Dow End of Day Signalling Service

the currect swing trade closed out for a 170 point loss !

God knows what has happend these past few months to their swing trade signals, they used to be good. Maybe it will pick up who knows.

with this current swing trade that got closed out at - 170 points, it was twice around 250 pips in profit, couldent help thinking they should have sent the cALl to close.

Maybe they might be more profitable if they were to do stop losses of 200 and take profit of 200 also, as 350 seems a bit on the large size
Swing trades carry quite a bit of risk to your capital... i prefer trading overnight in the futures market and then be out by the next day.
Rollover balls up.

Just a quick warning to anybody trading the 9pm end of day signals.

As you are probably aware, WDS sent a "buy" signal tonight.

I got my ticket up on IG a few seconds before 9pm and waited.
At 9pm and 57 seconds i hit the buy thing i know i've lost 19 points and the trade is still on.

After calling IGs help desk, it seems that if my ticket is up and ready even a few seconds before 9pm then the trade will be rolled over and restarted.

Daft mistake to make i know...but i thought i would mention it to fellow traders so that they can avoid this situation.
Regards, and the best of luck to you all.

Quick update.
IG called this morning to say they would give the rollover charge back.
Considering that it was my mistake, i think its bloody good of them!
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Thank you!

I spread bet using the end of day system. The signals are 2-3 times a week. No free trials there but they offered me 60 days money back if I find that I'm not happy with the service. Pretty happy so far so I think I'll stick with it.

Thank you for recommending our service! We hope you are enjoying the recent winning streak 🙂
Possible wds intraday profitable approach

Why has this thread gone quiet all of a sudden, come on guys where are you and how are you getting on?

Hi All

Came across this site - Do I Have To Go Back To Work Or Not which blogs the WDS intraday method results daily. The results seems quite impressive based on the gentleman's approach to trading the levels.

Hope it sheds more light to a possible profitable way to implement the intraday levels.😎
Not posted for a while but looks like everyone else gone quiet also!

WDS only issued 1 swing trade in past month that they took 100 profit on. The dow and forex overnight trades also continue to be profitable as does the intraday system (although no trade alerts for a while).

How's everyone else been finding the overnight and intraday trades?
Not posted for a while but looks like everyone else gone quiet also!

WDS only issued 1 swing trade in past month that they took 100 profit on. The dow and forex overnight trades also continue to be profitable as does the intraday system (although no trade alerts for a while).

How's everyone else been finding the overnight and intraday trades?

Yes i agree its quiet on here , please post people.

I would like to know which of the 3 overnight dow options people are using ? thanks
I ask this as im unsure which is the best one to use.
Yes i agree its quiet on here , please post people.

I would like to know which of the 3 overnight dow options people are using ? thanks
I ask this as im unsure which is the best one to use.

I think option 1 is the safest to use because an average of three winning trades a week soon pile on the points. Option 3 requires you to chase your losses which is not a good idea.
Good luck with your trading.
Not posted for over 4 months and seems like thread has died so thought would try to revive it!

Still following WDS signals. Not many Dow swings and those there have been recently are running at a loss, but more than made up for by the Dow & forex overnight scalps and the intra day system and trade alerts (which have increased in number and cover more markets).

They've also started providing end of day set and forget signals each evening on forex markets which they say have achieved over 1300 points profit since October. I've only followed these trades in November and can confirm they are currently around 650 points up. Also currently up around 130 points on the first 2 forex swing trades they sent towards end of last week which are still running.

Will try to update more often and be good to hear if anyone else is still following the signals!
Not posted for over 4 months and seems like thread has died so thought would try to revive it!

Still following WDS signals. Not many Dow swings and those there have been recently are running at a loss, but more than made up for by the Dow & forex overnight scalps and the intra day system and trade alerts (which have increased in number and cover more markets).

They've also started providing end of day set and forget signals each evening on forex markets which they say have achieved over 1300 points profit since October. I've only followed these trades in November and can confirm they are currently around 650 points up. Also currently up around 130 points on the first 2 forex swing trades they sent towards end of last week which are still running.

Will try to update more often and be good to hear if anyone else is still following the signals!

Not looked at WDS for a while, didn`t like they were recording the winning numbers as if they had sent out alerts (rather than just levels).
They were taking what their customers said they were achieving following their levels and posting them as results.

Will take alook at their new offerings. Thanks for the heads up.
Not posted for over 4 months and seems like thread has died so thought would try to revive it!

