E-Mini with Trader International


Junior member
Hey everyone! I am a brand new trader and just signed up with Trader International to start getting educated and trade E-Minis. I have read the good, the bad, and the angry and I know some of you out there have a real grudge against Trader International & Andrew Barnett, but I happen to think what they provide is really good for beginners, even if they do cost a little. Although I am not up to speed on trading jargon and the extensive underlying systems, I am up to speed on the mind set and psychology of life in general that applies to the market. This is why I was attracted to Trader's International & Andrew. It wasn't about making $500 a day in 7 minutes and earning huge amounts om money... I took in the message of the mind set and the psychology behind trading... and life.

I am posting this to get some general advice from people that have gone my route... I am undertaking the TI course for E-Minis so it would be cool if people shared their experience, what they found good, bad, and if I should avoid any mistakes that you made when you began. Every program has its weaknesses and strengths and I would love a heads up before things get moving.

Thank you all for your future comments! TI is also linking with LTG from my understanding and I will also receive the FX training package and the trading room for FX with my membership for TI on top of the E-Mini's course & trading room!!! Can't argue with that. Look forward to your comments!

Just a quick update... started the education program and it is going awesome! I also wanted to correct from the previous post... LTG is not the Foreign Exchance company working with Traders International... I guess TI is developing an entirely new FX trading platform. Should be interesting but I am sticking with E-Mini's for now. FX scares me a little... Waiting to hear from the other members though!

So Jeremi....
It's been several months since you first posted. How's it going? I've read a lot of bad things about TI on this site and was glad to read from people who tried it and thought it sucked. In fact, I was surprised to read that you were plowing ahead with it. So what's your opinion of TI now, two months in? Positive? Negative? Neutral? Still reserving judgment? Let us know.
Happy with Traders International

Hi Geoff!

It has been some time. I have been busy learning from other sites and forums. T2W is great, but too confusing.

This is my honest and blunt opinion on TI. They are a great start up! They are expensive... very expensive. But without them I wouldn't of had a clue of where to even start.

I downloaded Ninjatrader about 6 weeks ago and spent about 5 hours a day for 4 weeks in sim just doing my own thing. I was looking at ALL the signals, indicators, etc... just to understand how the market works and how people try and predict the future movements.

After all this, I ended up coming back to the TI signal indicators that they teach, because they work. Plain and simple. Yes, $8000AUD is expensive just to learn a signal pattern method, but in the long run (well, short now) it was be worth every penny.

I also recently came into some issues as well with misrepresentation of the product from the sales team. When I contacted support they had me email them. In turn they offered me 4 months free access to the trading room with text alerts. I won't go into details to explain what happened, but I was happy with this response.

So I activated my live trading room access last week. The moderators are hit and miss. Some of them are amazing... some are a little less. But I have learned a considerable amount watching the market move and hearing their comments on when to trade and when not to.

I have read a lot of comments, happy and not so happy, about TI. I think each person in unique. Each trader has a specific idea of what they want from trading. I knew coming in that trading was 95% psychology... I knew it and I still screwed it up... and I learned from that. My first week live trading I lost $700 trading 1 contract. Why... because I wanted BIG gains each trade. I would lower my stop loss. I would be making $2000 a night, but losing $1900. By the third night I got into a bad trade that just kept falling until my margin kicked in. As much as YOU know when to get out of a trade and you read about GREED and FEAR in trading... it is not easy to overcome when you have to click that button and your brain is saying... "it will keep going... or it will come back..."

So I went back to the TI method. In and out. The market is predictable for a short period of time. I make $80-$150/trade (1 contract)... and do this 10-15 times.

I went live again 2 days last week after a few days back in sim due to the $700 loss. Had to refund 😢 BUT!!! My win rates last week were 80% and I was walking out each night 5-7 pts up on the Russel 2000 (TF). Which equates to $500-$700/night. I did this following the TI trading room. I have learned invaluable information that has not only shown me how to get started, but dramatically improved my trading.

So in short, I would do it again. Yes, you can learn the methods in other ways, and try to do well on your own. I did my own research as well... and although it gave me a deeper understanding of the markets and its community, it was all very confusing. New trades need a simple process that works without all the fancy stuff. My experience in life anyways, the fancy stuff rarely works. Also, any conpany can give you what TI has. There are dozens of offshoots that offer E-Mini education package at competitive rates and better deals. Forex teaches the same signal patterns too. I chose TI because they offered both E-Mini and Forex training and trading rooms at the same price. Although I am not trading forex, I will be interested in it in the future when I get tired of staying up from 12pm-4am trading from Australia 😴

Let me know if you have other questions. Hope this post helped.

