise. You need to walk the talk, buddy and back up your claims conclusively.
Let someone independently referee a trading contest between both of us for 2 weeks and let's see who can back up their claim to be a successful trader. I will even give you the chance to trade the instrument of your choice and I'll trade that too (alongside my own preferred instruments) as long as it is a fairly decent liquid market.
The winner's profits will be donated to a worthy charity. I'm sure many posters and viewers on these forums would very much enjoy the entertainment value, have a laugh and perhaps some will finally learn that true consistent & successful traders do really exist out there who don't need to rely on luck, hope or deception.
So Mr Leopard, are you up for the challenge? You can enlist the help of the legendary pboyles and the master arrow shooter too. Three heads should in theory be better than my one foolish decieving head, don't you think.
Let me know the time and the place you prefer to start the challenge and maybe you or your enlisted helpers could advise on a camera crew who can film the whole event, Live. Don't worry, I'll pay for the filming and venue costs so there is absolutely no additional pressure or any potential excuses about a bad performance due to any particular negative bias.
If I lose the challenge, I'll fulfil your request and will gift you my entire Matrix Collection for free. I'll have a picture taken at the time of handing over the gift to you and you can frame it proudly on the wall in your own living room. Think of the wonderful trading tales and exploits you'll be able to tell your offspring about. How you hands-down, beat this online dope who insisted on selling a useless collection of trading trash claiming it was worth a fortune. You'll be the ultimate Champ and legend in your town/city.
Honestly, can i be any fairer or generous than that. 😱)
Hey, I'm just as fed up as everyone else of all the pretenders out there who offer "this and that" and claim "one or the other" but in reality, their primary or majority of earnings come from anything but trading the markets themselves.
What I will state loud and clear here is that during the challenge, I will not have a losing day. I may have a losing trade or two within the trading day but never a losing day let alone a losing week as long as pboyles doesn't ambush me on my trading chair or the Master Archer doesn't fire his deadly arrows at my trading screen to distract me. ;o)
Oh..and please don't say "If he were that bleedin' good why isn't he on the rich list or working for a top Hedge Fund/IB?". In the former case, give it good time, I'm working on it. Should be thereabouts once I'm in my 40s. Whilst in the latter case, perhaps one should think why should I work for anyone at all if I can trade so well. Being one's own boss is the everyone's dream isn't it.
One last thing. If I win, I promise to teach you and your enlisters my trading methods at no cost at all. I will do my utmost to ensure you learn my trading methods thoroughly and once you are comfortable trading the strategy, all I will request is that you pay me 10% of your profits each month.
If you are unable to earn a successful living from trading the system (even my dreaded mother-in-law has become an accomplished trader due to what I taught her - erm...wife threatened me if I didn't) I will teach you, then it is highly adviseable to ditch trading altogether and take up another career or hobby.
I don't think anyone will ever be able to offer you better deal than that.
Any suggestions on rules and other conditions for the challenge are most welcome. So how about it, lads?
Oh, and no paper trading allowed. Got to be real money involved. Any tw*at can paper trade. Having your own money on the line is the litmus test. If any of you particpants don't have a funded account to trade with but still post regularly on these forums, well obviously then, the emperor has no clothes!
pboyles....89 copies?? Please enlighten further.
I will start posting my calls from tomorrow onwards but it will not for the purpose of selling my collection. I’d rather just get to know some more fellow traders and perhaps build life-long friendships. I haven’t posted on the financial forums/boards for years. Maybe it’s a good time to get back to it on a part-time basis. I do miss the banter. 🙂
Sarcastic points taken, pboyles. 👍
As for the Leopard, I’m not prepared to waste my time with you anymore. It doesn’t matter what I say and how reasonable I’m trying to be, your keyboard warrior attitude reeks of one who’s intent on picking a fight. If you’re happy with how you’re trading, then stop trolling my thread and get on with your own grafting. 🙁
You’re the one who started the BS in the first place with your snarky comment of my Matrix collection as being worthless. It may be worthless to you but there are others like myself who do value the material.
