Cheers for the plug Fug but I no think I smart, just another idgiot in ze market
Anyways, I reckon this thread has gotten a bit off topic, so heres mine
😀 :-
5) using size with tight stops
12) waiting for confirmation
13) thinking that you know something
14) thinking that your a star
15) trading scared
16) trading with money you cant afford to loose
23) thinking that you know something (see 13)
24) acting on that thought^ again and again and again
32) not pulling the trigger
34) using risk blinkers
35) using comon sense blinkers
36) using reality blinkers
40) labelling yourself a scalper but still paying spread
41) using key time zones
42) not knowing yourself
44) thinking your way is the only way
50) focusing on 99 ways to blow an acc
51) trading full retarde but still thinking your a champ
55) putting the technical side before the psych side
58) taking it too seriously
59) not finding time to have a laugh
62) approaching trading as a battle
63) not aiming at prices in your favour
64) spending too much time on zulu
69) then posting that
EVERYTHING IS KNOWN IN ADVANCE :smart: and expect no lulz
70) trading the news after the announcement
72) believing youre a loser
73) thinking that you can never win
74) thinking 'they' are out to get you
77) cherry picking trades
80) using bows
81) and arrows ^
83) following some muppet on a forum cos he tells you he has the knowledge of the 1%
84) doubling up on said muppets calls ^
85) then not taking profits but get out at break even
89) trading the money rather than the market
90) personalising your losses
91) being unaware of your lack of emotional intelligence
92) being unaware of you ignorance
95) not having some understanding of what money is
96) putting 'being right' before being 'profitable'
98) failing to be as water
99) and last but by no means least