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Well Jeremi, thanks for that quick, in-depth reply. If you're doing $80 to $150 on a trade (one contract) and you're doing that 10 to 15 times a night (do I have that right?) then you should be doing ok (that would be $800 to $1500 a night. ... I see later you said 5 pts to 7 pts, which would be, as you said, $500 to $700 a night trading 1 contract....right?) At that rate, you should be able to refund your account and pay off your tuition in less than a month, right? From what you wrote, it sounds like you lost money because you didn't follow their system. And then you started making money again when you did. Yes? I'd be interesting in hearing whether your 80% win rate continues over time. There are so many people here (on this site) who've said that TI is nothing but a scam and that, in the end, no one makes money with it. You haven't been with it long, but you seem to be saying that, when you follow the system, it works ok for you.

Thanks for the feedback. Keep us posted.
Jeremi - as you clearly are a TI scammer posting total spam "awsome for you" - but really you need to learn that these sites are about real traders connecting. The other person (also you) Geoff31858 -looks so fake. For god sake - it is a JOKE- creating fake names and writing posts back forth looks absolutely rediculous.

Go and peddle your scam - FINE - but stop your stupid sharade please.

I was a member of TI and it does not work.
They do not trade real money.
Dale and Rich only sim trade -
Total rubbish. - my bet is you are a TI stooge called Lachlan - tell me I am wrong
Post us the TI live trading statement
Well, I don't know if Jeremi is fake or a scammer, but I resent being called fake! That's never happened before (the reality of my mere existence being questioned online.) How odd. Let me check my drivers license here. Ok. Yeah... Geoff is my real name. Wow! I was worried there for a minute.

I have no idea whether Jeremi is a scammer or not and, as far as TI goes, I've collected enough evidence to persuade me to simply avoid that path. I read a very good book by a full-time trade-from-home trader, Gary Smith, who wrote "How I Trade For A Living" in which he strongly suggests that organizations like TI are over-priced or simply don't work at all. I was interested, however, in hearing from someone who had honestly done the course. True, we don't really know who are the "real people" out here, but you, sdavid, have proven that just because someone says that someone else is a scammer or a faker, doesn't mean that they are. Furthermore, I don't think that Jeremi is a faker since, if he wasn't, he wouldn't be telling us that he lost $700 and had to refund his account. Instead, he'd be telling us how he made hundreds on the very first day and that his account just keeps growing and growing. I'd be interested, therefore, in hearing what he has to say about the program now.
Being a newbie Iam also considering the TI course and would be interested in how someone who has recently forked out the dollars has really found the course and how their results going?
Re: Happy with Traders International

Hi Geoff!

It has been some time. I have been busy learning from other sites and forums. T2W is great, but too confusing.

This is my honest and blunt opinion on TI. They are a great start up! They are expensive... very expensive. But without them I wouldn't of had a clue of where to even start.

I downloaded Ninjatrader about 6 weeks ago and spent about 5 hours a day for 4 weeks in sim just doing my own thing. I was looking at ALL the signals, indicators, etc... just to understand how the market works and how people try and predict the future movements.

After all this, I ended up coming back to the TI signal indicators that they teach, because they work. Plain and simple. Yes, $8000AUD is expensive just to learn a signal pattern method, but in the long run (well, short now) it was be worth every penny.

I also recently came into some issues as well with misrepresentation of the product from the sales team. When I contacted support they had me email them. In turn they offered me 4 months free access to the trading room with text alerts. I won't go into details to explain what happened, but I was happy with this response.

So I activated my live trading room access last week. The moderators are hit and miss. Some of them are amazing... some are a little less. But I have learned a considerable amount watching the market move and hearing their comments on when to trade and when not to.

