Drugs, crime & politicians

when I looked into the MMR vaccine scare papers I wondered why anyone would be taken in by the research. From what I remember, he used very small samples of children as a study, and he was conflicted in that it was funded by litigants with an interest in the outcome of the research. Its all totally discredited now.
But it became something for the middle class parents to worry about and pay to visit private Drs 3 times in a row rather than the local GP just the once.
It then caught on from there.
Anyway, either way triple or single, I suppose it means kids don't get mumps anymore? I didn't realise that. Back in my day we all just put up with it. And measles, without any calpol. Just a drop of lucozade was the only medicine.Maybe Galloways. (which was quite tasty actually).
And sweeping up chimneys after school.
Good old days:)

back to trading.....
Most parents are left out in the cold when it comes to these illnesses which the NHS can not hope to deal with. Also, you will not get any decent guidance from any doctor. No one is prepared to commit an opinion.

My friends mother works for the NHS and she tells me the statistics hide a much greater number.

Most parents who are up against the government or the stupid system will know about it. Try reading one of the junior doctors reports and you'll know how trivial it is. It is also shameful as they don't even have grasp of English or punctuation.

I can only suggest one does their own research.

I'm not saying ban the MMR but it should be given with caution and perhaps some further tests and questions as to whether the child has any issues.

Not all humans are the same least of all little underdeveloped babies.

How about the substance mercury in vacines to increase the shelf life but hey if it affects any humans that's cool.

Read the material and judge for your self. I am no expert but I know BS when I smell it.

An increasing body of evidence now points to the role of the gut in optimal brain function and behaviour.

Many recently published books highlight the gut-brain connection in Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Schizophrenia, Dyspraxia, Depression, and Dyslexia including:-

“Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)” Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, neurologist and nutritionist

“Children with Starving Brains” by Dr Jaquelyn McCandless, psychiatrist and neurologist

"Is Your Child's Brain Starving", by Dr. Michael R. Lyon, M.D.

"They Are What You Feed Them", by Dr. Alex Richardson, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford; and Founder/Director of FAB (Food And Behaviour) Research.

Clinicians and researchers in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), ADHD and associated learning and behavioural disorders are now in the midst of a paradigm shift.

This shift involves discarding old beliefs and myths around ASD and acknowledging that these children are medically sick

Clusters of symptoms affecting this axis may include:*-

Central Nervous system (Neurologic) problems

Altered sensory sensitivity - Children with autistic disorder often present with hyper or hypo sensitivity to the senses of taste, smell, touch, pain, light, sound etc. That is, an abnormal processing of sensory input.

Altered anatomic and architectural differences in brain structure.

Neuronal development is a delicate and intricate process and may be interrupted in autistic individuals due to toxic insult at time critical stages of development.

The BloodBrain Barrier

One dogma that still persists is that the blood brain barrier protects the brain at all times and lets nothing through that may be detrimental.

Whilst it doesprotect the brain to a certain extent from exogenous insult, we now know that the blood brain barrier is not as effective as we used to think.

The integrity of the blood brain barrier can be compromised (by whatever means in development and growth) and gapsmay form between the cells allowing toxins to enter directly via the blood streamcausing inflammation of neuronal tissue.
Sorry not been around recently. Some comments in blue.

Most parents are left out in the cold when it comes to these illnesses which the NHS can not hope to deal with. Also, you will not get any decent guidance from any doctor. No one is prepared to commit an opinion.

My friends mother works for the NHS and she tells me the statistics hide a much greater number.

Most parents who are up against the government or the stupid system will know about it. Try reading one of the junior doctors reports and you'll know how trivial it is. It is also shameful as they don't even have grasp of English or punctuation.

Of course, doctors and scientists are all totally stupid, and are led by a higher power (The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, presumably) like Lemmings to discover agents that hurt and kill people instead of making them better. With your friend's mum being the obvious exception.

I can only suggest one does their own research.

I'm not saying ban the MMR but it should be given with caution and perhaps some further tests and questions as to whether the child has any issues.

It has been tested on 100,000's of children for the very issues you mention

Not all humans are the same least of all little underdeveloped babies.

You need to be an ultr-intelligent non-doctor type to understand this, I presume.

How about the substance mercury in vacines to increase the shelf life but hey if it affects any humans that's cool.

