Read Chomsky's piece in the Guardian on Friday for a decent snap shot, the US don't fear revolution, they fear liberation across the M.East. A re-set to zero for these economies and political systems would be devestating to US interests. En masse if these countries and economies turf out the US interests, and use their mineral wealth principally for their own development, the USA is fooked.
Today in Egypt, as the banks re-open, you can only take out approx. 8K per day, there's a re-set for the wealthy elite right there. If they didn't see this coming, and escape with their loot, the middle and upper classes are only 8K away from the poorest. The Mubareks transported the usual crate loads of sovereign gold out of the country by private charter 3 weeks back, they knew this was looming.
Big issue is whether the CIA and MI6 can get the Egyptian army onside with their usual bribes, if they can't buy the army and install a military junta (and don't be fooled that is the "orderly transition" the US and global elite want) then we live in interesting times.
The failure of the system in 2007-2008 has been made worse by the patheitc remedies causing the hyper inflationary spikes in basic food stuffs and commodities, that few trillions created by The Bernank, after it was fed into the fractional reserve goo gaa machine, has had the type of unforseen consequences we now witness. However, by using the various economic game play theories and models the US powers and elite cling to, they knew this would happen, which makes it even more ironic that they're now a 'friend' of Egypt..I hope ordinary Egyptians arent fooled, that country should not be *poor*..They have been ripped off systemactically for decades.