I have read a lot of comments, happy and not so happy, about TI. I think each person in unique. Each trader has a specific idea of what they want from trading. I knew coming in that trading was 95% psychology... I knew it and I still screwed it up... and I learned from that. My first week live trading I lost $700 trading 1 contract. Why... because I wanted BIG gains each trade. I would lower my stop loss. I would be making $2000 a night, but losing $1900. By the third night I got into a bad trade that just kept falling until my margin kicked in. As much as YOU know when to get out of a trade and you read about GREED and FEAR in trading... it is not easy to overcome when you have to click that button and your brain is saying... "it will keep going... or it will come back..."

So I went back to the TI method. In and out. The market is predictable for a short period of time. I make $80-$150/trade (1 contract)... and do this 10-15 times.

I went live again 2 days last week after a few days back in sim due to the $700 loss. Had to refund 😢 BUT!!! My win rates last week were 80% and I was walking out each night 5-7 pts up on the Russel 2000 (TF). Which equates to $500-$700/night. I did this following the TI trading room. I have learned invaluable information that has not only shown me how to get started, but dramatically improved my trading.

So in short, I would do it again. Yes, you can learn the methods in other ways, and try to do well on your own. I did my own research as well... and although it gave me a deeper understanding of the markets and its community, it was all very confusing. New trades need a simple process that works without all the fancy stuff. My experience in life anyways, the fancy stuff rarely works. Also, any conpany can give you what TI has. There are dozens of offshoots that offer E-Mini education package at competitive rates and better deals. Forex teaches the same signal patterns too. I chose TI because they offered both E-Mini and Forex training and trading rooms at the same price. Although I am not trading forex, I will be interested in it in the future when I get tired of staying up from 12pm-4am trading from Australia 😴

Let me know if you have other questions. Hope this post helped.


You're too good to be true, Jeremi.

Your writing style is that of a seasoned trader who is attempting to sound like a newby. You do an excellent job of promoting the company for them ... they should give you a further discount.

You are not, however a very good advertisement for TI. They should prohibit you from trading until you are profitable on SIM for at least 3 months.

You come across as very scatty, but I can see through that - underneath the facade you are highly organised, and very intelligent, but you would have us believe you are "just a newbie". Your "progress" is unbelievable - making the usual orchestrated "mistakes" to fool us you are on your way to trading success, while occasionally making the inevitable financial blunder.

It doesn't ring true mate. It is just NOT possible for you to gain all the experience you need to be trading the way you say you are, since being a newcomer in late August.Many traders on this site have been trading for years - you must be a very special case! I can categorically state that you are either a nutter, or a pro gambler in a former life.

To be making/losing $2000 in a single night after just going live means you have no brain.

Why doesn't TI simply put a full-page advert in the FT or AFR and drum up business that way.

Having a forum plant is very bad form, and shows utter disrespect, nay contempt, for prospective clients.

Honesty is STILL the very best policy - and ultimately will win many, many clients. This pseudo-journal account of yours leaves me retching.
"Awsome" Lachlan. - create another couple of names and write more rubbish about your scam.

I was a member of Traders International - and I lost money.
I lost it because your moderators call trades long after they confirm and far to fast for anyone to follow. TI claims profit results which are never replicated by your members.

Lachlan - post Dale or Riches live accounts and simply shut me up NOW.
Lachlan You can't because TI is ha total scam.

I read up about Ti and discovered more about this scandal - it's amazing that such a fraud can still exist today.


To anyone who wants to buy into TI. My advise is.
Don"t listen to me. Don't trust anyone but yourself.

Follow all the Google links and ready up well.
Discover for yourself.
Then choose your path.
"Awsome" Lachlan. - create another couple of names and write more rubbish about your scam.

I was a member of Traders International - and I lost money.
I lost it because your moderators call trades long after they confirm and far to fast for anyone to follow. TI claims profit results which are never replicated by your members.

Lachlan - post Dale or Riches live accounts and simply shut me up NOW.
Lachlan You can't because TI is ha total scam.

I read up about Ti and discovered more about this scandal - it's amazing that such a fraud can still exist today.


To anyone who wants to buy into TI. My advise is.
Don"t listen to me. Don't trust anyone but yourself.

Follow all the Google links and ready up well.
Discover for yourself.
Then choose your path.

i have changed my mind on TI and im gonna give david marsh a try in the middle of january early feb.
Hey Everyone! I have been on quite the adventure and not on T2W in a while... and it looks like I missed some good posts 🙂

Anyways, to clear things up... my name is really Jeremi... and what I have been saying is true for my experiences at the moment. I do believe I am intelligent (but humble). I have a strong background in biology and in January of this year I moved to Brisbane to start medical school at University of Queensland. I started trading as a way to establish financial freedom and hopefully pay for the $200,000 of debt I will build in the next 4 years. I may be utterly optimistic at times and make life, and trading, sound all joyous... but I can say that I do not lie, scam, cheat, etc...