And this is toxic why? Because it has mercury in the name?
This is a preservative - it contains ethyl mercury which is not toxic at all. It is excreted within hours of entering the system. Mercury metal is toxic. In fact, not even then. It is the vapours of the liquid metal which are toxic when inhaled. The salts just stay in the blood and are excreted normally. This is a bit like saying salt is toxic because it contains sodium (Which is highly explosive when combined with water and chlorine (Which was used in early chemical warfare), but the ionised salt forms are fine.

Read the material and judge for your self. I am no expert but I know BS when I smell it.

*LOL* me too!

An increasing body of evidence now points to the role of the gut in optimal brain function and behaviour.

No sh*t. You mean nutrition can effect mood? I always wondered why appetite suppressants affected mood and failed clinical trials as a result? However, if your thesis was correct, they would all have passed so that evil drug companies could make more money.

Many recently published books highlight the gut-brain connection in Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Schizophrenia, Dyspraxia, Depression, and Dyslexia including:-

“Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)” Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, neurologist and nutritionist

“Children with Starving Brains” by Dr Jaquelyn McCandless, psychiatrist and neurologist

"Is Your Child's Brain Starving", by Dr. Michael R. Lyon, M.D.

"They Are What You Feed Them", by Dr. Alex Richardson, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford; and Founder/Director of FAB (Food And Behaviour) Research.

Yes, and they employ the same snake oil sales tactics that most other authors and vendors apply: they sensationalise everything and discredit opinions vociferously in order to try to carve out their own niche and gain the 'trust' of the reader, so that they can sell whatever they are trying to sell. I asked for peer-reviewed literature.

Clinicians and researchers in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), ADHD and associated learning and behavioural disorders are now in the midst of a paradigm shift.

Really? From hard science to populist nonsense, presumably

This shift involves discarding old beliefs and myths around ASD and acknowledging that these children are medically sick

Yes - inventing illnesses that cannot be measured in order to sequester government funds into their own pockets. A very noble tactic of the liberal elite - define all ill-mannered, bad-tempered and thick kids as having an illness that can neither be measured nor cured in order to make tons of money in consultancy fees trying to develop methods to 'cure' them.

Clusters of symptoms affecting this axis may include:*-

Central Nervous system (Neurologic) problems

Altered sensory sensitivity - Children with autistic disorder often present with hyper or hypo sensitivity to the senses of taste, smell, touch, pain, light, sound etc. That is, an abnormal processing of sensory input.

Altered anatomic and architectural differences in brain structure.

Neuronal development is a delicate and intricate process and may be interrupted in autistic individuals due to toxic insult at time critical stages of development.

May be - conjecture. It has been tested 100,000's of timea and no links found, but people still persist in shock tactics - again, either because they are tw*ts or because they have some 'alternative' treatment to sell and are trying to get federal funds for it, or attract private patients....most of this stuff is from vested interests.

The BloodBrain Barrier

One dogma that still persists is that the blood brain barrier protects the brain at all times and lets nothing through that may be detrimental.

No it doesn't. This is another snake-oil tactic i'm afraid.

Whilst it doesprotect the brain to a certain extent from exogenous insult, we now know that the blood brain barrier is not as effective as we used to think.

The integrity of the blood brain barrier can be compromised (by whatever means in development and growth) and gapsmay form between the cells allowing toxins to enter directly via the blood streamcausing inflammation of neuronal tissue.

Eh? If this happened you'd be dead.

I know what I can smell.....do you have swine flu perchance? Maybe your sense of smell has been impaired. I know where you can get something for that....
Sorry not been around recently. Some comments in blue.

I know what I can smell.....do you have swine flu perchance? Maybe your sense of smell has been impaired. I know where you can get something for that....

Don't know if you have children but if there was 1 in 1000 (although the true figures are 1 in 500 and higher) would you allow your child to be given this 3 in 1 mega vacine in one shot at the age of 12months? (Mr Blair did not answer this question but was prepared to endorse policy for the rest of the UK).

I acknowledge the drug may not cause autism but in most cases if not all - parents will tell you a visible deteriation in the child takes place after application. This deteriation is visibly observed with the repeat booster jabs.

As I understand it from your points - parents all over the world are imagining a link based on false study from one doctor when many studies have scientifically shown there is no link between jab and autism.

I repeat in summary:

In general baby boys are more affected than baby girls.

If one has a happy baby with no intollerance than the single MMR jab is fine.

If you are considering MMR jab and your baby has intollerances to any food stuffs imo avoid the single MMR jab.

