Equity Finance Trader Intern


Hi Everyone,

New member here. I'm a third year Business student who recently got an Equity Finance Trading Assistant Internship.

I know I will be working with the securities lending/borrowing desk... just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can best prepare for the position. What type of operations are involved in Equity Finance? I'm fairly new to the capital markets so any help you guys can provide is appreciated.

- Adam
Hi Everyone,

New member here. I'm a third year Business student who recently got an Equity Finance Trading Assistant Internship.

I know I will be working with the securities lending/borrowing desk... just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can best prepare for the position. What type of operations are involved in Equity Finance? I'm fairly new to the capital markets so any help you guys can provide is appreciated.

- Adam


nice of you to join the group and to have you around 🙂

You should be happy first of all getting an internship in the current market situation:

I will give some suggestions:

- read a bit from investopedia
- have a look in trade2win forum, you can find almost everything.
- find out what do you have to do to become an authorized person in Canada (as I can see from your profile) and start reading for the exams.[i.e. in UK its FSA so I think Canada should be like Series 7]
- read a bit from the economist ,ft, wall street journal ,etc. finance related magazines/ newspapers
- if you can find VAULT guide to trading that would be fantastic or just check trading from prospects.ac.uk
-Last and most important BE YOURSELF

I hope all the above help

Thank you for sharing useful information.We want you to come up with more advanced information so that will be helpful to everyone.
. . . Equity Finance Trading Assistant Internship.

I know I will be working with the securities lending/borrowing desk... just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can best prepare for the position.

Make sure you can take the sandwich orders correctly, practice eating 70 chicken mac-nuggets in under 30 minutes etc etc
Thank you for sharing useful information.We want you to come up with more advanced information so that will be helpful to everyone.

Advanced information!
do you want me to give you a job as well, just do the above and you will be alright

do some research and put some effort
Thanks for the help so far!

I've been reading a lot of investopedia and financial papers/magazines over the past years. Investopedia for sure has really great stuff. I had an M&A interview where investopedia taught me everything I needed to know to be competitive for that job! Unfortunately I haven't been able to find anything specifically dealing with Securities Lending/Borrowing. I do find reading about different methods of trading very interesting, yet I'm not entirely sure how prevalent these methods will be in the Equity Finance department.

I'm more interested about the general operations of an Equity Finance department. There's a great magazine called ISF which is a Lending magazine but the subscription prices are a little out of my college student budget.

I'm going to continue to search these forums for related topics, are there any sites anyone would recommend visiting in addition to this one?

ps the site is great so far!