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DScore 2020 edition

  • Thread starter Thread starter Viro Major
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 9
I think this is the best case to represent the failure of the "new" DScore released in 2020.
A rate of 67 to a darwin that is losing on L1Y (-16%).
With a Pf score of 1.4 (!!!) old DScore would be lower than 40 ...
All the native part is southward.
The worst D-Score was 57 which means all his bad trades also got the rebate 🙁
My worst example for the D-Score calculation is LVS with a current Pf of 0.5 and a D-Score still at 46.3 and at the beginning of this year higher than 50.

When did they change the conditions for the first commision rebate - they call it "Talent-linked Pricing" 🙂 - from D-Score 50 up to 55 now without notification or do I remember that point wrong and missed something?
It looks like I missed the change (you can click the screenshot below, shot was made from of the old forum):

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Ok but rebates do not make such a big difference.
The difference is the with 67 you can win Dawinia while it is extremely difficult with 46.

I am the first to state than long trackrecords are important (3 years or more).
But when you have a 3 years trackrecord the result of year 3 is much more relevant than the result of year 1.
The difference is the with 67 you can win Dawinia while it is extremely difficult with 46.
You're usually out of DarwinIA prizes with a D-Score less than 40 even if you make 30% profit in the relevant month. DarwinIA criteria evaluations are capped for the DarwinIA score.
IMO below 40 is the D-Score area where these loser Darwins should be found.
Cap of performance is slightly below 14%, regularity at 95%.
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Starting with a D-Score of more than 90 - currently the highest D-Score - looks interesting https://www.darwinex.com/darwin/QJU# .

Listed also in the 'Latest' filter.
Unfortunately they don't show the migration source. IB?
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I want to expand a bit here.
LSC has a positive return, higher Pf and longer trackrecord but DScore is growing faster on NFO that is the younger clone with negative return but much lower max DD.
Max DD weighs like a stone on new DScore that measures the attractiveness of the trackrecord.
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New DScore = high return and low drawdown
Martingales are back winning Darwinia
Another Darwin of this kind - with a well known owner for Darwinex veterans - attempts to catch DarwinIA prices:
