Dow Intraday charts 12/05 - 16/05


even mighty semantec is having a hassle fighting this fizzer worm b*gger. I am afraid i may b cut off from the rest of u for today.....

quick question to whoever may be in the savvy. U know this US web-site WWW.UBID.COM where u can get any computer bits bidding for their prices. I heard thez a similar site here (not EBAY.CO.UK which is b***cks!). anyone knows what it is?

cheers lads
Folks regarding the fizzer virus - if you were having problems accessing the chatroom earlier today that was because the version of the software we used to connect to the chatroom was falsley making the othernet irc network think we were infected with the virus. All fixed now, I just had to upgrade the software, no actual virus infecton - just a false detection then.

Sorry, just a quicky tonight. Channel drop at 8660 on news but broadly staying in channel today. We now have a possible new minor up trend channel forming. Keep an eye on the channels during the day and you'll catch the breakouts....


  • dow 15-05-03 1 mina.gif
    dow 15-05-03 1 mina.gif
    27.1 KB · Views: 364
Jeez my typing is bad 🙁

Anyway, another channel bound day with some excitement thrown in for good measure! The possible uptrend that was forming has been cancelled with confirmation at the bounce at 8720. The earlier indecision about 8660/8670 showed well today, forming a tight trading range for ages. Overall stuck in the 8660/8720 channel. Again, not an easy day to trade and if you caught the drop, you could have lost it later on.....


  • dow 16-05-03 1 mina.gif
    dow 16-05-03 1 mina.gif
    18.1 KB · Views: 330
This week was strange. There wasn't a break-out of the Monday range. From Tuesday to Friday it traded in a 130 point range. I haven't seen that happen before. Will be interesting to see how far it goes when it does break this range.