Easiest way to double your money in 9 months

why don't you first see if someone is willing to pay $5 for it...but, not to get your hopes up, I wouldn't
So we've got an ask of $5m and no bids right now. Seems 3 days of analysis still hasn't taught him how auction markets work.
Well I am bidding $1000 for a demo account with him. But he seem to be at work just now doing very serious programming work.
there is never an easy way to double your money within few months

There is but you're just not party to it. Let me tell you a tale of a secret EA that was hidden away inside Nazi Germany and then smuggled out at the end of WWII...........
at first I thought this was a joke

but now Im convinced

why 5 mill Im sure you could live quite well in the deep south on a mill
oooooh, I love secrets!!


I wonder if the OP's EA is also a cherry picking robot just like "Guy Cohen's Secret WWII German EA only on offer to certain people for a very reasonable price and he is a friend of that other lunatic Alessio Rastani who likes to talk on BBC about Goldman ruling the world but can't trade"
I wonder if the OP's EA is also a cherry picking robot just like "Guy Cohen's Secret WWII German EA only on offer to certain people for a very reasonable price and he is a friend of that other lunatic Alessio Rastani who likes to talk on BBC about Goldman ruling the world but can't trade"


Much lulz

I actually do like good sf

I'm quite disappointed that no one has made a bid of 5mill at least. I'm starting to think that this website is full of a bunch of losers with less than few hundred mill in their accounts.
I'm quite disappointed that no one has made a bid of 5mill at least. I'm starting to think that this website is full of a bunch of losers with less than few hundred mill in their accounts.

Guilty. But with all these "double your money threads" I should hit the $100 million mark by next spring.

I created it, but I don't have the money needed to run it. So, I don't have a broker, I'm not an active trader and I never have been. That's one reason why I'm selling, is to get the money to run it.

I've known how to code all my life and when i got a girl pregnant I didn't want to be broke anymore, so I studied the forex for about 3 days and discovered a way to eliminate being able to lose. Then I found out that metatrader lets you put strategies into code and about a week later I had some amazing backtests. My strategy worked exactly the way I thought it would. I noticed the equity drops and looked for ways to fix them and found lots of ways to improve the ea. I'm a very good programmer and it does the job while running lightning fast inside of metatrader.

Its been sitting on my hard drive for a few years, and I just decided It would be a good idea to try to sell it, but $5 million is the price I want and I wont settle for any less.

I dont think it a bad buy for the price either, seriously, It's a robot that double's money!

I can post screenshots of backtesting once I get my other laptop formatted and metatrader installed so I can run them.
cmon guys. You are laughing at seriously ill person.
Guilty. But with all these "double your money threads" I should hit the $100 million mark by next spring.


Sounds good. I'm looking forward to your $XXXXX to $100million thread. If i follow that plus the other $100 million threads bound to be released soon, i will journal my $X to $100 billion thread.