Does technical analysis work or not?

Does technical analysis work in your opinion?

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While traders who actually trade real money wait for their next set up. I thought I'd help things along here.🙂

I still have the 2 class clowns on ignore and if ever I feel myself losing the discipline required to carry on ignoring them I merely need to remind myself :

1- That they talk drivel
2 -They do it continuously seemingly every waking hour (see a doctor? )
3- That it is utterly futile to argue with them.
4- In fact aren't these 2 just straight A common or garden .... Trolls
5- Trolls do still actually exist in this fast paced tech age
6- The correct protocol when dealing with a troll is, has always been, and always will be...... Ignore them and treat them with the utter contempt they deserve. Or you can play exactly into their hands. For me it's a no brsiner (no pun intended..well)

So... first I noticed that they have already chalked up a stupid amount of posts in, what would be for you and me (normal folk) a record amount of time.

Then I went through the above list in my mind -takes 5 nano seconds for anyone who has clowns in their life to deal with (aways remove them when and wherever possible- including members of your own family if necessary)

The desire, on a scale of 1-10 then, to read any of the drivel they may(?) have posted was reduced from about 1 to roughly minus 2,765.9🙂

Now, time to begin demolishing their whiney loser non argument about whether TA works.

I have to say guys, that so far you are doing a lousy job putting our side of the case forward and a lousy job ignoring the trolls.

This is not rocket science. Troll never has an argument of any worth whatsoever. And that is why you know, that once you are dealing with a troll then you have already won the argument.

But we should help those who want a real answer.

The Trolls case which I have heard and seen demonstrated is ludicrous.

TA doesn't work therefore

Average down into infinity thereby confirming you literally have no clue what your doing.. at all.
Prove you're an idiot by hiding the disasterous and predictable results under an avalanche of posts per day that nobody can be bothered to go back and check
Be as obnoxious as you can because you literally have nothing to say whenever challenged.
Challenge people to prove what they believe by trying to force them to make live calls when there is no obligation to do that WHATSOVER (Let alone for a pair clowns)
Insinuate that you are right when, understandably people refuse to be coerced into doing something they never signed up for.

It is very noticeable that they make calls but don't actually run a proper journal. I think we know why that is don't we?


Somebody and I hope it doesn't have to be me*, should compile a list of pro traders who are well known and documentated who use TA and that should be a sticky here that newcomers can refer to.

* I'm doing my bit to clean the troll turd away by running a journal.

TA is 80% Junk. No question.

If you cannot tell the difference between something that is based on sound logic and pseudoscience the problem is you not TA

If you believe that TA claims to be able to time the market in advance and with 100% accuracy then you're probably a potential customer for the 80% of junk out there.

It's only the junk that makes this claim...😕

When the junk fails you got a choice. Get real and do some work. Or give up.

Our 2 Clowns decided trolling was more fun than working.

Misery loves company. Don't give it to them.
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While traders who actually trade real money wait for their next set up. I thought I'd help things along here.🙂

TA doesn't work therefore

Average down into infinity thereby confirming you literally have no clue what your doing.. at all.

TA is 80% Junk. No question.

If you cannot tell the difference between something that is based on sound logic and pseudoscience the problem is you not TA

If you believe that TA claims to be able to time the market in advance and with 100% accuracy then you're probably a potential customer for the 80% of junk out there.

Re-rated to 5% probability of a stooge following his initial trades. Very much on the same level as foroom: wood, should, could haves, etc. Uninspiring and does TA a dis-service.

After further analysis, I have re-rated the new guy as 0% probability merchant stooge. He took some gambles. That's good enough.

He talked a good show with the bears and bulls. He thought he's on cnbc or something. That immediately gave him away as noob. Skill-wise, he's trainee foroom grade. Both felt uncomfortable going short and both took gambles on the short side.

He suffered the typical curve-fitter's symptom of not knowing which of his signals is good and which bad. So, one minute he thinks the market is going up, next minute he thinks the market is going down. This is not trading, but playing casino red and black.

He may have a few winners, but over the long term he will be wiped out by the casino's edge or get chopped up by even the smallest of volatilities.

People hoping he will be the champion of the TA club, they will be disappointed. I am too. For a brief moment I was hopeful of a miracle. I honestly did want him to succeed.
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I'm with Tim. TA is a tool that assists in making reasonable assumptions (guesses) at what appear to be appropriate times. The job then is to take adequate advantage when it goes favourably and limit the damage when it doesn't.

One more request .

Can you post a sticky new thread "How to use technical analysis to your advantage".
Using profitable technical analysis is a skill , that can only be learnt from profitable traders .

Very true. Merchants win 99% of the time from TA practitioners. The merchants invented the stuff. If you learn from these merchant traders and coat-tail them, I can guarantee your becoming a winner overnight.

The merchants don't care much for termites. They want liquid cash.
Very true. Merchants win 99% of the time from TA practitioners. The merchants invented the stuff. If you learn from these merchant traders and coat-tail them, I can guarantee your becoming a winner overnight.

The merchants don't care much for termites. They want liquid cash.

I never use stops at I G , but some baboons are too dumb to show how to deal with IG stop hunting .You just never use a stop , just a option.

They just teach tight stops to make bucket shops rich , so they teach them free education and buckets pay educator to "teach for free how to lose with tight stops".
Well, there is strong evidence the new TA guru has been caught cheating. The price never got to 2448 and he claimed to have taken a position at that price.



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Well, there is strong evidence the new TA guru has been caught cheating. The price never got to 2448 and he claimed to have taken a position at that price.

He did say in his first post " I trade futures but all calls will be based on the cash price to save confusion. "

Not sure how this avoids confusion but the cash did go to 2449.3/2450.3 on my SB platform.
He did say in his first post " I trade futures but all calls will be based on the cash price to save confusion. "

Not sure how this avoids confusion but the cash did go to 2449.3/2450.3 on my SB platform.

Yes it went there on my feed too 5+ minutes after the call. As far as I know, all bucketshops use the same price. What you saw occurred at the same time as mine.
He did say in his first post " I trade futures but all calls will be based on the cash price to save confusion. "

Not sure how this avoids confusion but the cash did go to 2449.3/2450.3 on my SB platform.

He thinks averaging down is part of technical analysis.No wonder Joe is getting caught.
If you'll pardon the interruption from a new member (but not a new trader):

It's been said that democracy is the worst form of government--except for all other forms.

And so it is with TA. Technical analysis can produce mountains of useless data--just not as much as fundamental analysis.
The main complain about TA is that it only works some of the time and not all of the time. There is only one certainty in life - death.

TA does not work all of the time because TA is attempting to capture representation of conditions. These conditions only generate certain probabilities of an outcome. We trade probabilities of outcome using TA. If you want certainty work in the mortuary.
Tecnical Analysis w/ a touch of Fundamentals

I've been trading a long time and have used just about every Technical Indicator out there. I now have it down to 2 w/some help of some fundamentals of the stock thrown in.
1... A good stock screener
2... Debt/Equity (more debt than equity the stock is discarded.)
3... Adequate Volume. > 100,000 over a period of time.
4... Small Cap / Penny Stocks
5... Up Trend for Monthly / Weekly / Daily When all 3 are up trade the weekly by using the daily for an entry price.
Sounds like a bunch of do-do but it actually works.
The pic I show is a good example of the 2 indicators I swear by. (Both indicators are common everyday indicators found on most charting packages.)

(The pic is attached. I don't know how to add the pic.)


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