Doomy's back and he's about to butthurt the AUD/USD


Yeah the two lines i have drawn on are what i need to see broken, if not then i'm out


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Stops both moved to 8774 as 8776 was todays low, if it breaches this then we may be going down
Doom, lets just try to rationalise what's going on here.

If you accept that AUD USD is in a downtrend and if you accept that trends are more likely to continue than reverse, then the only logical way to play top or bottom picking is by taking a position with a pretty tight stop. If stopped and if you still believe in the reversal, then take another position after re-evaluating etc etc.

I took a speculative AUD USD long early in the day @ £20.00 / point.
I closed that trade 19.26 points higher and gained £385.50 nett.
I now have £385.50 of risk free ammo in the acct should I decide to re-enter the pozzy. Are you following me ?

I agree - the point of getting in at an area like this is you expect a reaction or you get out. You do not give it much room to the downside if you picked a good spot.

Hence - win rate isn't that important. Just picking areas where you expect a reaction is important, then bailing aggressively if ya don't geddit.
8800 seems to be becoming a strong support level?
Not really, there is simply no one around to push it either way (time of day, assuming you mean right now).
If not I'd say support area is around 8780-8760, although there has been no further eco data to test it yet.
I'd be wary of leaving this overnight - AUD CPI at 1230 am GMT.

BTW, agree with Toast and CV as well.
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**** it, i'm uppin the ante...

Upped to £100 a point, the fun either starts here or it is in fact me who gets butt-hurt from the AUD/USD 😱
And just in case we breach 26 and 40 - 2 more phone numbers -

07504 335308 - High Class Call Girls

0333 240 8802 London Ferrari Dealer


Haha i'm in Soho in march so the 1st option will be perfect :clap:

I'm just bloody knackered now, having £40-£50 a point on since yesterday has ensured that i didn't sleep well last night, i was dreaming charts and waking up panicking haha

Aussie open tonight will be interesting 👍
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And just in case we breach 26 and 40 - 2 more phone numbers -

07504 335308 - High Class Call Girls

0333 240 8802 London Ferrari Dealer


🙄 Its hardly funny is it.
If £100pp was his normal size, he would have opened with that, not £20...

I'm just bloody knackered now, having £40-£50 a point on since yesterday has ensured that i didn't sleep well last night, i was dreaming charts and waking up panicking haha
Doom, WTF are you doing?
You are clearly beyond your sensible trade size.

Your original entry didn't go the way you expected = GTFO.
An overnight punt on AUD CPI?
You aren't trading, you are gambling.
Some say they are one and the same, personally I class gambling as reckless
punting for the sake of it, thrill seeker style.
Still, I spose its your money...🙂
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It's not as silly as it looks Liquid... i did double my size but also put my stops much tighter at 8792 under the recent support of 8000. So it's 40% less of a risk than with my £50 a point trade and i'm now thinking of closing on a short time frame
It's not as silly as it looks Liquid... i did double my size but also put my stops much tighter at 8792 under the recent support of 8000. So it's 40% less of a risk than with my £50 a point trade and i'm now thinking of closing on a short time frame

If its green, do yourself a favour and close it now 🙂
40pp was making you lose why up it to 100?
Seriously mate, this has gambling written all over it.
Kinell Doom! Hope it goes your way.
After this little punt you might want to sit down and have a little word with yourself, I often need to as my knackers tend to touch the water when I Carp and it's not a good thing in teh world of teh tarding. Right now I'm in a little too deep sitting on a short with my little buddy Dax (9732) and I'm looking to unload some, like you, I can get a little carried away at times. It's not big and it's not cleva bro!!!
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I would totally agree - gambling is reckless - especially with money that you just cannot afford to lose.

Going from £20 a pip up to £100 per pip is fine if the money already in the kitty can cover it and you are using advanced MM to keep risk down

That's why Doomsberg as already identified 2 higher levels to exit from and then his risk might not be as £20 on a 70 or 100 pip + stop.

I would agree with CV, LV and all that if Dooms takes profits and treats it as intraday trading then thats fine - I know myself I buy and sell against the trend all the while - but I would not fancy leaving trades on overnight and with large stakes on.

I don't personally see Dooms as a gambler at all - but I really do hope he is not still in with £100 a pip holding under 8790 and 70 and 50 etc - that then would be very worrying

GL Dooms - personally I would be out under 8795 and only buying again over 15 - 28 and 40 - but that's just me - ( ok I am a scalper and any stop over 7 pips scares me to bits ;-))
PS - its is a scalp buy over 8802 atm - but you need over 8 and 11 to hold it on - and then 8798 is a scalp sell
PS - its is a scalp buy over 8802 atm - but you need over 8 and 11 to hold it on - and then 8798 is a scalp sell

Its dead, a mill pond, f**k all volume, nobody is home 😆
You frequently say that what insti traders do shouldn't concern anyone.

I'd beg to differ - they move price, not anybody here.
They have certain hours when they are most active, now isn't one of them...
Zero reason for any sane entry unless its EOD swing trading.