Elite S club 8

Yeah, you see, theres your problem Soc, no one actually wants too either.

Why don't you tell the truth and finally admit you are frantic about it ?

No one is going to think less of you for it, I promise.

The difficulty is that you have blotted your copybook, u c ?..:LOL:...too clever for your own good you are...
Cheers Soc, thanks for winning me a bet. You are even more predictable than your own hype. Oh and if by copybook you mean my joining of citybulls, well, if you can't see that for what it was then your even worse off than expected. Now run along and stop disturbing my thread, I'm staying out of yours, and no, you can't join our group.. so there :LOL:

“Hilda Ogden headband”, “nice club”. Wasn’t on Canal Street, was it?


I like your humour.

Cheers Soc, thanks for winning me a bet. You are even more predictable than your own hype. Oh and if by copybook you mean my joining of citybulls, well, if you can't see that for what it was then your even worse off than expected. Now run along and stop disturbing my thread, I'm staying out of yours, and no, you can't join our group.. so there :LOL:

All of it is your loss though you may not know it...he he..
All of it is your loss though you may not know it...he he..

You know, I sat in the garden last night, overlooking Auckland city skyline, sipping Cristal and thinking just the same thing... How ever could I survive/trade/live without your little club :eek:

How did I afford to emigrate and buy this jacuzzi as I am a member of T2W and obviously a dunce and a moron and non profitable. how could I do it all without being a part of a made up silly cult/group/club then of course it hit me... I live in reality :cheesy:
Oh and BTW, ATLANTIC GHOST/Bulldozer, I know how excited you get about thread views and posts, and I think you'll notice this thread has had more hits than Socs latest thread in ooh, half the time... isn't that exciting, but don't worry, I'm not getting too excited, becuase, well basically, I have a life! :cheesy:
Oh and BTW, ATLANTIC GHOST/Bulldozer, I know how excited you get about thread views and posts, and I think you'll notice this thread has had more hits than Socs latest thread in ooh, half the time... isn't that exciting, but don't worry, I'm not getting too excited, becuase, well basically, I have a life! :cheesy:

Bully sends his compliments to you and wishes you to know he is very contented and satisfied because he has nine lives, not one. But he also says, and I agree with him that admission to the real club, the Elite34S Club which incidentally does not attract membership fees, is out of the question as far as you are concerned. Shame, because you started off very well and then you blotted your copybook by incurring the displeasure of your elders and betters, so now you have to content yourself with circumstances of your own doing...you are funny, you make us laugh and laugh:LOL:
Bully sends his compliments to you and wishes you to know he is very contented and satisfied because he has nine lives, not one. But he also says, and I agree with him that admission to the real club, the Elite34S Club which incidentally does not attract membership fees, is out of the question as far as you are concerned. Shame, because you started off very well and then you blotted your copybook by incurring the displeasure of your elders and betters, so now you have to content yourself with circumstances of your own doing...you are funny, you make us laugh and laugh:LOL:

Yeah, you see, theres your problem Soc, no one actually wants too either.

You know, I sat in the garden last night, overlooking Auckland city skyline, sipping Cristal and thinking just the same thing... How ever could I survive/trade/live without your little club :eek:

How did I afford to emigrate and buy this jacuzzi as I am a member of T2W and obviously a dunce and a moron and non profitable. how could I do it all without being a part of a made up silly cult/group/club then of course it hit me... I live in reality :cheesy:

If you need some reading lessons Soc, I know a great English teacher ;)
Yes very simple....hahaha....you lose...I win (as usual). Obvious innit ?:LOL:

Jesus Christ Soc, are you still going. Please, go out and get laid, drunk or in a fight, do something, all this internet time is not good for you.

I'm sure in your little world you have won, but to the rest of us its, as podG says 'bleedin' obvious yada yada yada....'

This is getting as pointless and boring as the Journey from the basement thread. your a moron, I'm a dunce, my dads bigger than yours, come and have a go If you think your hard enough.... etc.

I'm no longer interested as I can't even win money as everyone can predict your response and I've no one to bet against, its all known in advance you see...

Now, when you reply, please try and be a tad more original for a change.

Ed: Oh, and if all this is for the sake of the att. - you were even more predictable than anyone ever thought and you will get nothing but dunces yet, if you guys need the 400 quid entrance fee's that much... :rolleyes:


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Yeah, you see, theres your problem Soc, no one actually wants too either.

but they do want to know, therein lies the problem because they will never find out so they become rude, naughty & disruptive.
In case you missed it, Albert . . .

Multinicks 50 points, valid permanently

Clocking up 50 points (either within 10 days or all at once) gives an instant, permanent ban. So, to give you an idea - one multinick is instant ban