Do YOU have a dream ?

Having an island paradise would be blissfull. Lonely ? Not if one could invite in the fun people. A hammock slung between 2 coconut trees - nice. Not Godly At but nice. Perhaps a floating island of love, one could tow around the world to enjoy. Maybe a jumbo zeppelin and just float about.


That airship idea isn't as stupid as it sounds, as one could move around the world doing heavy lifting contracts. The present one can lift 66 tonnes. OK for the building industry.
Quiet moments could be filled with having sight seers, prospecting etc.
That airship idea isn't as stupid as it sounds, as one could move around the world doing heavy lifting contracts. The present one can lift 66 tonnes. OK for the building industry.
Quiet moments could be filled with having sight seers, prospecting etc.

66 tons is about 12 elephants or 24 obese yanks.

Can't get much done with that. You're going to need a bigger balloon 😉

Stick it in a tanker and drag it around the world would be a better idea imo. 👍
My dream is to have enought money to give it to my parents for all they did for me. I just wanna give them those my for enjoing theoir lifes (they are almost in retirement).
Another one is to be happy and to have the ability to buy everything I want. And ofcourse to be healthy.

I think trading can give me that. I mean ... can help me to achieve it. Atleast I hope so.

And the last one - leave Europe before will be more refugees than Europeans here 😀 j/k
Becoming rich is not a dream.

Money only facilitates in one achieving dreams.

People don't give much thought to this dreaming business do they?

It's like I have a dream, I don't know what my dream is, but hey what does it matter as long as I have lots of money I can do what ever I want.

Usually entails, giving it away so one feels good about them selves in the eyes of others or buying stupid metal lifeless objects which really other than a status symbol have absolute eff all about living a dream.

Eyes wide shut.

I have a dream to become a billionaire. Period. How bloody marvelous is that?

Becoming rich is not a dream.

Money only facilitates in one achieving dreams.

People don't give much thought to this dreaming business do they?

It's like I have a dream, I don't know what my dream is, but hey what does it matter as long as I have lots of money I can do what ever I want.
If I were rich I would be rescuing dumb animals from nasty humans.

Usually entails, giving it away so one feels good about them selves in the eyes of others or buying stupid metal lifeless objects which really other than a status symbol have absolute eff all about living a dream.

Eyes wide shut.

I have a dream to become a billionaire. Period. How bloody marvelous is that?


Well it certainly beats the cr*p outa going the socialist way of riches to rags imho.

If I were rich I would be rescuing mistreated animals from nasty humans imho

I see they are predicting a population of 40-50 billion people in the not so distant future if the do-gooders have their way.
Well it certainly beats the cr*p outa going the socialist way of riches to rags imho.

If I were rich I would be rescuing mistreated animals from nasty humans imho

I see they are predicting a population of 40-50 billion people in the not so distant future if the do-gooders have their way.

As with all things socialists change too. They are not stupid.

As soon as beggars become rich they don't go around helping other beggars but doing precisely the same thing any other rich person does.

Forget labels I say. There is only humanity. We are all the same. Who doesn't want to be rich?

Question is do people know how to live well and practice what makes happiness go round?

I think our government should have DoH !!!

Ermm that's Department of Happiness as a public service :clap::clap::clap:
Yes I have a dream to become a multimillionaire.

I think you are not alone with your dream here.

But I think also that money alone will not make you happy. Just imagine that you are a millionaire. What then? Where to go? What to do?
Money is a worthy target if you have a plan what actually to do with it.
I think you are not alone with your dream here.

But I think also that money alone will not make you happy. Just imagine that you are a millionaire. What then? Where to go? What to do?
Money is a worthy target if you have a plan what actually to do with it.

I agree. People who don't have money think that they will be so much happier when they get it...and when they do get it -- it's not what it would seem it would be 😕

but my personal regards to money/Trading/ to buy a really high-end Patek Philippe model reference number 5016, minute repeater tourbillon. Costs about $700K
I agree. People who don't have money think that they will be so much happier when they get it...and when they do get it -- it's not what it would seem it would be 😕

but my personal regards to money/Trading/ to buy a really high-end Patek Philippe model reference number 5016, minute repeater tourbillon. Costs about $700K
Is that a xmas present hint? 😆
I would like to buy the most expensive Patek Philippe watch I can buy/afford. -- that's like a personal goal, or Trophy, of look down on my wrist...and say: I've Made it in life. I won. 😏

A watch can only tell you time of the day it's at.

Nothing else.

You want a trophy to say you've won what exactly?

How does me knowing you've paid 700K for a watch fulfill your dream?

If you know you've made it why would you want to carry a watch on your arm to remind you you've made it? You have a poor memory or something?

Frankly speaking that watch tells me you're a freaking idiot but that would be just my opinion that's all.

The more I read other peoples pathetic dreams the more I am disillusioned with humanity.

I know I may be perceived as being rude and dissing other peoples dreams is wrong but I simply can not contain my revulsion at the daft ideas that people come out with.

At least it's worth a few laughs and wish they come true for you lot. I really do if you think it will really make you happy. It certainly makes me sick so best I keep my distance from you in case I throw up all over your dreams. 🤢🤢🤢
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Maybe I have thought of a better wish !!

How about a National Topless Day to celebrate womanhood ?

You want a trophy to say you've won what exactly?
How does me knowing you've paid 700K for a watch fulfill your dream?

If you know you've made it why would you want to carry a watch on your arm to remind you you've made it? You have a poor memory or something?

Excuse me if I sound materialistic...
But, this is a Trading/finance forum...and the bottom line of things,or Money, isn't it 😈
(this is not a yoga or art or charity or gardening or philosophy or fitness or religion forum.)
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