I've brought two Best Indicators to make easy way to trading for Beginners, Intermediate or Professionals traders who trading Forex, Binary Option, Crypto or Stock CFD by using their own strategies like Scalping, Day Trading, Short term or Long term
1. AVSDA Sri Lanka Support and Resistance Indicator
2. AVSDA Sri Lanka Trend Friendly Advance Indicator
AVSDA Sri Lanka Support and Resistance Indicator
This Indicator is indicated in the Chart Window. This Indicator is very useful for those who following the Reversal trend. The best powerful resistance and supporting Lines are auto drawing in this indicator. When the price came support and resistance line it would be reversal, the price goes braking throw the support and resistance line it would be continuing trend. The Time Line includes the Support Line and the Resistance Line. We can also select the Time from the Time frame. With this Indicator, we can best predict whether the Market Revers or Continue.
AVSDA Sri Lanka Trend Friendly Advance Indicator
This Indicator is indicated in the Separate Window. This Indicator is a more valuable Indicator. All main indicators (MA, BBANDS, RSI, CCI, MACD, ADX, STOCH, OsMA, AO, VOLUME, etc....) are individually related to each Indicators in all time frames the markets behavers we can see at once on one window. We can predict the Market easily, this the best place for us.
As shown in the diagram, we first show the values of each Indicators to us first. Then, we can be imaging the market according to overbought and oversold from this Indicator. We need to be careful about the time frame for the adjoining time frames. It is overbought or oversold There is a probability of turning the market at the same time. But more than one indicator overbought or oversold is more powerful.
The second trend is Bull and Bear. The market is indicative of the behavior of the indicator.
A strong Bull trend is dark green color with "STRONG" and a dark green color with a Up Arrow.
A normal Bull trend is light green color with "NORMAL" and a light green color with a up angel Arrow.
A strong Bear trend is dark Red color with "STRONG" and a dark Red color with a Down Arrow.
A normal Bear trend is Pink color with "NORMAL" and a Pink color with a Down angel Arrow.
X is the third most important sign.when Indicators values are crossing it will be indicate in the indicator window. each indicators values crossing from + value to - value or from - value to + value not only that Main Line is at the time when crossing the Signal Line, at the time of crossing the values of more Periods, it’s shows X mark.Market's path is crossing in the direction of the bull its shows dark green color with "X" sign , and the dark red color “X” is displayed on the side of the bear.
At the moment of crossing the Indicators, the chance of moving the market to the crossing direction is increasing. Increasing the strength of the trend due to crossing more than two indicators.it would be same time frame or another. You can see it easily from this indicator. In the time frame, you need to be careful when cross the indicators of big time frames. lot of time when big time frame indicators are crossed in case of a small time frame. In the same way, At the moment of crossing same time frame or big time frame likelihood of probability is much more likely to increase of prolonged tend as indicators shows. If there are many indicators of big time frames shows crossing sign, that strength is doubled.
A special feature is the “WAIT” sign shows when the marker is hard to predict. Be careful Do not trade when the indicators shows “WAIT” in more Indicators at a same time frame or more time frame, but sometime the X mark can also appear in some of the “WAIT” that appear. That’s why it’s happens when the market changes.at that time You should wait a while.
So, I think, using these two Indicators will be able to get your trading winning rate high and make a good strategies and make best trading. If you want some updates or suggestions about these indicators tell me what you need. If you have any questions, ask me.
I have upload both indicators and template. Go through this link and download the Indicators of Google Drive and attach it to your MT4, if you don’t know how to attach custom indicator in your MT4,you can find out from YouTube, If you can not find it, ask me.If you do not know anything about MT4, then ask me.
Click below link to Download Indicators