East Midlands Calling

Count me in as well.

There were several people living around this area a few years ago who were playing the markets. It would be nice to meet up and exchange ideas etc. Its always interesting to get others peoples "take" on the game and put faces to names etc.

hmmm...........looks i 'll have to mow the lawn instead.

2nd looks like the day then? ....i know a couple of others that may turn up.
Hi Al

Thanks for all your replies.

Just thinking out aloud....How many of you are full time traders..............July 4th is American Independence Day........After a bit of action on the European Markets, the day is going to be Very Very Dull............But it is a Monday.........

Got to go out now.

4th is just as good or better. But maybe you shouldn't muddy the waters when you're ahead? nowt like a mixed metaphor
Where were you all?

I was at the Fleece at 16:55 until 17:30

The beer garden is a real sun trap.

I would still prefer the 2nd as I have other plans for the 4th and I would guess that many are not full time on US markets.

Hi All

Thanks for your very encouraging postings. Let's give the 4th back to the Americans.

Let's keep the 2nd July Afternoon (12.30pm -let's say) as "East Midland's Traders Day"

Hey Jonny T, sorry about that, but you have tested the water. Thanks for that.

People who have not posted yet, Please let us encourage them to do so.

sunny2005 said:
Hi All

People who have not posted yet, Please let us encourage them to do so.

with 38,000 odd members there's got to be one or two more in the E. Mids who fancy a drink out?

Hughmac said:
Count me in as well.

There were several people living around this area a few years ago who were playing the markets. It would be nice to meet up and exchange ideas etc. Its always interesting to get others peoples "take" on the game and put faces to names etc.


Hi Hugh

Would you have their e-mail/pm to send them a small note of the meet on the 2nd. It's possible they are not frequent visitors to this site.

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i need a million said:
hmmm...........looks i 'll have to mow the lawn instead.

2nd looks like the day then? ....i know a couple of others that may turn up.

Hi I Need A Million

Pls try for the people u know as well.
