Largest Quantities Traded and Transition from Retail Level Platforms?


Junior member

I was wondering if any high-net-worth or large private FX traders on this list can shine a light on the largest lots/quantity they have traded on retail level ECN/STP platforms. Please remember, I am not talking about the likes of Currenex which are not accessible to most people anyway.

The kind of companies I am talking about are Hotspot, MB Trading, Interactive Brokers, Ducascopy, and others of similar calibre.

As an addition, but not necessary, it would be nice to know at what quantity levels it becomes impossible to execute scalping strategies on these platforms due to partial fill and slippage issues.

I am also interested in knowing whether one makes a transition to Currency Futures if they start having issues with retail level ECN/STP Spot Trading intermediaries such as the ones named above. Or do you move to the likes of JP Morgan for future spot FX trading needs (to trade bigger quantities on margin) ?

Spill some beans please! 🙂

Please Note - I would appreciate if only people with experience in some or all of the above provide replies to this post. Also, the above post assumes trading in major pairs such as GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, EUR/USD, USD/CHF, etc.

Thanks in advance.