Do You Trade Holidays?

Laura, I am increasingly of the opinion you are a wind-up. Take anything I have offered in the spirit intended and my refusal to offer anything more as a recognition of being had. Well done. You got me.
Laura, I am increasingly of the opinion you are a wind-up. Take anything I have offered in the spirit intended and my refusal to offer anything more as a recognition of being had. Well done. You got me.

Hi PieterS. I"m so sorry you feel that way. You have been so helpful and responsive. I did not mean to offend you in any way. Please let me know what you would like me to share.

Also, I don't know what a "wind-up" means. But, I'm assuming from context it means I hurt your feelings. Please forgive me. Let me know what I can do to fix this. Laura
Yes, I do. My automated trading system helps me to do so. just set my strategy and rest of the job is done by the system itself.
As long as the markets are open and there is a trade setup, sure. Holiday or no holiday , that isn't a concern for me
Thanks for you input.

My system doesn't work on Holidays. Do you think the low volume cause the market to move differently?