ECN/STP broker with forex cfds commodities market depth



I'm new here so first let me say hello. I'm from Cape Town South Africa.

I'm looking for a good broker that charges RESSONABLE commissions for the trading of cfds, commodities, gold, silver, and of course forex pairs preferably an ECN/STP broker that can show market depth as well. I've been trading with a very bid US broker for a while but the commissions charged I feel are just too high given my level of trading even although I have a fair amount of capital to trade with.

Sorry I know this question is asked over and over again as I've read through a lot of these posts here but I have not found a suggestionf for any one broker that offers all of the above so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Oh sorry and stock index futures too.


Thanks for that info tar. I will take a look and I am taking a break this coming week so I will be able to spend some more time looking and investigating etc and will then be able to make a informed decision. It would appear that a lot of these brokers offer metatrader as a platform and I am not used to it. I currently trade with a very large US broker as I mentioned but the fees ar too high and I am now in the unfortunate position where my minimum maintenance margin has dropped below the minimum (mistake on my part) so I have decided to close the account and move my money elsewhere anyway mainly because of the fees. I have found one broker that is of interest to me but I am awatiging some input on another forum regarding their security of funds as they are in Europe but I will most certainly take a look at your suggestion.

It depends what u want to trade , US stocks , futures or cfds ? LMAX is a cfd exchange , for futures u can check velocity futures or global futures , for US stocks u can use choicetrade , also check Igmarkets which offers cfds and DMA equities .

Thank you again tar for the information. I mainly trade contracts for difference on all the major indices as well as on some individual stocks and some commodities it just depends on which of my trading systems gives me a valid signal really although the US and EU indices I would say are my instruments of choice mainly anyway and some forex sometimes. I have indeed looked at IG as they even have an office here in SA but looking at some of the broker review sites I am not seeing very good reports from users and I do not want a web based platform either so theyre off my list. Have you ever heard of a broker called Deltastock AD. That is the broker to which I was referring to in my previous post to you. I am spending quite a good deal of time on my break looking around and I keep coming back to this broker after looking at many other suggestions. I have looked at their fees and they suit me especially compared to what I am used to paying. I have a demo account and I am very happy with their platform too as the concept and order trypes are more or less what I am used to. My only concern is their location and security of funds. Even although I have a bad mistake of late my capital is still a fairly siseable amount so I need to be sure of this type of thing. I have asked this question about security of funds on annother forum but nobody has responded yet so I hope it is alright for me to ask it here too. I have spend a good deal of time looking at broker review sites and they either do not have any reviews on some sites and on others I am only fnding good things said about them but I know enough to know that some of these sites are not reliable of course. They are regulated with the MIFD and the FSA and I am just wondering how that protects me. I have looked at quite a few other broekrs as I say but they are all metatrader brokers for which I dont have time for although Deltastock also offers Metatrader their contracts for difference are offered in their proprietrary trading platform which as I have said I quite like so far.

Thank you again.


Thank you again tar for the information. I mainly trade contracts for difference on all the major indices as well as on some individual stocks and some commodities it just depends on which of my trading systems gives me a valid signal really although the US and EU indices I would say are my instruments of choice mainly anyway and some forex sometimes. I have indeed looked at IG as they even have an office here in SA but looking at some of the broker review sites I am not seeing very good reports from users and I do not want a web based platform either so theyre off my list. Have you ever heard of a broker called Deltastock AD. That is the broker to which I was referring to in my previous post to you. I am spending quite a good deal of time on my break looking around and I keep coming back to this broker after looking at many other suggestions. I have looked at their fees and they suit me especially compared to what I am used to paying. I have a demo account and I am very happy with their platform too as the concept and order trypes are more or less what I am used to. My only concern is their location and security of funds. Even although I have a bad mistake of late my capital is still a fairly siseable amount so I need to be sure of this type of thing. I have asked this question about security of funds on annother forum but nobody has responded yet so I hope it is alright for me to ask it here too. I have spend a good deal of time looking at broker review sites and they either do not have any reviews on some sites and on others I am only fnding good things said about them but I know enough to know that some of these sites are not reliable of course. They are regulated with the MIFD and the FSA and I am just wondering how that protects me. I have looked at quite a few other broekrs as I say but they are all metatrader brokers for which I dont have time for although Deltastock also offers Metatrader their contracts for difference are offered in their proprietrary trading platform which as I have said I quite like so far.

