Efficient Trading Team


Legendary member
Who would you include to ensure a slick operation.
Assuming methodology produces continuous signal stream.


Two trade callers/analysts.
Two trade executors.
One I T operative.
One programmer.

Has anyone any experience of this kind of set up.
If I were to assemble a team, I wouldn't want to see any programmer anywhere near me. Instead I would surround myself with people who can assimilate all the BS bias very quickly, be aware what is today's fashionable story and execute trades at S/R levels accordingly. I want people who don't shilly shally, I want people who take lots of trades and do not hesitate. I want people who understand simple statistics.


1- people with balls

2- people who understand stats

3- people who don't care about being right

4- people who are good at smelling BS

5- people who pull the trigger

don't want

1- people who brag about taking 13 pips from 150 pip moves

2- programmers

3- mechanical traders

4- indicators

5- people who read trading psychology books😀

6- people who use words like 'pros' and 'big boys'😴
depends on what you're trading and how you're trading imho.

Btw why is this thread in the psychology section?


Mainly Forex, continuous rotating signals. Multi timeframe.

I did think about why this section and figured that a group psychology may be different than an individual trader.

Also it's a quieter part of the board and thread may get buried if placed elsewhere.

A few people you may want to consider

A psychologist - not just to help understand emotions, but also devleop focusing strategies.

A yoga/meditation coach to encourage a calmer/organinsed approach to the day.
Team ? - what team?

If I were to assemble a team, I wouldn't want to see any programmer anywhere near me. Instead I would surround myself with people who can assimilate all the BS bias very quickly, be aware what is today's fashionable story and execute trades at S/R levels accordingly. I want people who don't shilly shally, I want people who take lots of trades and do not hesitate. I want people who understand simple statistics.


1- people with balls

2- people who understand stats

3- people who don't care about being right

4- people who are good at smelling BS

5- people who pull the trigger

don't want

1- people who brag about taking 13 pips from 150 pip moves

2- programmers

3- mechanical traders

4- indicators

5- people who read trading psychology books😀

6- people who use words like 'pros' and 'big boys'😴

We all know what happens with committees - bugg**rall and no decisions let alone action. Plenty of talk and when you do finally get a decision, even if it is (was) anywhere remotely near correct, it will be too late.

What you need is one talented person ie the trader, with all the plus qualities above and none of the negatives. I'm still trying.

Could this be why so few succeed big time?
OK to expand on this...why split out the various functions of trading ?

The answer to me is to become more like a production line...keep on splitting out until maximum efficiency is achieved. Additionally if the team members are only tasked with certain functions, then you achieve enough cross over to cover any eventualities whilst maintaining the shape.

So, traders/analysts make the decisions.
trade executors push the buttons.
programmer automates out as far as possible the need for human decision making.
I T keeps it all running smooth.

Woah, who makes the tea ?

Who would you include to ensure a slick operation.
Assuming methodology produces continuous signal stream.


Two trade callers/analysts.
Two trade executors.
One I T operative.
One programmer.

Has anyone any experience of this kind of set up.

I've often wondered if children would make better traders than adults. Take a 6 year old child and explain to him/her that it is a video game. Don't mention anything about money, instead tell them the idea is to get the direction right and make as many points as possible. That would be my team, a group of very bright 6 year old's.
I've often wondered if children would make better traders than adults. Take a 6 year old child and explain to him/her that it is a video game. Don't mention anything about money, instead tell them the idea is to get the direction right and make as many points as possible. That would be my team, a group of very bright 6 year old's.

A Fischer Price platform? Or maybe on the Wii? It's an interesting idea. If it was set up so that the player could not make a play without a stop and it did'nt last too long per session I don't doubt that some would get the hang of it. Quite different to the Wall Street Trader computer game (not that I would waste many hours trying beat such a thing :whistling). What would you call it?
There's no team in 'I' ! Sorry it's all that management speack about 'no I in team' etc.

Where money is concerned there will always be problems in a team. I like to think that I can control my destiny myself. (apart from when the wife tells me what to do) 🙄