Does city index work in Vista?


I've never been able to use the cityindex site on my Vista laptop and I'm trying to fix it now. Support don't seem to be much help - does anyone here use it successfully?

When I click on the Log In button it just sits there instead of opening the login window. Popups are enabled and I've tried several different browsers ... is there something else stopping it in Vista?
Or is the CI web page just c**p? I notice it says "Error on page" quite a lot ...

step 1 - get rid of vista

step 2 - stop having problems with sh1tty OS and continue happily in life
I believe City index works on adobe flash have you the latest version installed,have you tried a reboot?
I believe City index works on adobe flash have you the latest version installed,have you tried a reboot?

Yeah, I've checked versions of flash and java, looked for popup blockers / anti-virus / plugins, tried 4 different browsers ...

I know Vista's crap (a workmate suggested I upgrade to XP:cheesy🙂 but it doesn't seem too much to ask to want one of the bigger spread betting co's (are they still one of the bigger ones?) app to work?

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Hmm trickey

My best bet is it might be something in advanced settings or security settings.I had a similar issue once and I think thats what fixed it sorry can't remember the details 🙁
Thanks tar, that's what I was looking for - someone to confirm that it is possible for it to work if I can get the right combinations of software and options. That gives me encouragement to keep trying. What browser / version works for you? I've been trying IE / Firefox / Chrome, and downloaded Opera just to try it. Since none of these seem to work I'm starting to think it's anti-virus or something stopping it but I can't figure out what ...
Thanks tar, that's what I was looking for - someone to confirm that it is possible for it to work if I can get the right combinations of software and options. That gives me encouragement to keep trying. What browser / version works for you? I've been trying IE / Firefox / Chrome, and downloaded Opera just to try it. Since none of these seem to work I'm starting to think it's anti-virus or something stopping it but I can't figure out what ...

Chrome , anti-virus can be very naughty i agree ...
Vista worked fine when I tried it, so you seem to have either a computer or general Windows problem
Vista and City Index platforms works fine with Chrome, and I have accounts with Finspreads, Selftrade and TD Waterhouse. All OK. I have the latest version of Flash and Java installed.