DOW, Which Way!


Junior member
Is the dow side only, Or still heading down over the next day or so, or is it time to catch that falling knife and watch it rise, Seems to me no one knows which way to go with this, That includes the traders on the floor. Although I have a feeling it may start to pick back up over the next day. Any Coments.
you should only decide on market direction - the moment just before you take the trade

if you analyse it beforehand and reach a conclusion without immediately taking a trade - you are wasting your time and when you do take the trade, you are liable to miss what the market is telling you
this week,

sideways, down, then up.

or could be, sideways, down, then some more down.

ugh.. think id prefer the former...

Hope you are right I am long, got caught out not watching and am now carrying a loss :eek:
Around 1910, there was a lift operator who worked at the headquarters of JP Morgan. He was very interested in the Stock Market, having a small portfolio of shares himself. He wanted to ask the great man himself what he ought to do, but every morning the lift was full and did not get a chance for some time.
One morning, the opportunity presented itself because Mr Morgan stepped in to an otherwise empty lift.
The lift operator seized the opportunity. He quickly asked "Mr Morgan, please, can you tell me what the market is going to do today". JP Morgan reflected for a moment and then replied "Well, it is going to fluctuate, that's for certain !". I have often pondered upon the lack of generosity of the old boy, for whom it was very easy to say up or down, now finally I understand, on the basis that people get their noses out of joint when they are told what's what on the basis that instead of being grateful, they turn against the giver, and find some reason to dispute what is fact, no matter what, because that is my experience.
Thought for the day – *do those who are on the ‘Journey from the Basement’ relate to lift operators more than the average punter (sorry – investor……)……..?!*

Dow – likely bounce ‘til about 19.00 this eve, then Big Al will operate the whipsaw button (again….!)

Hold on to your hats...........


  • al whipsaw.jpg
    al whipsaw.jpg
    45.1 KB · Views: 313
Well, Big Al has a problem this evening. I am sure he has the answers all worked out, everything he needs to come up with, to continue to disguise the developing stagflation.
Market prices in a 0.25 raise and would not be happy if they remain on hold yet the Friday jobs figures give FED every excuse to stay put. After all, any sharp economic contraction will bring their house of cards crashing down and they will avoid that at any cost. What they need right now is inflation and carefully calculated figures that don't show it.
I am now bearish the Dow, it is firmly in a downtrend, just may be a little oversold and on top of that I think Dubya will want to pull a rabbit out of the hat before November.
I think non biased active daily management is the best bet right now.
"Trust Me"


  • greenspan2caricature.jpg
    50.2 KB · Views: 207
Dow – likely bounce ‘til about 19.00 this eve, then Big Al will operate the whipsaw button (again….!)

Hold on to your hats...........

Regards, Mystic Meg



  • woody.jpg
    3.3 KB · Views: 706
cricket said:
Is the dow side only, Or still heading down over the next day or so, or is it time to catch that falling knife and watch it rise, Seems to me no one knows which way to go with this, That includes the traders on the floor. Although I have a feeling it may start to pick back up over the next day. Any Coments.

If you have to ask you cant trade it..its not yet a buy signal on a simple little routine which catches all moves within safe small traders parameters for shortr tern scalps.

at the mnoment it still has dow short which is right at min profit at when at 9800. and i personally dont like it (but its always better than i am ) so about tuesday morning It will be calling for a buy I think. to a cash at 10195 at a special ma we have sitting also says those folk who shorted3 days ago may need to cover shorty at 10002 and may have missed the cash point this am..,,.11 sinals since april 2 with 2 losers and a fixed profit loss routine

no external information at all ONLY price and one measuring ma which says how far proces can distance from it ,whethjer momentum is up or down by its end slope etcetc

so easy compared to scrolling around using other folks guesses and silly stuff like most tech signals
like a tart's drawers....

still looking for a bit more of a sell off, then up from 9750 until friday evening...

9850 proving a stubborn customer....
Obviously going for the ‘Mystic Meg 2004’ award FC………….!?

No need for a crystal ball just now tho’ – just watch the price of oil……. ;)

(UK petrol £1.00 litre soon……?............ :mad: )