Drivers of currencies thread.

No, but, seriously, wirral, don't you think it's rude, discourteous and downright dishonest to copy and paste something into your post that was not written by you, without any acknowledgment or reference?

As to whether the original author's view was unique or not, it certainly was unique enough that you felt you wanted to reproduce his particular analysis verbatim. If this information is "generally known already", why didn't you actually write it down in your own words? Moreover, even if this information is known, writing is a skill, so not giving the author their due and passing the analysis off as your own work is inexcusable.

If you refuse to admit that you did wrong, you ARE MOST DEFINITELY A FECKLESS GOBSH!TE, as MrG says.

Of course it was lazy to not mention the source for the first part of my post (there are two parts if you look again) but as I said, it was an easy way to quickly let people see what is a generally held view on Euro bunds vs USDX. If you want to find me guilty of anything then find me guilty of lazyiness for not paraphrasing that particular text to what is a similar view of many pundits out there that I have also been reading for most of July - as others have paraphrased very similar text elswhere. Of course I should remember that most of the posts in TW2 appear to be designed to denigrate other members - often in quite vile terms rather than actually try to help people - silly of me - I walked right into that one. I am thinking of starting a new thread inThe Foyer "Who are the most miserable members on T2W?"
wirral, honestly, just admit you did wrong (as you sorta did, in a half-arsed way) and pls don't do it again... I really don't want to spend any more time responding to the specific points you made in your previous post.
For the euro you need to look at the EURO-BUNDS CORRELATIONS: Euro proving to be more responsive to rising bund yields than USDX is to rising US bond yields. EURUSD correlation with German 10 year yields stood around 0.93 since May vs. -0.62 for the correlation between USD Index and US 10 yr yields.EURUSD is more responsive to gains in German bund yields as opposed to the relationship between USDX and 10-year note where the correlation breaks more occasionally and sometimes becomes inverse. This means that EURUSD will likely extend gains on strong Eurozone figures, which may include econ data and European earnings.

There are other reasons as well - for instance the actual debt level of the USD per GDP is comparable to Greece - but no-one wants to talk about it. US wants to carry on printing money. I bought the euro/usd this week at 12930 and have exited not long ago at 13090 - but that is only a temporary exit as I believe the euro is going up to 135. Looking for a decent retraction and consolidation from support, I will get back in soon and hold for next week and prob the week after if I can....

Hi everyone,

Anyone know any sort of fundamental/sentiment drivers for the currencies aside from the standard data releases and rate differentials?


EUR - Risk
JPY - Carry
CAD - Oil/Energy

Fill in the blanks if you will with whatever currency you like.


Hi Scose - I have to respect your search for knowledge and understanding re the markets you trade in / wish to trade in. I know you're no novice and I think I'm right in saying you actually trade (rather than just fantasy trading) so this isn't really aimed at yourself.

I have to issue a word of caution to newcomers to currency trading (and other forms) - even if you know the most influential driver on an instrument, and you see that driver is moving bullishly, don't just blindly buy the instrument in question if it isn't reacting northwards already. If your main driver is saying buy and the instrument isn't being bought, it isn't your main driver any more: wait for the confirmation.

After all, if the big players who control the smart money aren't buying, why would you, working from a PC World laptop on your dining room table, think you know better than all of them?
Hi Scose - I have to respect your search for knowledge and understanding re the markets you trade in / wish to trade in. I know you're no novice and I think I'm right in saying you actually trade (rather than just fantasy trading) so this isn't really aimed at yourself.

I have to issue a word of caution to newcomers to currency trading (and other forms) - even if you know the most influential driver on an instrument, and you see that driver is moving bullishly, don't just blindly buy the instrument in question if it isn't reacting northwards already. If your main driver is saying buy and the instrument isn't being bought, it isn't your main driver any more: wait for the confirmation.

After all, if the big players who control the smart money aren't buying, why would you, working from a PC World laptop on your dining room table, think you know better than all of them?

I guess judging by your last comment, you can add "fantasy trader" and "Homer lookalike" to the other comments about me here. For
the record, here is a copy of my brief biography - seeing as so many people keep asking me about my background.


My Father died a few years ago at the age of 90 after trading (on the phone in those days) several times a week with his broker all his life. He was very successful and taught me a lot - as you may imagine. Its hardly surprising therefore that as he traded alongside his own business in this way during his life that I would do the same. So in terms of Trading experience at 58 years old I have been trading one way or another since I started my first business (in the Music Business) in 1975. After some 25 years in the Music Business, in 1995 I travelled the World for a while buying and selling bonds and meeting some extraordinary people in the process. In 1998, I started my last business (Internet Services Provider) which coincidentally was the first time I was also able to trade from an Internet based platform - stocks at first, then Oil, then FX.

Sitting in front of computer screens and running webservers and mail systems etc. made it easy for me to also trade all day every day since then online. A while ago I sold my Internet Business and therefore had the luxury of trading only. In the last 12 months, I have also started teaching Forex Trading which has been successful and rewarding with most new clients coming from referrals.

