Dow and FTSE P&F Charts

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Here's my wave count. 😛


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Just been looking at some cross referencing with the Nazdaq 100 and the wave count on a timescale since the October low. From the October low on all four major indices we get the A, B, C wave correction up to the end of November highs. Then, it appears the NDX becomes out of sync down to the Mar lows, with the NDX bottoming in mid Feb and the other 3 indices bottoming in mid Mar. The NDX shows a clear A,B,C down to mid Feb whilst the other 3 indices also show an A,B,C down to mid Feb, they continue further down to mid March. A 5 wave up count can be counted on the NDX from the mid Feb lows but to be in sync with the other three indices it must be an A,B,C correction with the 'C' wave now in progress with the 'B' wave completed at the mid March lows. Lower than the previous lows on the other 3 indices and higher than the previous low on the NDX. (Just some thoughts.....I accept no responsibility for any typing errors).
Dow - 8500 cleared on the futures. (As predicted earlier in this thread). Its getting Dizzy up here. Exciting though, even if I am not in on this 'last' push. No balls see, literally. Tee hee.
The comming days in the life of the 'C' wave in relation to the NDX.
(Nazdaq 100).

Pay attention now.

We may still be in wave 3 of this 'C' wave with wave 5 within wave 3, within wave 'C' to go. If so, expect the NDX to climb to 1125 ish to complete wave 3 of this 'C' wave. From there, wave 4 of this 'C' wave will commence down to 1090 ish, no lower than 1078 ish as this is the summit of wave 1 within this 'C' wave. From there, we should expext the final wave 5 to commence up to pass the summit of wave 3 to complete the 'C' wave & then its...........Timber !
If wave 3 of this 'C' wave has completed then wave four will commence earlier.

Looks like the 3 of C was complete with the 4 of C now in progress. (Down to 1090 ish on the NDX as highlighted above). If true, then we have a 5 of 'C' up to come next week. Now thats a scary wave to ride, but when it peaks, the ride down during May should be a walk in the park.
Just experimenting. First time for me on here....posting a picture. (I've posed plenty of times for a picture...clean ones before you all get excited).
Hmmm. Use spell checker and you lose the attachment I see.


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8520 on the Dow finally passed for 5 of 'C' to show itself.
1135 on NDX reached intraday as per above graph for 5 of C. Lets see how it ends up.
Down shortly Chartman, may be some minor upside, but hopefully down by Friday so as I end up in front of you in the Dow competition. (Psst, take a peak at the leader board, the stewards inquiry was in my favour, thanks Sharky).
Now as for placing our bets with real money on where we are going the answer is simple, wait for it to happen and jump on board making sure you get off before the 'wave' hits the shore. There will be enough points to be had without taking extra risks to keep us happy. If your not sure when to jump on then stick to your own methods. Last month I highlighted when I entered a position and when I exited and that took care of the 'takings for the month'. And as I said, I am waiting to catch the next wave segment when it occurs. Perhaps I should not post so much whilst I'm waiting. But a girl likes to have a natter. Anyway, I digress. Good luck in the Dow competition & may you be wrong so as I am right, lol. (Whoever wins, its just a game, albeit deadly serious, lol).
Kind words. As for the comp, it's thanks to me, otherwise Sharky would have missed it. He doesn't get time to look at everything that happens on the BB. I'm not sure if I stuck my neck out too far as your gain is someone else's loss, which is kinda upsetting after the event. It seems a bit harsh that someone who comes so close ends up with next to nothing. Roll on Friday p.m. :cheesy:
Thanks Chartman. Thats one I owe you. Now that I have the 'Brucie Bonus', I'm wondering if 'points make prizes'.

(It would have been harsher for the person who came closest to lose out to someone else's gain).
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