Dow Wolfewave

You should all know what a big fan of the Wolfewave I have become of late. Ford and I (amongst countless others, no doubt) spotted this beauty the other day, and it delivered target today to the tick. Very nice!


  • wolfe.jpg
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No BB, the target was the low yesterday around the 9050 area, so you need to wait for another setup now.
Again, this is taken real-time today in the cash dow.


  • wolfe.jpg
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Well the earlier one looked like it was going to deliver, then failed. Took 12 points out of it but that was that. However, this one delivered a little later in the day.


  • wolfe.jpg
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Sorry to repeat an earlier post, but has anyone out there actually spent the $3k on the manual and the 10 day fax course? If so, are you willing to report your experience of the method in use? Is it profitable?
Heres another excellent example from YM today, traded right to target :

These wolfewaves do seem to crop up quite often lately. The other day there were three good performers in one afternoon, although two were fairly hard to spot.

I'd guess from the lack of replies that no-one has spent the $3k on the manual, Oldun. I've read up a bit on them and to be honest I'm not sure what else there is to know other than with most patterns - and thats spotting them in time in the first place, and having the confidence to go with what you see.


  • crywolfe.jpg
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Seems to me to be no more than an expanding triangle / wedge??

$3k would be a lot to be told that.

Exactly. I think we all need to keep an open mind and be prepared to have a change of opinion. Often patterns develop quite quickly, and I started this thread because I think its useful to have a wide arsenal of tools, and I hadnt seen Wolfewaves (or whatever you want to call them) mentioned. If you can take a target price from one pattern, and not another, personally I'd rather trade the one with the target than the one without : at least then I know when it's failed and can take my profits or losses when I think right.

Good luck all,


I agree. Whatever it may seem to be, if it works it works but don't pay $3k for it.

See my analysis on the dow tonight... I show it as a bull flag breakout with a target a couple of points above 9420....
Six of one, half a doz of the other?.... but not £3k's worth....
Hi Dear
I am a follower /admirer of the ww pattern as well .
Just wondering if you want to share the details of the book which another trader you told has lended to you to refer. is it street smarts by linda raschke ?
If not then i would appreciate if you would like to share it with me.
Please do feel free to contact me on my email at

Best Regards

rossored said:
Have just gotten used to spotting Wolfewaves, and of course, spotted this one after it had performed... 🙄

Do many people use Wolfewaves and are they as reliable as I hear? Another trader on here has very kindly lent me a book which covers them in some detail and I was flabbergasted to see this today...assuming I've interpreted it correctly.

Any comments welcome. 😀
About Wolfewave

I realised some time ago that wolfewaves are better when, speaking in terms of time:

The distance between 3-5 waves is 1.618 the distance 1-3.

I'm talking about time, try this.

(Rules are secret so we do not know a lot about them)
Whta the Timeframe ?

Have just gotten used to spotting Wolfewaves, and of course, spotted this one after it had performed... 🙄

Do many people use Wolfewaves and are they as reliable as I hear? Another trader on here has very kindly lent me a book which covers them in some detail and I was flabbergasted to see this today...assuming I've interpreted it correctly.

Any comments welcome. 😀

What Timeframe did you use in those screenshoot ?