Thank you again.


IG is very good i use it myself and it is well known from 30 years , u can use their web platform and the L2 dealer software as well , and they r regulated by the fSA which means you r protected up to 50k pounds "it depends " , regarding Deltastock they r new and their own software freezes alot ...

Is this the same 'Dan' from 'that other forex forum' (FF)??? If so: now there's a coincidence i.e. I just joined this site today (it was recommended to me by someone) and only this morning did I respond to your questions about Deltastock. If not i.e. if it's not the same person then I apologise and if it's not the same person then I can honestly tell YOU that Deltastock is 'the way to go'. I've been trading with them for five, maybe six, years now and I've never had any issues at all (and they were founded in 1998 so they're not EXACTLY 'new' 'tar' although granted they have not been around for thirty years)!!! LOL!!! Also: I've never NOT been able to access their platform (other than MAYBE two or three times over weekends when they've been performing upgrades UNLIKE SOME OTHER BROKERS THAT I KNOW THAT HAVE USED THE EXCUSE OF 'DOING AN UPGRADE' WHEN YOU COULD NOT ACCESS THE PLATFORM AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT YOU WANTED TO CLOSE OUT A PROFITABLE TRADE)!!! LOL!!! (OK: so now I've got that 'off my chest')!!! LOL!!!

Anyway (and to answer your questions whether you're the same person or not):

MiFID Regulations:


Regarding the security of your funds: I can only tell you personally that I've never had a problem withdrawing funds EVER i.e. they process the withdrawals immediately and the funds don't normally take longer than three working days to appear in an account here.

Oh well and as I noted on 'that other forex forum' (if you're the same person) I'm thinking of 'expanding my horizons' somewhat and sharing some of my trading systems that I NOW KNOW work OVER TIME with others (up until now I've sort of 'confined' myself to one site but I'm thinking maybe it's time to 'move on' as it were). This looks like a nice (professional) site???

And just so that everybody knows from the 'get go' (seeing as I've just joined this site and so that I don't get 'arrows in my back' sometime later on): YES I am an IB for Deltastock but honestly I couldn't care less whether you open an account via me or directly with them i.e. unless you have a VERY large 'client' list (which I don't) your commissions ALMOST amount to enough to buy a box of cigarettes once or twice a month!!! Of course: the 'gesture' would be nice (I smoke a lot) and of course my trading systems have been 'coded' for Delta Trading so it would obviously make your life a lot easier to have a live account with the same broker (that is if you're interested in what I've got to show) although you could have them 'coded' (or if you are able 'code' them yourself) into whatever platform you choose.

Keep in touch.
Hi Dan,

I see you've not posted here again. What's happened? Have you decided to stay with your broker and, if so, how are things going?

Anyway: in case you're interested I've decided to go my own way. I'm tired of all the restrictions placed on members of boards such as these i.e. I don't have all the answers but I at least have a few trading systems that work for me with my broker so I've decided to present them on my own message board for reasons that, if you visit the board, you'll understand. I hope to see you there sometime.

Oops. That was bright of me! I forgot to tell you where it is! Here it is:
Hi Dan,

I see you've not posted here again. What's happened? Have you decided to stay with your broker and, if so, how are things going?

Anyway: in case you're interested I've decided to go my own way. I'm tired of all the restrictions placed on members of boards such as these i.e. I don't have all the answers but I at least have a few trading systems that work for me with my broker so I've decided to present them on my own message board for reasons that, if you visit the board, you'll understand. I hope to see you there sometime.

Oops. That was bright of me! I forgot to tell you where it is! Here it is:

Seems interesting...


Seems interesting...

What??? My post or my site??? LOL!!!