I am a Techincal Trader using my own proprietary techniques many of which were taught to me many years ago by an old timer who could still run rings round the best Internet techies now.. I do however always keep a close eye on the Fundamentals which drive the markets....

I guess judging by your last comment, you can add "fantasy trader" and "Homer lookalike" to the other comments about me here. For
the record, here is a copy of my brief biography - seeing as so many people keep asking me about my background.


My Father died a few years ago at the age of 90 after trading (on the phone in those days) several times a week with his broker all his life. He was very successful and taught me a lot - as you may imagine. Its hardly surprising therefore that as he traded alongside his own business in this way during his life that I would do the same. So in terms of Trading experience at 58 years old I have been trading one way or another since I started my first business (in the Music Business) in 1975. After some 25 years in the Music Business, in 1995 I travelled the World for a while buying and selling bonds and meeting some extraordinary people in the process. In 1998, I started my last business (Internet Services Provider) which coincidentally was the first time I was also able to trade from an Internet based platform - stocks at first, then Oil, then FX.

Sitting in front of computer screens and running webservers and mail systems etc. made it easy for me to also trade all day every day since then online. A while ago I sold my Internet Business and therefore had the luxury of trading only. In the last 12 months, I have also started teaching Forex Trading which has been successful and rewarding with most new clients coming from referrals.

I am a Techincal Trader using my own proprietary techniques many of which were taught to me many years ago by an old timer who could still run rings round the best Internet techies now.. I do however always keep a close eye on the Fundamentals which drive the markets....


Will you please flog your back-story and wares elsewhere, I'm trying to learn something here and you've already caused mega disruption with your plagiarism.
If you really are a trader rather than a fraud why do you stick around this place anyway? It's obvious how everyone feels about you and it's also obvious that nobody wants your paid courses. Why don't you just go back to trading as you were before you came here?

Any chance any of the mods could clean this thread up pweeese :D
Wirral, I got to read your last post because Scose had quoted it (I do not have him on ignore, see).

Look mate - if you're 58 years old you should know better. You copied and pasted somebody else's analysis and doctored it (numerous times for consistency) so as to make it appear that you had written it yourself. According to Scose you are also offering places on paid courses, which leads me to the conclusion that you were trying to make yourself appear more knowledgable (a point you refute) and articulate (one which you cannot) than you actually are in order to make your offer more appealing.

'Fess up and admit that you told porkies to make yourself sound more like a professional analyst than you are.
Wirral, I got to read your last post because Scose had quoted it (I do not have him on ignore, see).

Look mate - if you're 58 years old you should know better. You copied and pasted somebody else's analysis and doctored it (numerous times for consistency) so as to make it appear that you had written it yourself. According to Scose you are also offering places on paid courses, which leads me to the conclusion that you were trying to make yourself appear more knowledgable (a point you refute) and articulate (one which you cannot) than you actually are in order to make your offer more appealing.

'Fess up and admit that you told porkies to make yourself sound more like a professional analyst than you are.

I have already said that I dumped some text from Ashran (omitting charts) on the first part of my post as a quick and easy way of getting some information about the pairs Correlation indices onto here by way of providing some help and understanding to the discussion. It was lazy and wrong to do it that way - particularly as most of the posts on here are people just waiting to jump down each others throats, rather than willing to talk about trading. As I said, I walked right into that one. I never said that it was my own text and as so many people here get the same email updates from Ashran (including that one), that should be obvious. The sentiment however of the quote is not unique to anyone in particular - thats why I used it as part of a post.

Had the discussion continued about Trading and Fundamentals, then I would have continued to elaborate. If I use some text verbatim in the future as part of a wider issue, then as a result of this particular excursion, I shall most definitely attribute it. I am not trying to flog my courses here. They are mentioned in my bio simply because I have to explain that I am a Vendor member, not a private member.

Just in case there is a small chance that someone is actually interested in discussing trading rather that the side show and as I don't trade usually on Fridays, then I will elaborate further. It might be helpful if replies move the discussion on with reference to the subject matter. As to what people think about my own experience on the subject, I'm sure they will each come to their own personal conclusion as has been evident so far - its really not that important.

Here is my deeper take on the Current fundamentals surrounding the eur/usd and the gbp/usd.

I personally think the origins of the current Financial Crisis can be traced back to late 1973 when the US and therefore the World came off the Gold Standard, defined and continued as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 as the War was coming to an end. The situation came up as a result of the then Oil crisis when the US was forced to decouple the Dollar from the Gold standard after allowing the price of Gold to rise. Other Countries had simply pegged their currencies to the Dollar rather than Gold as a convenience and so when the US dropped the Gold Standard, the currency was effectively allowed to float. From that point on bonds were issued on the "credit and good faith" of the Sovereign Government in question rather than pegged to real assets. This began an explosion of paper leading to the current ridiculous mountain we have today.

The current Fundamentals behind the Dollar are a little frightening at the moment because of this huge debt mountain - estimated to be some $9.8 trillion deficit between 2011 and 2020 under Obama’s Government. This guy wants and needs to spend ever more on his new Health reforms etc, but has taken over the reins at precisely the wrong time for his plans. As I stated previously, the truth is that the US levels of debt/GDP ratio are actually akin to those of Greece - which spawned the recent Eurozone crisis.

