E-mini Nasdaq Pivots Scalping - 100% in 100 Days?


Hey guys,
I have been trading for about two and a half year scalping for a few ticks in the e-mini Futures. The one I have been the most profitable with is the Nasdaq Future. So I started a youtube channel where I want to document all my trades for staying disciplined and showing you that trading profitable can be very easy.
My Account Balance is about 5.000 USD now and my goal is to double the account in the next 100 days that I trade. I have two exit strategies, the 5:5 strategy as I am trading 2 contracts, setting a stop loss of 5 ticks and a take profit of 5 ticks. The second one is the 10:10 strategy as I am only trading 1 contract, but setting a stop loss of 10 ticks and a take profit of 10 ticks. The tick value in the Nasdaq Future is $5.00, so I am always risking one percent of my original account balance. My daily loss limit is $150 and my daily profit target is $250. However I do not want to spend too much time trading and at noon the volatility decreases, so that I usually stop trading after 2 hours.
For my entry signals I am using pivot points calculated by the high, low and close of the last hourly bar, 4-hour bar and the last day. In my opinion the pivot points are a support zone in an uptrend and a ressistance zone in a downtrend, so this is where I am entering the market.
I am uploading all my trades on the following youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxmjtK8ZMn6d0f_8xtdD5Ug.
Day 01 - Day 03

Livetrading E-mini Nasdaq Scalping 2016/06/07 Day 01 Profit: $133.80:

Livetrading E-mini Nasdaq Scalping 2016/06/08 Day 02 Loss: $155.86

Livetrading E-mini Nasdaq Scalping 2016/06/09 Day 03 Profit: $229.66
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Made a little more than 100 dollars this afternoon (in Europe, morning in the US), for a rollover day it has been good I think, although I felt kind of uncomfortable only looking at the june contract.

Livetrading E-mini Nasdaq Scalping 2016/06/10 Day 04 Profit: $113.80
Day 6 is online.
So far so good. We made a profut of 300 dollars with 32 trades. The maximum drawdown is 155 dollar and the win rate is 62.5 percent.
may I make a polite suggestion ?
Why not look at Order Flow as a confirmation for your trades.
I have a feeling it will mean you miss some winners, but will miss more losers, and might enhance your edge.
Take a look at the Jigsaw Order Flow tool developed by Dionysis Toast (Pete Davies)
His website is jigsawtrading
Plenty of free educational videos on there to get you started

I'm a Pivot trader myself, but since discovering the benefits of Jigsaw DOM, I wouldn't take a single trade without it !

(no commercial affiliation)