Still following WDS signals. Not many Dow swings and those there have been recently are running at a loss, but more than made up for by the Dow & forex overnight scalps and the intra day system and trade alerts (which have increased in number and cover more markets).

They've also started providing end of day set and forget signals each evening on forex markets which they say have achieved over 1300 points profit since October. I've only followed these trades in November and can confirm they are currently around 650 points up. Also currently up around 130 points on the first 2 forex swing trades they sent towards end of last week which are still running.

Will try to update more often and be good to hear if anyone else is still following the signals!

What is an ''end of day set and forget'' ? Isnt this the same same as the end of day overnight service?
Quick update on WDS. Again not much in the way of Dow swings but 9pm overnight signal was up 100 points in December and up 50 points so far this month.

End of day set and foret forex signals continue to perform really well, 450 points in December and 230 so far this week (over 1300 points since I started following them in November!)

Not many live alerts during December, what there were made about 80 points, but using their intra day levels for own trading continues to be very profitable.
Im a bit lost with the End of day set and foret forex signals.
If one, if gbp/usd rises you cancel the sell..If im right i would have to stay up all night.
I could be having a very blonde moment here and would apprieciate some guidence.
Many thanks in advance.
Im a bit lost with the End of day set and foret forex signals.
If one, if gbp/usd rises you cancel the sell..If im right i would have to stay up all night.
I could be having a very blonde moment here and would apprieciate some guidence.
Many thanks in advance.

Not 100% sure and am not a member of WDS but think with some brokers you can set it up so if one is triggered the other is cancelled.

WDS seem to have so many things going now it`s hard to decide which to trade (looking at their website).

I am looking for a set and forget that is placed in the evening. Can anyone say what their ratio of wins and losses is on their 9pm FX system??

Not 100% sure and am not a member of WDS but think with some brokers you can set it up so if one is triggered the other is cancelled.

WDS seem to have so many things going now it`s hard to decide which to trade (looking at their website).

I am looking for a set and forget that is placed in the evening. Can anyone say what their ratio of wins and losses is on their 9pm FX system??


The set up if one order is triggered the other is cancelled is an "OCO" order (one cancels other). There are a several spreadbet companies that have "OCO" orders, such as CMC Markets, Gekko (Ig doesn't appear to).

The FX trades seem to come out around 10pm on a Sunday and 10.30pm during the week. According to my records there have been 30 days with FX trades (generally seems to be 4 pairs each day) since the beginning of November with 23 profitable days and 7 losing days.
The set up if one order is triggered the other is cancelled is an "OCO" order (one cancels other). There are a several spreadbet companies that have "OCO" orders, such as CMC Markets, Gekko (Ig doesn't appear to).

The FX trades seem to come out around 10pm on a Sunday and 10.30pm during the week. According to my records there have been 30 days with FX trades (generally seems to be 4 pairs each day) since the beginning of November with 23 profitable days and 7 losing days.

Thank you for the help.
Good hunting in 2010
The set up if one order is triggered the other is cancelled is an "OCO" order (one cancels other). There are a several spreadbet companies that have "OCO" orders, such as CMC Markets, Gekko (Ig doesn't appear to).

The FX trades seem to come out around 10pm on a Sunday and 10.30pm during the week. According to my records there have been 30 days with FX trades (generally seems to be 4 pairs each day) since the beginning of November with 23 profitable days and 7 losing days.

Thanks for that. Their fee structure is a little confusing.

Does not look as though you can sign up for just the FX set and forget signals. Not even mentioned in the Fees section.
Thanks for that. Their fee structure is a little confusing.

Does not look as though you can sign up for just the FX set and forget signals. Not even mentioned in the Fees section.

Yeah, looking at their site it seems the FX signals are bundled with the dow signals. Might be worth mailing them to see if they are available on there own?
Thanks for that. Their fee structure is a little confusing.

Does not look as though you can sign up for just the FX set and forget signals. Not even mentioned in the Fees section.

The forex set and forget signals are still being trialled and it's free to subscribbers who take the Intraday alert service. That means that you need to subscribe to both the Dow swing service and the Intraday srevice.
Hope that helps. Good luck with your trading.

Hi theway2excel

I was trading winning dow signals with relative good success until i decided to move to Blackdog forex. That system is very good, but when running a full time job can be a bit hair raising at time, if you understand what i mean!

Are you still having very good results with the set up and leave on winning dow?

Im tempted to rejoin winning dow,

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