Taking all of this as a background to the present day, then following the Bank Stress tests last Friday, Moodys have stated that the European Banks and UK Banks are "past their worst" but is clearly afraid to rock the boat and deal with "the Elephant in the room" elsewhere. They were inconclusive regarding US's AAA status, but there are many who believe that the US may actually lose its rating. This would severely knock the US's position as the Reserve Currency of the World which has helped the Dollar through the recession.

There have been so many examples of this where News Traders have been caught in the recent upheaval. Time and time again, horrendous news that should have been very bad for the Dollar had the opposite effect and sent the Dollar up. This is because in times of crisis investors look for a safe haven such as Gold and other commodities and in this case The Reserve Currency - and bought US bonds. Hence the Fundamentals that drove currencies down against the Dollar.

Now though we have a sea change. The Chinese Yuan has recently been allowed to rise against the Dollar for the first time ever. The problem for the Chinese is that they need to keep their Tiger economy going - particularly in lieu of aspirational wage demands etc. They also have all the Dollars in the World (give or take a few!) so how do they juggle this? Well instead of automatically buying US bonds (USD) they are now faced with needing to keep their other big Western Market going as well to a greater degree than before - particularly as the sentiment indicators for the US and the Eurozone/GB are now more skewed in favour of the Eurozone. In other words if the the average American is going to have less money to buy their goods, then they need to look and support other Markets. So they have been buying European and Uk bonds in greater quantities than before creating first a reversal and then an short uptrend ( some 1200 or so points) on the Euro and GBP vs the long term down trend.

The bottom line is it simply suits the Chinese to have a stronger Euro and Sterling right now – and they call the shots. They will probably send the Euro back up to 140/150 or so in the MT against the dollar.

and yes - its all my own work :)
That's a nice story but you really don't know what you're talking about do you?

Thanks for ruining my thread.
That's a nice story but you really don't know what you're talking about do you?

Thanks for ruining my thread.

I was expecting that - and a couple of others too no doubt. Lets keep the side show going it is then As I said, people will always come to their own conclusions...
I was expecting that - and a couple of others too no doubt. Lets keep the side show going it is then As I said, people will always come to their own conclusions...

No you're being an idiot. I've nothing against you personally but you came in here because you're bored and disrupted the thread by posting plagiarised info as your own. You then posted your own back-story when nobody asked for it and now you've again posted another rubbish reply to the OP that is not in keeping with the structure of the thread and is sketchy at best in terms of it's accuracy.

You are causing the sideshow. You are the sideshow. Now please just stop. Or you could do the decent thing and delete your posts and start again by posting less flammable material.

You will only find comments from me occassionally about Trading on here. I was led to believe that the clue was in the name "Trade-to-win"

Furthermore you are saying that my comments on some basic fundamentals that drive currencies in a thread entitled " Drivers of currencies" are "inflammable" and should be removed?

I have never made any personal comments in any derogatory way on here, I have only ever talked about trading, something you may or may not believe I know a little about.

Ok why don't ask the mods to remove my comments about trading and in particular the subject of this thread and leave aga M Doulgas comments instead as below:

"Wirraltrader, you are a feckless little gobsh!te with the charisma of a tampon. "

There again at least its funny - disgusting but funny - sod it, maybe your right...
But you are being one (feckless gobshizen). You're becoming a better example of one the more you post.

I said inflammable materials as in they will attract flaming i.e. your plagiarised post.

They rest of what you've posted is speculative hoohah.

Let's just leave it now anyway it's really boring.
heres a question to get back on track:

cocoa prices have been rising recently, does this mean that buying the ghanian currency would be a good idea, as they are the largest cocoa producing country? in what circumstances would this not work?
I feel slightly responsible for this whole episode. Sorry.

re: JPY - in your original post, you mention Carry - I'll expand on that a bit if I may...

... there is/was a well known correlation between USD/JPY and the 2's 10s yield spread. If you can't get hold of the on-the-run yields, I sometimes use the 5 - 30 spread because there are tickers $FVX (5) and $TYX (30) published by the CBOE and you can get historical data from yahoo et al.

Also, there are alot of Japanese Housewives (aka Mrs. Watanabe) who trade currencies for the carry because their domestic rates are so low. I think it was GammaJammer who said that it pays to look at what the Mrs. Watanabe's of the world are seeing if you are trading a Yen cross ( by looking at Ichimoku clouds, for example).
and yes - its all my own work :)
And how am I supposed to believe you now? How do I know that it is, in fact, your own work, given what you've done previously?
heres a question to get back on track:

cocoa prices have been rising recently, does this mean that buying the ghanian currency would be a good idea, as they are the largest cocoa producing country? in what circumstances would this not work?

Dunno. I believe that there are a lot of foreign aid subsidies paid to these producer countries to keep the produce low cost in dollar terms as far as I'm aware so that's real can of worms territory imo.
GDP Data - Any direct affect on currency outside of short term volatility or will implications manifest themselves through some of the above mentioned markets/crosses first?