I guarantee if someone ever created a 100% win-win strategy that was impossible to fail, they’d still be a few moaners like you who’d want to criticise it for all its worth. It’s just in the nature of some sad human beings to moan, moan and forever moan.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you’ve got a beef with what I’m about to say next, too but I no longer care. 😛
Right ladies and gents, nasty trolls aside, I can show no more goodwill and sincerity of my good intentions than the following which not even Steve Copan and his merry band have ever offered to do.
Forget the Delta Phenomenon book I was originally selling. That is no longer part of the collection as quite honestly, the Market Matrix already encompasses that information and builds upon it with much further accuracy.
The items now for sale are the Market Matrix book, the accompanying Matrix CDs and the Nexus Simple Trading Techniques book.
I have REDUCED the price again because I know times are very hard for a lot of people in the current economic climate. But I am not willing to reduce it anymore after today. My price is now FINAL for the benefit of those potential purchasers who are still seriously interested.
Steve Copan's Market Matrix Book, Nexus Trading & Matrix CDs | eBay
Furthermore, if any forthcoming buyer is not satisfied with the collection, then provided they have read, understood and tried applying the knowledge contained within the material, if they still remain unhappy with the Matrix information and are unable to develop a profitable trading strategy from it, they will be entitled to return the items back to me and I will issue a prompt refund of their payment.
The buyer will be given 50 full days to absorb and implement the ideas & strategies contained within the materials. If after this period they feel the collection did not live up to their reasonable expectations, then they have the right to request a refund after the 50 day “trial period” and I will oblige with their request immediately. May I remind the buyer to please, please respect all copyright laws.
Given all the above, it is clear to see, I have no intention of flogging useless/worthless material to potential buyers. I don’t want anyone to feel they are risking their hard earned money on a collection that might disappoint, once purchased. With the reassurance of a refund policy, this is a no-lose situation for any buyer. This thread will remain proof of this promise by me. :innocent:
On the other hand, if the items remained unsold by the end of the month, I will not bother relisting them on eBay again and will completely remove them from sale. No doubt, such a situation would be very pleasing for the “usual suspects”.
Good day all.
p.s. ZEN archer, I will start posting my calls from tomorrow onwards but it will not for the purpose of selling my collection. I’d rather just get to know some more fellow traders and perhaps build life-long friendships. I haven’t posted on the financial forums/boards for years. Maybe it’s a good time to get back to it on a part-time basis. I do miss the banter. 🙂
Steve Copan's Market Matrix Book, Nexus Trading & Matrix CDs | eBay
Sarcastic points taken, pboyles. 👍
As for the Leopard, I’m not prepared to waste my time with you anymore. It doesn’t matter what I say and how reasonable I’m trying to be, your keyboard warrior attitude reeks of one who’s intent on picking a fight. If you’re happy with how you’re trading, then stop trolling my thread and get on with your own grafting. 🙁
You’re the one who started the BS in the first place with your snarky comment of my Matrix collection as being worthless. It may be worthless to you but there are others like myself who do value the material.
I guarantee if someone ever created a 100% win-win strategy that was impossible to fail, they’d still be a few moaners like you who’d want to criticise it for all its worth. It’s just in the nature of some sad human beings to moan, moan and forever moan.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you’ve got a beef with what I’m about to say next, too but I no longer care. 😛
Right ladies and gents, nasty trolls aside, I can show no more goodwill and sincerity of my good intentions than the following which not even Steve Copan and his merry band have ever offered to do.
Forget the Delta Phenomenon book I was originally selling. That is no longer part of the collection as quite honestly, the Market Matrix already encompasses that information and builds upon it with much further accuracy.
The items now for sale are the Market Matrix book, the accompanying Matrix CDs and the Nexus Simple Trading Techniques book.
I have REDUCED the price again because I know times are very hard for a lot of people in the current economic climate. But I am not willing to reduce it anymore after today. My price is now FINAL for the benefit of those potential purchasers who are still seriously interested.
Steve Copan's Market Matrix Book, Nexus Trading & Matrix CDs | eBay
Furthermore, if any forthcoming buyer is not satisfied with the collection, then provided they have read, understood and tried applying the knowledge contained within the material, if they still remain unhappy with the Matrix information and are unable to develop a profitable trading strategy from it, they will be entitled to return the items back to me and I will issue a prompt refund of their payment.
The buyer will be given 50 full days to absorb and implement the ideas & strategies contained within the materials. If after this period they feel the collection did not live up to their reasonable expectations, then they have the right to request a refund after the 50 day “trial period” and I will oblige with their request immediately. May I remind the buyer to please, please respect all copyright laws.
Given all the above, it is clear to see, I have no intention of flogging useless/worthless material to potential buyers. I don’t want anyone to feel they are risking their hard earned money on a collection that might disappoint, once purchased. With the reassurance of a refund policy, this is a no-lose situation for any buyer. This thread will remain proof of this promise by me. :innocent:
On the other hand, if the items remained unsold by the end of the month, I will not bother relisting them on eBay again and will completely remove them from sale. No doubt, such a situation would be very pleasing for the “usual suspects”.
Good day all.
p.s. ZEN archer, I will start posting my calls from tomorrow onwards but it will not for the purpose of selling my collection. I’d rather just get to know some more fellow traders and perhaps build life-long friendships. I haven’t posted on the financial forums/boards for years. Maybe it’s a good time to get back to it on a part-time basis. I do miss the banter. 🙂
Steve Copan's Market Matrix Book, Nexus Trading & Matrix CDs | eBay
Since Steve Copan has made the content of the 1st CD of the 3 CD Market Matrix freely available on his website, it is a good time now to give a critique of his work
I want to say a few things about the Market Matrix.
In essence Steve repeats some solid scientific information with tools that do offer a poor application and do not reflect reality. Steve is very much a do as I do and not a do as I say or write kind of guy. So if you have to purchase his stuff, mute his voice and take screen prints, because underneath all that, there is valuable information
Here is the part of the Market Matrix that stands up to scrutiny, but also where it fails:
1) In the first chapter of CD 1, we have a connection between planetary motion and overall time periods that cause the cycles to repeat.
The theory or technique that Steve derived from the planetary motion is "cycles".
Now here is the problem with the theory:
The overall positioning of the points relies on finding the average position of the point. This is statistically a mistake, because an outlier can seriously affect the position of any point, even if you take 5 or more cycles of data.
The solution should be to take both the average and the median position of each point, and then use the distance between the two to estimate the shift of the points if the market is in an overall trending state.
Cycles repeat, and if they repeat in a closed physical system ( electromagnetic waves of any kind) YOU CAN NOT HAVE INVERSIONS !!!! - Think about that for a minute.
In Steve's book the cycles that are mentioned, which is not an exhaustive list all carry inversions at the start or the end of each cycle sequence. The 1st point of each cycle coincides with its greatest moves, but according to the Matrix, leaves the user with almost total uncertainty in terms of direction.
Here is my own research - for which I will not charge:
All cycles, regardless of duration are NON-Inverting, and here is a list of cycles that I have been privileged to find:
We will use Acronyms: Duration (D), No of Cycle Points (NOCP), Average Duration Of Cycle Point (ADOCP)
a) D = 4 hours , NOCP = 12, ADOCP = 20 min
b) D = 24 hours, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 1 hour
c) D = 24 hours, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 3 hours
d) D = 4 calendar days, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = 6 hours
e) D = 4 weeks, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 21 hours
f) D = 4 weeks, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 63 hours
g) D = 4 lunar months, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = 1 week and 6 hours
h) D = 12 lunar months, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = aprox 3 weeks
i) D = 4 earth years, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 2 Months
j) D = 4 earth years, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 6 Months
k) D = 1 metonic cycle (19 years and 5 hours?), NOCP = 16, ADOCP = aprox 61. 8 weeks
In terms of looking at NI cycles, it is interesting to note that if the chart is say in 20min, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour mode, weekly or monthly mode that these charts tend to leave users less confused, in terms of finding actionable trading signals.
