does anybody know any trading houses in shanghai china?


have been trading derivatives in europe for a couple of years now,planning on going to china and trade some chinese products there.
i heard G.H.Financials(GHF) has office in shanghai,does anyone know any other trading houses or prop shops over there?
thanks guys👍

cheers for that gbp-usd,thats one of the futures exchanges in shanghai.
i found swifttrade is also there,apart from that it seems there aint that many prop houses in shanghai, maybe the government is trying really hard to prevent outsiders to speculate on their prices.their markets are still primitive,its shame that we cant take advantages of it.
cheers for that gbp-usd,thats one of the futures exchanges in shanghai.
i found swifttrade is also there,apart from that it seems there aint that many prop houses in shanghai, maybe the government is trying really hard to prevent outsiders to speculate on their prices.their markets are still primitive,its shame that we cant take advantages of it.

I think I can answer you question. I am Chinese and now take college education as US.
As far as I know, there are many stock daytrading houses in Shanghai, just because operating in China's cost is lower for those companies. Also there are lot of talented people for trading. These companies include swifttrade, hold brothers, title and a lot of ohers....However, the downside of US stock daytrading is that the trading time is like 9.30pm to 4am in China, so that's very bad for health, most US stock daytraders are younman under 25 because of this reason. Another point is these houses provide lower payout ratio (around 30%to 50% I think), samller buying power and loss limit compared with thier branches at US.
I know there are daytrading houses trading european stocks and japanese stocks, which is much better considering time zones. But the amounts of such companies are much smaller compared with US stock daytrading houses. You need to take some work to find them.
Speaking of other instruments. I would say if you have the experience and ability to trade Chinese A share(which is dramaticlly different than US and European stock market, lots of sharks, harder to make money based on my and other's experience) and futures market, it's not a problem that you are a foreigner.( the agency hire you will get you a Chinese identification card, usually bought from farmers) However, if you don't have such demonstrated abilities, it's hard to find such position.
Forex trading is banned by law now in China. However, it doesn't matter that much. There are still many people trading forex in China. There are some prop forex houses I guess( not much, and most of so called forex investment companies are like brokers actually). China's time zone make it a good place for trading forex. If you have provern record, I suggest you to find such companies.
My last suggestion is, studying some Chinese is helpful.

If you have further questions, you can PM me.
have been trading derivatives in europe for a couple of years now,planning on going to china and trade some chinese products there.
i heard G.H.Financials(GHF) has office in shanghai,does anyone know any other trading houses or prop shops over there?
thanks guys👍

contact me , we can have taLK
sry guys,was away for a while, im really interested in trading in China, so if you know any prop shops out there,pls pm me. Thx