You suggested financial gain was involved in one doctors assertions re: links with gut and brain which you later mention is pretty much common sense (ie some foods make you feel good). Do you ever question the other side of this coin which is considerably bigger before you tout their view.

Introduction & Peer Review

The “science” from medical journals presented to courts is not reliable. The medical “science” evidence-base has become institutionally and systemically corrupt since Ronald Reagan introduced the Bayh-Dole Act in the 1980’s : ["Doctors Without Borders - Why you can't trust medical journals anymore" by Shannon Brownlee, Washington Monthly].

Mainstream medical journals live off drug company advertising. Government health officials, drug company lobbyists and medical professionals tell us: it is “science” and “proof” when it is not.

Covert lobbying is endemic:-

‘The use of PR to counter negative publicity’

‘221. ………. Considerable resources are invested into building long-term, sustainable relationships with stakeholders and ‘key opinion leaders‘ and journalists. These relationships are used to promote the use of certain brands and counter concerns relating to safety. Efforts to undermine critical voices in particular were identified, under terms of “issues management”. In later evidence, in response to the ISM’s memorandum, Pfizer stated that PR is entirely legitimate and can “help to educate and inform”. According to the PMCPA, PR activities may include “placing articles in the lay press, TV documentaries, soap operas etc“.’ [p60 'The Influence of the Pharmaceutical industry' 2004 - English Parliamentary Health Select Committee report [emphasis added]]

From my perspective you are naive to believe what the government tells you.
So then it comes down to this: All science is bunk, unless it's results specifically disprove anything that contributes to the present status quo, since the status quo is one huge, gigantic conspiracy aimed to net money for vested interests.

Since the MMR vaccine is generic, anyone who produces it is going to have very little vested interest in allowing it to be used. Most pharma companies market an MMR vaccine (e.g. Merck, GSK and Sanofi all have versions, as well as a few smaller biotechs.) and so they would make very little money from it than from supplying a branded drug. And since they would also market the un-combined vaccines, I see absolutely no logic in a vested interest argument here. What little money they do make from these programs would also be made if the combined vaccine was taken off of the market.

FYI I have a 3-yr old child who is completely up to date with all vaccines.
So then it comes down to this: All science is bunk, unless it's results specifically disprove anything that contributes to the present status quo, since the status quo is one huge, gigantic conspiracy aimed to net money for vested interests.

Since the MMR vaccine is generic, anyone who produces it is going to have very little vested interest in allowing it to be used. Most pharma companies market an MMR vaccine (e.g. Merck, GSK and Sanofi all have versions, as well as a few smaller biotechs.) and so they would make very little money from it than from supplying a branded drug. And since they would also market the un-combined vaccines, I see absolutely no logic in a vested interest argument here. What little money they do make from these programs would also be made if the combined vaccine was taken off of the market.

FYI I have a 3-yr old child who is completely up to date with all vaccines.

Yes the pharmacutical industry is riddled with billions of vested interests. You can call it scientific as it is based on chemicals but just about every drug has some side affects. I remain sceptical to say the least. It is pure business and money. The diagnosis is yet to be determined for autism which show us how much we know. In the meantime the link between the gut and the brain can not be ruled out.

Some people talk of genetics and environment but that is whilst a possibility more distant than vacines injected into young babies imho.

Here is a link to www.autism.com site. Parents and interested parties can form their own opinions.

You have a point that legalizing certain drugs would lower gang violence. What about drugs like heroin and cocaine, though? Sure drugs like marijuana and even LSD would be fine but "harder" drugs would be bad to legalize. Gangs would inevitably start trying to sell those. But yes, gangs might decrease in size.Private Detectives
You have a point that legalizing certain drugs would lower gang violence. What about drugs like heroin and cocaine, though? Sure drugs like marijuana and even LSD would be fine but "harder" drugs would be bad to legalize. Gangs would inevitably start trying to sell those. But yes, gangs might decrease in size.Private Detectives

Prison doesn't seem to be a deterrent to criminal drug gangs.

Perhaps a cage in the city centre and those fairly convicted are forced fed their own rotten drugs would be more effective !!
Prison doesn't seem to be a deterrent to criminal drug gangs.

Perhaps a cage in the city centre and those fairly convicted are forced fed their own rotten drugs would be more effective !!

Drugs are cheaper in prison than they are on the streets - I remember reading a report in the news a while back where people broke into a prison to get cheap drugs!!