The next theory I want to tackle from the matrix is Calendar days versus Trading days. Calendar day counts mirror counts of weekly bars, and the weekly chart is much closer to the Average Duration Of Cycle Point than the daily chart, so Calendar day counts is the only game in town as far as the market matrix is concerned.
A credible case for Traded days is when you count the no of bars in a 6 hour chart or 3 hour chart. This is an area that would need a team of people to explore this. - Maybe the forum could help here.
If you want to get in touch with me about the research that I have done. Please drop me a line through the forum
Best regards
Since Steve Copan has made the content of the 1st CD of the 3 CD Market Matrix freely available on his website, it is a good time now to give a critique of his work
I want to say a few things about the Market Matrix.
In essence Steve repeats some solid scientific information with tools that do offer a poor application and do not reflect reality. Steve is very much a do as I do and not a do as I say or write kind of guy. So if you have to purchase his stuff, mute his voice and take screen prints, because underneath all that, there is valuable information
Here is the part of the Market Matrix that stands up to scrutiny, but also where it fails:
1) In the first chapter of CD 1, we have a connection between planetary motion and overall time periods that cause the cycles to repeat.
The theory or technique that Steve derived from the planetary motion is "cycles".
Now here is the problem with the theory:
The overall positioning of the points relies on finding the average position of the point. This is statistically a mistake, because an outlier can seriously affect the position of any point, even if you take 5 or more cycles of data.
The solution should be to take both the average and the median position of each point, and then use the distance between the two to estimate the shift of the points if the market is in an overall trending state.
Cycles repeat, and if they repeat in a closed physical system ( electromagnetic waves of any kind) YOU CAN NOT HAVE INVERSIONS !!!! - Think about that for a minute.
In Steve's book the cycles that are mentioned, which is not an exhaustive list all carry inversions at the start or the end of each cycle sequence. The 1st point of each cycle coincides with its greatest moves, but according to the Matrix, leaves the user with almost total uncertainty in terms of direction.
Here is my own research - for which I will not charge:
All cycles, regardless of duration are NON-Inverting, and here is a list of cycles that I have been privileged to find:
We will use Acronyms: Duration (D), No of Cycle Points (NOCP), Average Duration Of Cycle Point (ADOCP)
a) D = 4 hours , NOCP = 12, ADOCP = 20 min
b) D = 24 hours, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 1 hour
c) D = 24 hours, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 3 hours
d) D = 4 calendar days, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = 6 hours
e) D = 4 weeks, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 21 hours
f) D = 4 weeks, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 63 hours
g) D = 4 lunar months, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = 1 week and 6 hours
h) D = 12 lunar months, NOCP = 16, ADOCP = aprox 3 weeks
i) D = 4 earth years, NOCP = 24, ADOCP = 2 Months
j) D = 4 earth years, NOCP = 8, ADOCP = 6 Months
k) D = 1 metonic cycle (19 years and 5 hours?), NOCP = 16, ADOCP = aprox 61. 8 weeks
In terms of looking at NI cycles, it is interesting to note that if the chart is say in 20min, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour mode, weekly or monthly mode that these charts tend to leave users less confused, in terms of finding actionable trading signals.
The next theory I want to tackle from the matrix is Calendar days versus Trading days. Calendar day counts mirror counts of weekly bars, and the weekly chart is much closer to the Average Duration Of Cycle Point than the daily chart, so Calendar day counts is the only game in town as far as the market matrix is concerned.
A credible case for Traded days is when you count the no of bars in a 6 hour chart or 3 hour chart. This is an area that would need a team of people to explore this. - Maybe the forum could help here.
If you want to get in touch with me about the research that I have done. Please drop me a line through the forum
Best regards