Dow 2006

The obvious Fundamentals of the Middle East situation have to be taken into account imo.
Is it going to hot up from here ? With two intrangitant antagonists it doesn't look promising. However from past experience it is likely to be a gradual scaling down of attacks and more bluster ( plenty of wringing of hands and crocodile tears )
If it breaks 10700/650 do you think it will be 10200 !
There is support P&F chart 10540 what do u think

R3 10970
R2 10909
R1 10824
793 --------------Predicted Hi
Piv 10763
S1 10678
647------------- Predicted Lo = Range 146
S2 10617
S3 10532
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Three Dow components -- Coca-Cola (KO), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), and United Technologies (UTX) to report Q2 results pre-market open.
Hourly chart neutral

On my chart, I've got back a normal black bar after a week full of red bars i.e, bearish trend is exhausted. The pivot support is established. If it can survive today's news, it might fill the gaps up there. Just a thought though.


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I can't log on to TradeStation. Long on a nice opening rally :cheesy: But couldn't take another ride from 960 range. Shorting from 990? I can't see my paintbars.. 😱 till then.. 😀
TBAR11 said:
they d better be red leo 😈
Hi TBAR11,
See for yourself. My PaintBar long signal started yesterday 840pm @10750 all the way to 10950 until a black bar appeared. ( I got part of it only, as my TS was already on and off since this afternoon).

Since then, there was a scalp short signal ( red arrow ) followed by scalp long ( blue arrow) which in turn was followed by GREEN bars... that's as far as I can see on my TS screen.

For the record, the gap between 10960 and 11000 is now closed. Hope TS is working normal tomorrow. 😀


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Thank you for your chart 🙂
are you mainly using EMA and stochastic crossovers to get your signals?
i use 34EMA and CCI but its mainly price action for me..
TBAR11 said:
Thank you for your chart 🙂
are you mainly using EMA and stochastic crossovers to get your signals?
i use 34EMA and CCI but its mainly price action for me..

My PaintBar indicator is based on multi-timeframe CCIs. EMA and Stochastics are just a coincidence, enhancing the validity of the signals.
Return of the Red bars

They are back. Sorry for the wait.. :cheesy:


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thats good as im still short! will close position whenever CCI 50 crosses above the zero line on my 5 min chart , or..whenever your paintbars go green :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
how to exit at the bottom

I've been wondering how to exit my red bars' shortsale. I've got a working entry system but exit system is still a mystery. Thanks ot Grey1 ( who is moderating TT thread), I am now applying multi TimeFrame exhaustion as one of the exits method. Here is the trade,

Sellshort entry @ 11015. ( Open after one Red Bar print )
Exit @10868. ( exit after system generated blue dot signal )

Such an awesome signal ................ backtesting was also satisfactory, except for the Longs where the rally often continues. At least one solution is with me now 😀


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Hi Leo,
I see you use TradeStation and it looks impressive. I've had a look at the TS website. Seems expensive at $99.95 per month rental. Am I right in supposing that this doesn't include data feed ?
According to the comments in the software section which may be out of date, the modern US system of renting half a system seems to be happening. In other words you have to keep laying out extra, for bits and pieces or one only has a useless half-system ???

Could you possibly be kind enough to just jot down costs plus costs per trade etc. ??
Ease of use etc.
Thanks Pat
Pat494 said:
Hi Leo,
I see you use TradeStation and it looks impressive. I've had a look at the TS website. Seems expensive at $99.95 per month rental. Am I right in supposing that this doesn't include data feed ?
According to the comments in the software section which may be out of date, the modern US system of renting half a system seems to be happening. In other words you have to keep laying out extra, for bits and pieces or one only has a useless half-system ???

Could you possibly be kind enough to just jot down costs plus costs per trade etc. ??
Ease of use etc.
Thanks Pat

Hi Pat,

You are right, it doesn't include data feed. BUT, it's not end of the world because INDU data is free, not just INDU, NDX, SPX are also all free and streaming live. So, if you wanna trade DJI CFD or use SB for trading cash INDU, then open an account and use their facilities. I am not promoting TS but based on what you asked I will do a brief analysis.

If you trade 10 round turn contracts in the first month you get next month's fees waived. As for the costs, £1.20 per contract per side+ Exchange fees etc all come to $2.12 per contract per side. In order to qualify for a fee waiver 10 YM trades are required. Then you'd need live CBOT data to trade YMs. That cost $50 per month.

So, 10 x 4.24 = $42.40 for commisions + data fees + $50. TOTAL = $92.40.

That is cheap because you would have taken 10 x $5 trades during the month with 1 point spread. YM is quoted as say 10950/10951. Savings in spread is, let's say, 2 points per trade (normally 4 pt spread in CFD/ SB they quote like 10900/904, suppose YM is trading at 50pt premium. If your position is less than 1 week, I would say the premium is not significant ).

On the savings side, 2 x 10 trades = 20 points for a $5 contract, i.e, $100 in hidden costs of 10 trades. 4 point spread is effectively $20 hidden cost for a $5 CFD or SB position.

Bottom line
The results of 10 trades are not relevant in this analysis as you would be trading the same way. And the switching cost is is 'zero', except the wire transfer to US brokerage cost about £20. On the plus side, any paid data feed that you are currently subscribing can be saved, too.

It is an open source software. On the basic level, charts are colourful, easy to customise. On the advanced level, you can create your own indicators and do algorithms etc etc. I wih I had used it much much earlier especially because of it's backtesting facility. It completely changed the way I trade.

There are some negative sides, last week, for the first time, I lost the connection to TS servers. Some complain TS data feed is slow.

Hope this helps.
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THANKS Leo that's really useful coming from a neutral source rather than having to ask TS themselves, who are probably biased.
Is a deposit needed - IB is $1,400 as far as I know ?
The other relevent question is can one find a good enough system to programme in or perhaps it comes with indicators, to justify the expense ?? i.e. be profitable for anyone less than a genius ??
Sorry a bit of a prickly question. Quite understand if noone wants to answer it...........
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