does this ebay auction belong to anyone here?


As a member of spreadtrade2win i can only second what other members of the forum have said about rob or his services, i was one of the first to join his forum after buying his coarse from ebay and although i have not yet achieved financial security by spread trading i am heading in the right direction.

i would recommend robs coarse to anyone,its only 32 quid with a money back guarantee and his back up service and advice is unbeatable, if you dont want the coarse come and visit the forum, there is a whole selection of topics and posts to peruse to help your own trading style.

Regards Mick
Rob does his best to help people trading and there is a great deal of free information which can be downloaded from his site.

As for his methods they are for longer term trading than I am used to, this does not mean that they do not work.

His help is ongoing and free, I think he is a genuine bloke and that is why we trade links.

juanbyte said:
Rob does his best to help people trading and there is a great deal of free information which can be downloaded from his site.

As for his methods they are for longer term trading than I am used to, this does not mean that they do not work.

His help is ongoing and free, I think he is a genuine bloke and that is why we trade links.
I have to imagine that there's lots more people who bought this book. I have not seen anyone posting that they have made lots of money with it. The ad says "Two Hours a Week", yet, from what I read, the system takes a LONGGGG time to learn and it seems the money, if any, takes even longer to acquire. I've gone over many posts looking for credible systems, and have found them lacking. When someone tells me that they've found XYZ system, and they're making a good living off it, then I'll be interested. As of yet, I have not seen ONE post from ANYONE on ANY thread on ANY board saying they've learned XYZ system, and are doing extremely well with it. What it all means to me is that there are no good systems out there. If there are, NO ONE is extolling their virtues by stating actual results. All I see is "potential, possibilities, maybes" in the replies from those that have bought someone's system. If someone has suceeded in making a good living from spread betting or futures or stock trading from purchasing someone elses system, I've yet to see a post from him or her.

There are a couple of posts on this thread that have purchase the product, see wanderer and Djia, they both seem quite positive to me.

I don't know many people that publish their trading results, do you.

We seem to have a common theme in this thread in that purchasers posts are positive, and all the negative posts are from none purchasers. This I find extremely weired because the latter cannot know what they are talking about.
That was my point. I see "positive" posts on some of the systems, but no results. I'm new to the board, and it seems there's some sort of taboo or unwritten rule that no one is supposed to post what type of money they make. Now, I realize that some could BS, and say they make $25,000.00 a month, but I'm talking about someone posting that they've studied a system, implemented it, and are able to walk away from their day job after several months of part time effort in implementing XYZ system, because they now have replaced their former income. Something simple like that. As I have not seen it, I have to believe that no such system exists, and that trading my simply be too difficult for the average person who has to hold down a full time job and responsibilities with family, etc. And, that's OK, if it's true. All I'm looking for is the truth, and all I see on these boards is vagaries. I'm not trying to be Mr. negative. From one who hates his current job and is eagerly searching for a way to get out of it, and realizing that it would take some work and study to do it, it seems that one has to almost lose all their money and sanity first to succeed in the markets.

wanderer said:
You lot are too critical. You should investigate properly. Rob has an excellent forum with a lot more advice and commonsense than you get from most other places.

I just wandered if you had a contact phone number for Rob because I have just sent him payment for his email course through pay pal and have not received it yet.

Any ideas,


Be patient rob is 100% genuine and he will deliver the goods without fail, he may be just a little bit bust this week end.

Hi Dave

Don't panic! As Mick says, Rob is 100% genuine - give it a day or 2, and if you have no joy send an e-mail to us or post here again and we'll chase it up for you.

The other thing you could do is post on the forum (I'd suggest the Help section):

I got my course on CD-Rom by post which obviously may take a couple of days, but that was a while ago.

One thing I've noticed, and I'm assuming your eBay handle is the same as your T2W handle, i.e., Brownie3, is that eBay does not have you as having bid on anything in the last 30 days. Of course you might not have the same handle! ... or eBay could be throwing a wobbler or something.

Let us know.

