Dress Attire for Equity Finance Trading Assistant


Hi Guys,

Recently got an internship at a large bank in the Equity Finance department on the Stock Loan Trading Floor. Just wondering what you guys think my dress attire would be? Business Formal or Casual?

For those of you who have any other advice for me regarding this internship, I'd be more than happy to listen. Thanks.

- Adam
Mate - first day make sure you waer shirt and tie with a nice suit. I'd even suggest wearing that for your entire first week. Nearly all banks are bus casual so after that you can probably dispense with the tie.

An internship is just a long interview - all they want to know is - could i work with Adam 14 hours a day ? Is he a guy i'd like to go for a beer with? Just be likeable and interested and you'll be fine. Stock loan desks have been hit pretty hard with redundencies the last few months so it could be difficult getting a job offer. But don't let that deter you - enjoy it, and look around at other business areas that may interest you. Best of luck dude!