Dow 2006

Racer said:
Were you around in the bear market? If this is the start of another, you haven't seen anything yet!

Yes was around in the bear market and the lovely big time tech crash...agree we might not have seen anything yet - but then dont really think the same type of bubble'ish build exists in the markets caveat on commodities etc...well tale of the tape will be once we get some sign of the first rally -if that goes nowhere we could be in for a slow dry summer....
Dow 1:1 completed - will mere geometrical symmetry be enough to stem the blood?
(Well, an RSI can feel as dreadfully negative as he likes, but the little fella still can't buy anything. 🙂 )
The H&S ultimately points to 11k, but we should get a decent bounce first.
Breadth today on NYSE & Naz wasn't nearly as shocking as yesterday. There were also fewer new lows. Trin didn't rise as high either. VIX is sorta at "resistance", though it did confirm the new lows.
Naz has been down for 8 days.

There has been a really obvious hourly channel break today for late shorts to sell, so IF they turn it round these weak hands could provide a lot of fuel for a 150 point up day tomorrow.

There may be a channel developing on the 10 min worth keeping an eye on.

I'll be looking for a bounce on futs overnight (small position) or from 11100 tomorrow. If we hit 11k it'll be time to empty several clips on the long side.

Tis options expiry so anything could happen.

There's a lot of open interest concentrated in the (ITM) 112 / 113 DIA puts ... it's tempting to think cunning writers who have capitalised on the recent fear (increased volatility) and sold them for a good price will now try and surprise the buyers by ensuring they expire worthless. Not that I have any historical examples to support my theory. Time for a dig. 🙂 Edit: Wrong wrong wrong on this point.


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A turbulent week but to round it all off we have the 'good ole' Eurovision Song Contest !

Don't get me wrong - normally I'd not have the slightest interest in Europap and certainly wouldn't watch the Eurocrap Song Contest either !

HOWEVER - what an absolutely fabulous entry from Finland this year. If there is any justice in the world it will blow them all away and they will win by the proverbial mile ! The grannies and the fogeys will hate it - but what a breath of 'fresh' air !

Mr Lordi from Finland - Hardrock Halellujah - just blow the stuffed shirts away !!!!
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Sundry stats

In case it may be of some interest to someone, here are 2 stats
1. From close to close there were 365 points on offer from the Dow last week ( Friday night to Monday night etc. )
2. From Opening to Close on the same day there were 353 Dow points on offer last week.
Hope ya all managed to grab some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some observations by Bob Parker of Credit Suisse
1. In the short term the market is still overbought.
2. It's just a correction of the bull market rather than the start of a Bear one.
3. The correction will last till about Sept. before the overriding bull market kicks back in.
4. The recent big build up of steelmaking capacity in China will make them a net exporter soon.
5. Commodity bubble unlike earlier tech bubble.
kriesau said:
A turbulent week but to round it all off we have the 'good ole' Eurovision Song Contest ! Don't get me wrong - normally I'd not have the slightest interest in Europap and certainly wouldn't watch the Eurocrap Song Contest either !

HOWEVER - what an absolutely fabulous entry from Finland this year. If there is any justice in the world it will blow them all away and they will win by the proverbial mile ! The grannies and the fogeys will hate it - but what a breath of 'fresh' air !
Mr Lordi from Finland - Hardrock Halellujah - just blow the stuffed shirts away !!!!
Hey - Mr Lordi really did blow them all away last night and won by the proverbial mile

😎 😎 😎 😎 😎

No empty victory for some third rate saccharine ballad or prissy singalong chorus song - this was hard rock :cheesy: :cheesy:
After 51 years the Eurotrash Song Contest will never be the same again.😆 😆

“How weird is this? How cool is this?” said lead singer Mr Lordi, at a press conference minutes after his hard rock band Lordi had won the 51st Eurovision Song Contest. “Think about it, a rock band just won a pop song contest. This is weird, strange, interesting. This is for all rock fans, hard rock fans, metal fans and Kiss fans. And we didn’t just win – we won it for Finland.”

He then sang the chorus of Lithuania entry, ‘We Are The Winners’. “We won the contest, looking like this,” he said. “It just goes to show that Europe is not such a bad place.”

He admitted that the idea of competing in the contest was a new one. “We never even thought of joining,” he said. “The Finnish Eurovision board called us and asked us to join the selection contest. We said, ‘Are you sure you’ve got the right number?’ We decided to do it just to promote our album. And then we got 42% of the vote!”

Describing his triumph a “a victory not just for Finland and us but for rock fans and open-mindedness”, he said that he hoped it would lead to greater musical diversity in future. "From now on, hopefully Eurovision fans will accept more different musical styles than just pop and ballads,” he said. “I hope more rock and metal bands join Eurovision.”

For those of you who missed it, check it out by clicking on the link below
Fears of stag-flation seem to be depressing the market.
With rising inflation and falling growth interest rates may have to keep rising say the experts. Bad news for equities.
Was just thinking how tame the sell off over the pond looks.

1250 held so far.... if it goes then things might get more interesting.