
Maybe the protestors will give Mubarak a deal to return the money he stole off the people in return for a cosy retirement.

What? Are you saying that he stole all that money?
I just thought that he had been working a second job at McDonalds and saving his pennies.
Just had McDonalds, what a disgusting experience. Those f--kers hassle you the instant you walk in the door, you get 1 picosecond to decide what you want before "CAN I HELP YOU???". Then the woman messed up my order repeatedly.
Read Chomsky's piece in the Guardian on Friday for a decent snap shot, the US don't fear revolution, they fear liberation across the M.East. A re-set to zero for these economies and political systems would be devestating to US interests. En masse if these countries and economies turf out the US interests, and use their mineral wealth principally for their own development, the USA is fooked.

Today in Egypt, as the banks re-open, you can only take out approx. 8K per day, there's a re-set for the wealthy elite right there. If they didn't see this coming, and escape with their loot, the middle and upper classes are only 8K away from the poorest. The Mubareks transported the usual crate loads of sovereign gold out of the country by private charter 3 weeks back, they knew this was looming.

Big issue is whether the CIA and MI6 can get the Egyptian army onside with their usual bribes, if they can't buy the army and install a military junta (and don't be fooled that is the "orderly transition" the US and global elite want) then we live in interesting times.
The failure of the system in 2007-2008 has been made worse by the patheitc remedies causing the hyper inflationary spikes in basic food stuffs and commodities, that few trillions created by The Bernank, after it was fed into the fractional reserve goo gaa machine, has had the type of unforseen consequences we now witness. However, by using the various economic game play theories and models the US powers and elite cling to, they knew this would happen, which makes it even more ironic that they're now a 'friend' of Egypt..I hope ordinary Egyptians arent fooled, that country should not be *poor*..They have been ripped off systemactically for decades.

When the dust settles the (ordinary) Egyptians wil realise they've been gamed...🙁
Fascinating to see what sort of democracy the Egyptians, Tunisians etc opt for

They may look around the world and think of copying the better points of the most successful systems. Or will some new ogre of a dictator seize power right from under their very noses ? The road to democracy is indeed a painful process. We defeated our despot King in 1643 and are still trying to evolve into a humantarian and good system that isn't too incompetent.

When it emerges through leaks that about half the members of Parliament were robbing the public purse via expenses, it really makes one wonder what is it all about ?
When it emerges through leaks that about half the members of Parliament were robbing the public purse via expenses, it really makes one wonder what is it all about ?

I suppose that you have to have a system that acknowledges that people are weak and human and not perfect or probably perfectable.

So you build in lots of checks and balances, and this usually means that it is not 100% "efficient". You have to build in a certain amount of so-called "inefficiency", but the cut-to-the-bone zealots never seem to understand this, or want to, more like. One of my hobbyhorses is the cuts to the Revenue in the name of "efficiency" that have made the service worse, and I've seen it in the workplace time and again.
They may have arrived at a very important crossroads but there will be strong internal and external pressures to contend with that push and pull in many different directions.

Oh yes they will need more than luck and may indeed not be on the intended path of their choice. I agree Monty that there should be checks and balances but it takes time to get them into place.

We shall see
A positive sign is that the Muslim Brotherhood, at least the spokesmen they allow on to Newsnight, seem not unreasonable. This is not Iran (yet).

What seems to be missing is a liberal secular grouping, not in the thrall of the USA or Israel, or of any other external power, to form an alternative popular party.

The military have said they will keep out, but they will certainly step in if it drifts into chaos.
A positive sign is that the Muslim Brotherhood, at least the spokesmen they allow on to Newsnight, seem not unreasonable. This is not Iran (yet).

What seems to be missing is a liberal secular grouping, not in the thrall of the USA or Israel, or of any other external power, to form an alternative popular party.

The military have said they will keep out, but they will certainly step in if it drifts into chaos.

The army is the establishment in Egypt and that's how it'll remain, the US/UK (CIA, MI6) have helicoptered in the nec/cash and guarantees to get the job done and no doubt ensured the Mubareks' safety and wealth. There'll be a token surrender of a couple of bil and the return of a portion the country's sovereign gold to help make that trail go dead.

Mubarek (may) have plundered 50bl+, but he did it with their (army) help and permission. The asset wealth of the army in Egypt is breathtaking, their plundering has no doubt been of equal comparison.

The global elite must be overjoyed with this transformation/outcome so far, it's an absolute dream..

The global elite must be overjoyed with this transformation/outcome so far, it's an absolute dream..

I beg to differ BS.
Mubarak has held Egypt togethor but under fairly tight control for 30 years after Sadat was assinated. Although a thieving greedy fellow he did in other respects do well in having a relatively peaceful country imho.
OK time for a change but should the change spread it must be worrying the leaders of Syria, Jordan, Iran, Morroco, Algeria, Yemen, North Korea etc.

The global elite mainly want peace and stability for business to flourish. Hopefully the " hotheads " will vent their anger and frustration in more peaceable otlets like sport and allow change to happen. Their disposition towards violence gives the dictators the valid excuse for repression and restraint.
A positive sign is that the Muslim Brotherhood, at least the spokesmen they allow on to Newsnight, seem not unreasonable. This is not Iran (yet).

The Brotherhood ?

Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Fascinating to see what sort of democracy the Egyptians, Tunisians etc opt for

They may look around the world and think of copying the better points of the most successful systems. Or will some new ogre of a dictator seize power right from under their very noses ? The road to democracy is indeed a painful process. We defeated our despot King in 1643 and are still trying to evolve into a humantarian and good system that isn't too incompetent.

When it emerges through leaks that about half the members of Parliament were robbing the public purse via expenses, it really makes one wonder what is it all about ?

Bring back Oliver and his baldy mates. That will sort out bent MP's and the Euro Mp's with their snouts in the trough. Might as well send Camilla et al to a nice council estate and sell off Buck Palace to a consortium of affordable housing builders:whistling
Its all about " who gets what "

The rulers have always taken " the lions share " claiming Divine Right or some such nonsense. The reality is that they have done/given just enough to keep the mob at bay -
until recently in Arab lands and are paying the consequences.

Their greed may well cause their destruction

I expect they have feathered a nice comfy nest somewhere like Switzerland
Its all about " who gets what "

The rulers have always taken " the lions share " claiming Divine Right or some such nonsense. The reality is that they have done/given just enough to keep the mob at bay -
until recently in Arab lands and are paying the consequences.

Their greed may well cause their destruction

I expect they have feathered a nice comfy nest somewhere like Switzerland

That would be sensible. Switzerland is lovely. 🙂
That would be sensible. Switzerland is lovely. 🙂

Some people do anything, overlook any embarrassing facts etc. for MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY

Their consciences are kept well under control

whether it be Nazi gold, international crime, Somali pirates, evil tyrants etc.

despicable really
Some people do anything, overlook any embarrassing facts etc. for MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY

Their consciences are kept well under control

whether it be Nazi gold, international crime, Somali pirates, evil tyrants etc.

despicable really

I wasn't being serious 🙄.
I think the pro democracy/human rights protests should be congratulated and wished every success