Seriously though: I'm eternally grateful for all the help and guidance that I've received from others over the past few years from members of forums such as this but but they've grown to the point where I even I would now have a hard time finding a trading system or methodology that works on any of them i.e. if you started at the beginning of any one of the bigger messages boards and tried every trading system that was being discussed, and assuming you were unlucky enough that the first few you tried didn't work for you, you'd run out of capital before reaching the end of the first page!!! So my intention really is just to present five trading systems that I trade and now trade ONLY (I also did my fair share of jumping from trading sytem to trading system for the first year or two and it only led to tears in my case). The trading systems are not proprietary or of my own design. As a matter of fact: all five are in the public domain really (well at least three of them of pretty well known anyway let me put it that way). They're by no means the only trading systems in the world and they may or may not be the best trading systems in the world but they work for me and the same goes for my broker i.e. Deltastock. They may or may not be the best broker in the world but they've been good to me and I can vouch for them and the combination of the trading systems presented on my site, the indicators that I've coded for them, and my broker, simply work. Alright: without a decent amount of capital you're not going to be able to retire next week with these trading systems that's for sure but you'll be able to build up your trading capital slowly and steadily and that, to me, is what it's all about really (scalping and short-term trading and stuff like that has never worked for me). I guess you could say that my intention is to provide a total 'package' or 'recipe' and as long as you are able to follow the said trading systems you should be alright i.e. the only thing I cannot help anybody with (but will try of course) is their 'trading psychology' which is the most difficult part of trading I believe. One or two of those systems that I present didn't work for me three years ago but they work now (without changes or tweaks of any kind). Why??? Because it took me a long while and cost me a lot of money to reliase that without strict money management and without being able to control your emotions it doees not matter HOW good your trading systems are or how good and honest and honourable your broker is you will STILL not make money in this business.

Yes: I could (and was going to do the same thing of all of the major message boards such as this) but I tried that before. The problem is that the threads always end up going off-topic and the same questions get asked over and over and over again (I think that if anyone posts on my board asking 'which broker is best' or 'how do I make 100% profit per day' I'll personally hunt them down and kill them)!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: just as long as doing this does not COST me any money I'm only too happy to try to help. Most people don't have the privilege that I've had of being able to simply give up their day job (in my case my IT business that I had for sixteen years or more) and sit with this stuff day in and day out, seven days per week, and twenty five hours per day (that's twenty four hours per day plus my lunch hour!!! LOL!!!) so I've been able to accelerate the learning process I guess. I also don't believe that it's possible to get to know and understand the fundamentals of the market (any market) when starting out. That takes years and years and unless you were born into this business I doubt that you're ever going to have the knowledge required to trade fundamentally and anybody that thinks differently I honestly believe are fooling themselves. Even in the relativley short space of time that I've been at this (five years going on six if I'm not mistaken) I myself have seen a change in behaviour of the market insofar as fundamentals are concerned and all of those supposed fundamental rules have been turned on their head as it were. Reactions to news data releases are today totally different and in most cases totally opposite to what they used to be a few years ago (not that I trade the news but I do notice the impact that it has on open trades).

And yes I know: everybody and anybody that goes to my site is going to think 'yeh yeh: here's just another IB trying to make some commissions'. Well: that's their choice and if I may be so sold bold as to say their loss. Trust me (and I think I noted this somewhere before): not unless you have a LOT of clients and they have HUGE accounts is IB commission worth anything on a monthly basis but if it pays for my cigarettes (I smoke a lot) and if it pays for the upkeep of the site then why not. At the moment registration and membership is free as it costs me nothing more than time and $7 a month (to ensure that it's free of Google Adwords) (I trade only the daily charts so I have the time believe me). But who knows??? If I get the members and they're making money is anybody going to have an issue paying $120 per annum to be a member (eventually, maybe)??? And if so would you turn down $120 000 per annum (assuming only 1 000 traders at $10 per month) for mainting a message board and helping others??? I think not.

Anyway: if my ramblings and my trading systems and my site helps others then I've accomplished something in life. If not, well, I'll always have my own trading and my broker!!! LOL!!!

By the way: I dont' know what those pictures are supposed to be at the bottom of your post (signature) i.e. they only appear as 'blank blocks' (I think the links are broken or something like that). I just thought you'd like to know.


where about in cape town are you from ?.


I'm new here so first let me say hello. I'm from Cape Town South Africa.

I'm looking for a good broker that charges RESSONABLE commissions for the trading of cfds, commodities, gold, silver, and of course forex pairs preferably an ECN/STP broker that can show market depth as well. I've been trading with a very bid US broker for a while but the commissions charged I feel are just too high given my level of trading even although I have a fair amount of capital to trade with.

Sorry I know this question is asked over and over again as I've read through a lot of these posts here but I have not found a suggestionf for any one broker that offers all of the above so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Oh sorry and stock index futures too.
