Early Morning Range Breakouts using time and sales


Trades 07-20 and 07-24.jpg

I didn't made charts of the 20th.

LIFE trade of today. Entry at crosshair, exit at end of chart.

ProRealtime chart

PLUS 500 chart
LIFE2 PLUS500.jpg

Look for the differences.

I'll try to demotrade live with Plus500. If I can profitably do that I can start trading with real cash with very small stakes and no commissions that urge me to take big risks to overcome the commissions.
TROW Short 1000 @ 58.90 (Plus 500 price, actual 58.98)
Stop @ 59.19

Couldn't close the trade on time. Close price of day is 59.05 (Plus500 price), realtime price is 58.97. Leaving me now € -123.39 and in worries 😢.
I've changed the stop to 59.21 due the spread.

TROW trade charts

TROW3 100 units.jpg

Entry at crosshair, no exit yet (was too late to close the trade near close of day).

This what the chart looks like on plus500.
TROW3 PLUS500.jpg

Notice that the crosshair (on the second chart) was the moment when I pulled the trigger at 58.98, but I get a fill on 58.90 by Plus500 which is 8ct lower as you can see on the chart and the order details. This looks like a weird entry because the stock wasn't trading at that level yet.

The stock did make it to 58.90 for a few seconds, but closing out for breakeven wasn't my plan.
FB Short 16 @ 27.05 (Plus500 price, actual 27.11)
Stop @ 27.19

Stopped out @ 27.19 (plus500 price)

I traded 16 shares, which is twice the minimum plus500 will let you trade so I can scale out by a half.
I lost € 1.82 (paper money).

Just trying to trade as small as possible with this platform.
Couldn't close the trade on time. Close price of day is 59.05 (Plus500 price), realtime price is 58.97. Leaving me now € -123.39 and in worries 😢.
I've changed the stop to 59.21 due the spread.

I forgot to mention what happened with the TROW trade. Well it stopped me out at 60.14. Leaving me with a loss of € 1003.26.

TROW3 gap.jpg

Lessons learned: make sure you close the trade the same day if you are daytrading!