Emini S&P Futures Question


Hi guys, I'm new to daytrading. Looking to learn as much as I can. I'm kind of confused with the pricing of the emini futures S&P. Is it $50 a contract no matter what the price and you make your gain/loss off of the price change? For example, if you buy 1 contract at 950, and sell at 951, you made $50? Thanks in advance!
From: E-mini S&P - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The notional value of one contract is US$50 times the value of the S&P 500 stock index"

So yes, if you're going long and open at 950 and close at 951, you've made $50 minus fees.

The big S&P is $250 times the index, but it is only pit traded.

Ok, thanks for the response. So, when the emini is at 925, or 950, or whatever price, I'm always paying $50 per contract?
yes, remember that while each handle (full point) moves your account $50, price moves in 25c increments, meaning a change to your PnL of $12.50 per car (contract) for each movement
Mnkgriff, you do understand that you would profit 50 dollars per point, and 12.50 per tick, not pay that for the contract? You keep using paying in your questions, so I was thinking you might be confused. One contract at most brokerages now, requires 6,000 dollar margin, and 500 dollars for day trading margin.