For the past 7 months I have been trying to understand the markets in so many ways. Let me update you on my progresses, bumps & falls...

For starters, I blew my second attempt at E-Mini's... even with the TI signals. Why... because of poor money management & psychology. So I decided to attempt Foreign Exchange (FX) with TI as you can trade 10 cents a point. A $5 loss is so much easier than a $75 loss. I traded nearly 16 hours a day following TI, reading about the markets, etc... I was trying to find some magical formula to predict market direction. I tried all the signals, all the time frames, tried reading candlesticks, tried using trend lines, support & resistance lines, etc...

In the end... I just kept loosing money. The TI room for FX was a complete joke. If you want to know how they trade... just sell G/U, E/U, A/U, E/J, and G/J at an 80 pip gain, 50 pip loss at 10am and 4pm everyday... That is how they trade. You don't need a trading room because that is what they did... for over 2 months. Not one trade was ever a buy. I would get so frustrated when 4 trades went -50. Once is a while you would walk out on a day where you were up 300 pips! But over the week you would average like 50 pips... And then a loss at times too. Again... I was only losing 10 cents a pip... but still.

So I quit. I was so frustrated and mad that I quit. I didn't understand it and I felt it was a joke... it was just a gamble... that it was impossible... But I only quit for 2 weeks. I actually requested a refund from TI for reasons I mentioned in previous posts... misleading consumers. Still in the process of trying to get it!!! Lol...

Anyways, the point of this post is this. I have really thought about the markets. I got sim accounts and tried everything. Ironically... the best strategy that worked was just blindly selling everything with a 15 pip gain 30 pip loss.... I literally doubled my sim account in 2 days. But of course in time that even failed.

So what have I learned over the months. Here is the important part for all those that are new to trading. These are the golden keys that I have read over and over in one form or another in so many posts & books from Great Traders!

1.) You can NOT perfect any market. If you try you will lose. So if you are a perfectionist... give it up. Stop trying to get every pip possible out of each trade... and guess exactly when a trade/market will turn.

2.) The market is COMPLETELY unpredictable. It is statistically probable... but unpredictable... You have to not only understand this, but accept this. When you do... you will be so far ahead. Why did the market suddenly turn and go the opposite direction? Who knows, who cares... Maybe in hind sight you can see why... but it is impossible to know before. You will go crazy trying to figure it out.

3.) Learn how to lose. Accept that you will take small loses frequently. It goes with the above two. some days you may hit all 10 trades you place. Other it might be 5 or even 4 trades win... with 6 losing. Just make sure that when this happens you have the odds in your favor so that your wins are just a little more than your losses. That way if you do lose 6 and your profit/loss is set to 60/40... you are at break even.

One additional lesson I learned from TI is to be consistent. I pondered why the moderator ALWAYS sold the currancy at an 80 profit 50 loss. Day after day, month after month. I finally figured out this final key!

The markets are not predictable... so if you are... at some point the markets will follow your predictability. So do the same thing, every time, all the time.

So... in the end I discovered that it doesn't matter what signal you use, what manner your trade in, etc... None of it matters. None of them are better than each other. What matters is that you become predictable, accept that you will lose, accept that you can not predict the market, and know that you will never be perfect. I half knew this when I started, but it took me nearly 8 months of headache and severe emotional distress to just accept these things. I have not given up trading the Foreign Exchange... but I have also not made a lot of money. But I do know that once it clicks, the potential that is waiting there is going to be so great that everything will be ok.

In the near future I am going to be posting some threads on my ideas and strategies to see what others think/have tried. Thanks everyone for the support/criticism. See you all soon!
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I actually requested a refund from TI for reasons I mentioned in previous posts... misleading consumers. Still in the process of trying to get it!!! Lol...

Hi Jeremy,
How was your attempt to get your refund from TI , did you get it or ....what sort of style you use to do so .. I am in the same predicament to do the same thing any advice !!
And what do you do now what stage you are at in your trading ... and how you do it .....


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