Dow 2006

Big Bonuses Seen Again for Wall Street," says the New
York Times.

"Never in the history of Wall Street have so many earned
so much in so little time," adds a Bloomberg report.

"Goldman Sachs Group., Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch &
Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos.
are about to reward their 173,000 employees with $36
billion of bonuses. That's a 30 percent increase from
last year's record, and it doesn't include the billions
more that will be paid by Citigroup Inc., Bank of
America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., the three
largest US banks, as well as the hundreds of hedge funds
and private-equity firms that constitute the financial

"Enriched by the unprecedented value of takeovers,
equity trading and credit derivatives, 'this year will
be the best ever for the major brokerage firms,' said
Brad Hintz, an analyst at New York-based Sanford C.
Bernstein & Co.
dc2000 said:
short 208Dec fut (about 180 cash) looking to hold for a couple of days or 300 points :cheesy: :cheesy:
So you're looking for around 11900 Dec (circa 11870 Cash) then !
If that is achieved what then - another rally ?

Clearly 11950 Cash is a major level of resistance and if this can be convincingly breached then I think we could see a much bigger drop.
if 11900 (ish) level holds..then a rally to test highs/break to new highs...if 11900 is broken to downside then 11600...THEN a rally to new highs.. personally methinks 11650 before 12500....
err, what if we never see 11,900 again?

ive just added to my position with a long at 12,118.. just a scalp, target at 12,180, stop at 12070. basic trade looking for a bounce from support

market spiked up on the rumsfeld news, then subsided.. reckon a couple more could be on the cards in the not too distant future.

anything is possible..but more often than not after the large run up we will eventually see a decent correction 11900 would be good for the uptrend..even 11600, shake out the most recent bulls, pull a few bears in, before resuming the uptrend....
62 points ... that's a Tefal advert man scalp then Fettered ... clearly a relative term. 🙂
Welcome back by the way.

I think we're headed for 12030 after another run at 12170, but wouldn't like to bet on it as I can't swing trade for toffee. How my broker loves me. 😱 :arrowd:


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US Democrats control the lower house

So it's not the kind of grid lock that the markets like.. is it? Let the big boys decide it. But we might see some adjustments in 2 weeks time when things would become clearer.
I've got a target of 12662 by January 2007, I don't think 13276 will be achievable just yet though. We should get a pullback before we really start rallying though.
Democrats control Senate as well it seems now....

No gridlock...

How much does it really matter.. we'll see today
karmit said:
Democrats control Senate as well it seems now....

No gridlock...

How much does it really matter.. we'll see today

actually, the things dont look too good with a republican president, and a democratic congress.

i attach an old version of the stock market almanac. may be infringing copyright, so i might have to delete it after a while.

page 68 highlights this scenario, makes for interesting reading..

having said that though, 2007 is pre-election year, and they have an 80% or so of finishing positive, and by quite a large margin.



FetteredChinos said:
actually, the things dont look too good with a republican president, and a democratic congress.

i attach an old version of the stock market almanac. may be infringing copyright, so i might have to delete it after a while.

page 68 highlights this scenario, makes for interesting reading..

having said that though, 2007 is pre-election year, and they have an 80% or so of finishing positive, and by quite a large margin.


Every little helps 🙂
So you're looking for around 11900 Dec (circa 11870 Cash) then !
If that is achieved what then - another rally ?

the 300 was a bit of wishfull thinking I would be happy with 200 I expect another rally going into next year but would want a better price than where we are now first
kriesau said:
The annual US trade deficit was $157 billion in 1987 - today it is virtually 5 times bigger !

[:cheesy: :cheesy:

Amazing how they run such a big trade deficit apparently indefinately. Common sense tells one that something would have to collapse sooner or later. Maybe George should own up that he has sort of lost America - well most of it.
Pat494 said:
Amazing how they run such a big trade deficit apparently indefinately. Common sense tells one that something would have to collapse sooner or later. Maybe George should own up that he has sort of lost America - well most of it. printing more of that sh*t - called USD!