
Mr Fox

Established member
Does anyone use this broker, and if so can you please please give me a simplified way of working it. I currently use a broker with a very simple platform whereby I can just put in the £/pip,SL, and target etc in pips, but Ducascopy is seeming very complex to use(for a thicko like me).

P.S. I'm not au fait with any of the trading terminology either, apart from buy, and sell.

I look forward to your help guys.

Mr fox,

This reminds me of a legendary customer support tale that did the loops.....

A man phones up customer support to PC world or Dixons and stated that his computer is not working, nothing at all, they go through a few possible issues then they ask him turn his plug on and off and he states that he cannot as there is an electrical cut out at the moment so he has no light to see.

The rumour is that the customer services person on the end of the phone after laughing a bit told him he knows what the answer is, for the customer to pack up all the computer and parts back into the box they came in and to take them back to the store and tell them he is too stupid to have a computer.....

Supposed to be a true story, just teasing Mr fox but you see the analagy......(rumour was he lost his job also the poor bugger)
Thank you for your insightful "analogy".
I'll stick with the broker I am with.

Hi John,

Teasing aside, Dukascopy are worth a bit of effort to work out, but horses for courses type thing
I guess I have got used to my American broker(where everything is dumbed down), but I shall be speaking to their agent in a few days for a run through. If it works well(for me), then I shall proceed with them.

Do you use Dukascopy kwickcool.
