Ellot wave


Junior member
I would like to have a elloit wave formula to use..like something the advanced get...i have looked at elliot wave count and signals, but i would love to have it with numbers.. ...

jensfrode said:
I would like to have a elloit wave formula to use..like something the advanced get...i have looked at elliot wave count and signals, but i would love to have it with numbers.. ...

think that comes with the knowledge of studying elliots wave and where to put them.
http://alphomegaew.com/ is the only MS plugin I know of, it can be trialed —
" Information. Return Policy: If you are not satisfied with the package within 10 days of the purchase, we will refund you." He's on holiday till Sep 6 so check with him after that date.

I don't use Alphomega, it's a massive addon having dozens of indicators, some trading methodology to apply with everything that's available plus instructions on how to set things up. Definitely not plug-n-play, it'll take several days (weeks) to test and become familiar with all the bells, whistles and kitchen sinks included.

The problem as Dcarrigan points out, is that EW based trading " comes with the knowledge of studying elliots wave ", not from software. EW software either provides dozens of 'alternate' counts — Elwave and/or will change the count as the Price progresses; while it's acceptable to use software counts as a guide — even for clarification or a second opinion sometimes, one has to rely on being able to asses count/label the Price Movement oneself, which includes revising one's own count when necessary.

Use MS's Text tool to create 1 2 3 4 5 i ii iii iv v A B C a b c letters and apply them to chart Price Movements.
Elliott Waves

There is of course MTPredictor for sale on this very site but the trial period is NOT free and the package is to my mind expensive. IF it works then money well spent
Another site I had a look at some time ago was Elliottician.com. Great blurb but does it produce profits ??????
If you get it, perhaps you would let the rest of us know what you think ????