

Have traded in various London/Essex arcades for several years and am looking for a move abroad to Aus, NZ or US. I principally trade Eurex products and some CBOT.
Has anyone looked into a move to any of these places, and found any one of them to be particuarly good or bad?
Any help and hints much appreciated
Connectivity really, as would like to live any of the three places. Don't really want to ask in my office, but cannot seem to find any info on arcades in these places, also stuff like limits, margins etc. Being able to conect to my clearer in the UK would be ideal, though the trading hours would be pretty awful in the US, which would leave Aus and NZ. Have no idea about lag etc when trading from so far away?
a nice, not so well known alternative to all three would be Italy (with its 12% fixed tax on trading profits) and switzerland (international by nature, and probably plenty of arcades)
How about emigrating to the isle of man? All the good bits of Britain, very few of the bad bits, slightly less evil tax, etc etc...
i know a few guys who have moved far far away.

Canada and Aus

but both of them trade non speed essential contracts, so no bor or sterling spreads, if you do want to trade spreads then move to the US of A and trade the Eurodollar, i am sure you wont get any lag.

GL mini
why would you want to come here for trading? high tax rate and terrible time-zone. Also, I hear connectivity to eurex is no good for very quick scalpers. Australia is nice for a holiday but not for trading (unless you wanna come trade the SPI).

Considered Dubai? Singapore?
thanks for replies everyone, certainly given me some useful info. Move would be more for a better lifestyle, with much less size, money and time spent trading.
thanks for replies everyone, certainly given me some useful info. Move would be more for a better lifestyle, with much less size, money and time spent trading.

I know a few guys who are trading eurex products out in australia, doing pretty well and not bad connections for trading, also a few guys moved to canada and say they are loving the lifestyle
a nice, not so well known alternative to all three would be Italy (with its 12% fixed tax on trading profits) and switzerland (international by nature, and probably plenty of arcades)

Does Italy class trading as income if that's all you do and therefore subject to income tax?
I'm looking for somewhere to move as well but it seems it's not possible without offshoring your money.
I would like to ask, quite serriousltly, what are the lifestyle issues you have in UK? If you can set out what problems you are looking to resolve, a solution might be easier to see.
I would like to ask, quite serriousltly, what are the lifestyle issues you have in UK? If you can set out what problems you are looking to resolve, a solution might be easier to see.

My main hobbies are skiing and diving and generally after having been in the UK for a while, I just fancy a change 🙂
Hence Spain like Sierra Nevada or other or somewhere close to the Alps :cheesy:
Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy offer both these, so might northern California.

For all I know, there may be advantages if self-supporting specifically from trading if you include Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Campione d'Italia (excuse the presumption, but I'm guessing Monaco is out of the question? - it is for me - at the moment.....).
thanks for replies everyone, certainly given me some useful info. Move would be more for a better lifestyle, with much less size, money and time spent trading.

Hi darr3n - What are you hoping to find / leave behind if you move?
What's so prohibitive about Monaco?? you don't need that much cash to settle down there.

Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy offer both these, so might northern California.

For all I know, there may be advantages if self-supporting specifically from trading if you include Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Campione d'Italia (excuse the presumption, but I'm guessing Monaco is out of the question? - it is for me - at the moment.....).
Bars are expensive throughout the French Riviera especially if you're a larger lout .... if you want bang for your buck personally I'd go for the old vin du table! And no joke, it is likely to be a lot better than the ****e you get in the supermarket over here!

Presumably all the bars and day to day fundamentals cost more because all the money in the area is driving the price up?
But.... how easy is it to move to a new place? Has anybody found it smoother if you've got captial? (ie/ at least a few hundred grand?)