Dow End of Day Signalling Service

no trades for a very very long time i notice !!!!! I'm on the free month trial ...... not too impressed by this !!!
received a swing trade signal THIS EVENING ...... no target given ...... just a stop loss of 380 POINTS !!!!!!! WTF ??? 380 points stop loss and no target ???? A chimp could could give out a swing trade "forecast " like that couldn't they ???
They say they don't give a target because trades tend to last for a few days (per their website) but after the first day of a trade they sometimes reduce the stop loss, if the bet is up quite a few points.

I'm happy with last night's signals - just taken £140 off the swing trade at 8900 and looking to re-enter when market pulls back (hopefully to 9000 or more!). I've decided to use their swing signals for giving bias to the bets I make during the day i.e. today i'll be shorting, cashing in when shows resistence (usually around 100 numbers i.e. 8900, 8800 etc) then re-entering after a pullback. Hopefully if their signal is correct I should be able to make more points than they do!!
Received e-mail from WDS advising to move stop loss to 8840. If gets taken out their trade will show 200 point profit. However, by taking out when market showed resistance then shorting again on the pull backs (as mentioned in earlier post) I've made nearly 600 points, with one trade still running (from 8800 and atop at 8840) - happy days!!
that is very impressive ...... nice one !!! What i don't like about their swing trade recommendation , is the HUGE stop loss ........380 points !!! Fair enough , they've got the driection right and nice profit for members .......but even allowing for current volatility ...... 380 stop loss is ridiculously large isn't it ???
Their usual stop loss is 250 points on the swing trades but I guess because of the current volatility they increased it.

I ended up with over 1000 points yesterday (my best day's result!), just wish I was betting a tenner a point instead of a pound!

What I like about the signals is that psychologically they give me a reason/confindence to enter a trade i.e. they said yesterday was a down day so I felt confident putting down bets on all day.
Last night's swing trade from WDS just netted me another 500 points - that's 1500 points from 2 signals in 2 weeks!!

How's everyone else doing?
theway2excel, why do i get a feeling this is too good to be true, or maybe you work for WDS

FWIW, I had a free trial with them and the trades theway2excel has posted are correct because I got the same emails. Personally I'm not a big fan of the wide stops so I'm not sure about subscribing. Plus I tend to trade stocks anyway.

The other thing I would say is that there have been numerous days where there is no signal to trade. I consider this a good sign, as is the fact they have a performance based subscription service.

I have no affiliation with WDS at all.
theway2excel, why do i get a feeling this is too good to be true, or maybe you work for WDS

no, WDS nothing to do with me (wish it was!) - just a service i've been using for the past 4 months that's been profitable for me, and a thread i started that i update every so often.
Might even give a go myself and trial it out, i dont understand complicated charts etc n work 9-5, so this might be the best option for me, i dont mind paying someone 75 a month as long as the overall result is at least 400 points a month. Keep posting about results cheers

I have been trading the dow for about 3 months and have been looking for a reliable end of day signalling service (as work aren't too happy with me day trading during their time!!) I recently came across the following: They claim to make an average of 500 points per month. I have subscribed to their month's free trial option and am currently up around 100 points within 2 weeks (which would more than cover the monthly subscription cost). I was wondering if anyone else has tried this or any other end of day signalling service.


I run a small advisory website myself, you know what, regardless whether you make money or not I fail to see how it's gonna help you gain experience and develop your own market judgement... the last thing you need is to make money without understanding
the cause, eventually you will get emotional and carried away:!:
Their usual stop loss is 250 points on the swing trades but I guess because of the current volatility they increased it.

I ended up with over 1000 points yesterday (my best day's result!), just wish I was betting a tenner a point instead of a pound!

What I like about the signals is that psychologically they give me a reason/confindence to enter a trade i.e. they said yesterday was a down day so I felt confident putting down bets on all day.

I havnt followed this thread for a while, I was wondering what the biggest drawdown has been so far. I like the idea of using the swing signals to give a direction for shorter term trades, overall how accurate have the swing signals been in terms of giving the correct direction for the next day?
Just signed up for this service, so far I've had two 50 point winners off the scalp signals with no losers, so far no swing signals as yet. I'll keep posting results here for a while.
Just signed up for this service, so far I've had two 50 point winners off the scalp signals with no losers, so far no swing signals as yet. I'll keep posting results here for a while.

I'm about 3 weeks into my trial and I'm about 550 up.

1 x swing & 2 x scalps so far.
I'm about 3 weeks into my trial and I'm about 550 up.

1 x swing & 2 x scalps so far.

Are you taking the trades exactly as they advise or are you picking the ones you think are the best? Either way youre doing very well.
Just taking what they advise.

It's been possible to obtain better entry and exit points than they claim in their results on each trade too.