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That was my point. I see "positive" posts on some of the systems, but no results. I'm new to the board, and it seems there's some sort of taboo or unwritten rule that no one is supposed to post what type of money they make. Now, I realize that some could BS, and say they make $25,000.00 a month, but I'm talking about someone posting that they've studied a system, implemented it, and are able to walk away from their day job after several months of part time effort in implementing XYZ system, because they now have replaced their former income. Something simple like that. As I have not seen it, I have to believe that no such system exists, and that trading my simply be too difficult for the average person who has to hold down a full time job and responsibilities with family, etc. And, that's OK, if it's true. All I'm looking for is the truth, and all I see on these boards is vagaries. I'm not trying to be Mr. negative. From one who hates his current job and is eagerly searching for a way to get out of it, and realizing that it would take some work and study to do it, it seems that one has to almost lose all their money and sanity first to succeed in the markets.

In my experience it doesn't happen like the dream type scenario you outline.
Most people end up having to make the descision to trade for a living , save up and then dedicate some full-time focus and a string of losses before they start to make a sustainable income out of it. Also do not think it is about just having the system but also having the conviction to apply it in a size that will produce the required returns. This is all down to confidence and it is something that I think a lot of people will have as much difficulty finding as they have to create a winning system in the first place.
I would add to others positive comments about Rob..... I purchased his course a while ago - no I haven't given up my day job! BUT it is true that his course has all the necessary ingredients for a beginner interested in taking up trading... There is an awful lot of information on the CD - yes it can be found elswhere but not many places will you find anything so comprehensive at what must be considered a knock down price in this industry!

Then you only have to look at the fact that Rob does not hide behind a fancy website like some in the industry - in fact he openly contributes to discussion on his forum and encourages others to do so. I have not seen any bad words said about Rob from people who have purchased the course which is a testament to his integrity and the value of the course.

Rob will help.If you ask.
You don't have to be acquainted with him or have purchased anything from him.
He does not want anything for the help he his prepared to offer.
If you ask me that's quite rare.
See the many offers of help that charge £1000's to make you a winner.
Are they any better?
I'm struggling! I purchased Rob's course recently and since 29 September I have sent five separate emails to him regarding a problem I have encountered - so I feel I've made every effort to be patient. I have not received a reply to any of my communications.Zippo!
In view of my experiences I would now be cautioning the trading community about dealing with Rob/Spreadtrade2Win except for the fact that he appears to be so well thought of by this forum and this has caused me to hesitate. I have explained this in my latest email to him but still nothing.
Can anyone explain why there's so much complimentary feedback whilst I'm having so much trouble extracting a reply. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? Does anybody know of an alternative line of communication to him as I'm getting nowhere.
yetisurfer said:
I'm struggling! I purchased Rob's course recently and since 29 September I have sent five separate emails to him regarding a problem I have encountered - so I feel I've made every effort to be patient. I have not received a reply to any of my communications.Zippo!
In view of my experiences I would now be cautioning the trading community about dealing with Rob/Spreadtrade2Win except for the fact that he appears to be so well thought of by this forum and this has caused me to hesitate. I have explained this in my latest email to him but still nothing.
Can anyone explain why there's so much complimentary feedback whilst I'm having so much trouble extracting a reply. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? Does anybody know of an alternative line of communication to him as I'm getting nowhere.

I bought his course a couple of years ago, I never made a penny from it.

I moved on and chalked it down to experience. Now it gathers dust on my shelf with the Ian Williams and Stanzione rubbish I was naive enough to buy.

If these guys were as good as they said they were they wouldn't be running poorly designed websites flogging trading systems, they'd be trading those systems and keeping quiet.

To be honest the only course I've bought that I've held high regard for is a Larry Williams one.
the complimentary feedback could be from members of his family and his friends........who he pays commission to

it is a cynical old game............or maybe it is just me being cynical.....
Prison ring any bells. I here that Rob Walton (of spreadtrade2win fame) stole a lot of money from trusting investors and found guilty by the court. Anyone else come accross that story, I believe it was published in the local rag down in Bodmin.
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