Economic Cycle



I am new to trading and I understand the five phases of the Eco cycle, however I would like to confirm what cycle we are currently in. I believe from looking at the current sectors in the UK FTSE that we are in a phase of between 4-5, but can someone confirm this for me.

Much appreciated
I think we are in phase 11; as we have far surpassed 5 with the extensive fibonacci apparent in the market; the market wizards are plussing their stochastics and this means that potentially the pivot points will corrupt the mining data that should be coming out this week; Furthermore elliot wave practicioners have empathised that the market could be headed to a potential stage 12 if the current climate in oil deems sustainable; Furthermore the elusive STIRS are suggesting that the MACD is headed higher and this would suggest an inevitable crash in EMA's; Hence, economically the turmoil of the markets would economically cause a depression in eastern parts of the world including phase 11 of the UK.

Sorry if this was a bit complicated; i'm an advanced economical learning student.