do people really make a living from SB?

I don't understand it when people ask for advice about spread betting - the principles are the same as direct access or any financial broker. If you make the right trades, you make money, if you make the wrong trades you lose money, whether it's a SB or not.

I make steady money spread betting and I'd maybe make a couple of pips extra with direct access but I don't think the method changes at all. The main thing to master is to be able to trade real money the same as demo trading. We all make the same mistakes with real money - we see a nice profit and the rules go out the window because we want to pocket that profit instead of letting it run to the limit. Or, we increase our stop out of desperation the trade will turn round or maybe we close the trade for a small loss. Whereas, when we demo trade we do non of those things - we let the trade run its full course as decided by the rules.
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I opened an iii account 3 weeks ago, deposited money, decided I wanted to go back to paper trading before I used my own so I withdrew my money. Next day I randomly went into my account to find the £100 iii give you, but I originally thought you needed to have money still in so I was a bit puzzled. Anyway I decided to play with the free £100 and after 3 weeks of ups and downs I've managed to double it.

So to answer if you could do it as a living, I guess so but it will be a while before I get to that kind of level but if I ever do I doubt I will ever feel bad for losing it due to the fact I made 100% of the money from the free £100 and none of my own :-D
Here is my 2 pence worth .
Been trading on and of since I was 18.
1998 Started this full time, it was like a roller coaster, most of my trades were with options (cfds).
By 2000 life was bad as losses were far more than planned.
I did a usefull exersise on how to inproove my trading .
The done a cost exersise if i could save money by trading Direct Into The Market instead of Spread Betting.
The results based on £10 per piont trading the Dow.
SB Spread =4 pionts times 20 trades per week equalls 80 pionts has to be in my favor to break even.
DMA =1 piont times 20 trades per week equalls 20 pionts had to be in my favor to break even.

Based on me swiching to Direct Access with £1000 margin per £10 per piont contract I could save 80 minus 20 = 60 points per week on costs £600 minus commission/exchange fees at £2 per trade this was £100 in broker costs minus the £600 = I instantly become £500 per week better of if I changed to Direct Market Acess.

In the year 2001 my trading was hasstle free , with the £500 per week I saved through not Spread Betting my account was going to be instantly £25,000 better of by the end of the year.
Exit and Entry become inprooved, and due to the instant fills my account in year 2001 started with £10,000 and finished with £68,000 this amount was after £2000 per month was taken out as income.

2002 ended with £55,000 but still managed to take £2k income
2003 Was a brilliant year figures not disclosed
2004 I traded 2-3 times a week 40 week per year with most been longer term postions for one week to a month, Shorter term postions intra day were still been taken.
2005 I have a machanical system in place that worked fine in the October things turned sour, I couild not do any thing wright ,m what had worked for me no longer worked resulting in a loss for 2005.
2006 I did not trade untill September , took time out , holidays , time with loved ones. September I was back and made one good trade and did not trade again untill 2007.
2007 Life was calm and the time taken when not trading I relised I were over doing trading. New plan. After considering when the market was going to move I then set out times when its best to trade short term, also when markets were at cirtain levels I was required to trade ( start work )
over 2007 life was good and i know when i was to trade and not to trade which after this knowing when not to trade was a critiacal turning point.
2008 Started shorting the market, then like a fool I tried to catch the lows on several attempts which resulted in heavey losses. these losses had been limmited as I used shorter term trades to off set the losses. when Dow hit 8050 I went long and held and sold near the high on both occasions.
Having a stratogy to buy and hold for ever as this low will never be breached again is high risk in this current market.

So for me I have saved £500 per week or £25,000 per year over 8 years = £200,000 by doing business through Direct Market Acsess not including intrest.

I still Spread Bet 10 % of the time when i can uses the rules to gain large amounts of £££ in a small time frame (seconds not minunits)

So there is my answer decide for your self .

Do the equations and decide if you could increase earnings if trading costs were lowered .

Good Luck ,


Remember if you get it wrong you will still loose, however with DMA your losses will be much lesss based on the same trade with any Spread Betting Company
Please ignore Tom Tom's posts:

Every one of his posts are agressively against Spreadbet Firms.

Take a look through his posts, every one of them from when he joined is against Spreadbet Firms and how they rip you off.

Tom Tom is attempting to take Spreadbet Firms to court.

Tom Tom actively admits to 'scamming them' as they 'scam others'.

Tom Tom still uses Spreadbet Firms himself.
Hi Lee, Just come across this thread and likewise am trying to make some profit SB could you share any tips for us newbies please?

Be more specific.

Imagine I wanted to be a boxer and asked for tips.

Tips in what, diet, exercise, boxing style, what gum shield, what boxing glove, what trainer if any, defense, attack.....get me drift.
TomTom has every right to print his opinion on SB firms and I enjoyed the post.What concerns me is that he has discounted most of the emotional issues as to why people use SB firms.Trading as he does a well disciplined trader will always be better of using Direct Access. Personally I am more comfortable using Binary bets as well as SB. I have DA accounts but no longer use them. Many say that you are even worse off with Binaries than SB. Not for me I have none of the same worries and Know exactly where I stand. I also use Flash up/Flash down bets which genrally offer odds of 8/11 for both ways. Im miles behind at the start with those odds but can still make money with little worry. I find the ability to vary my stake and most importantly stops are not as important. I lost count of the amount of times using DA that I was stopped out only to find the market then go my way. This problem is not there with Binaries as I generally leave most of my bets through to completion as if Im wrong there is often little value in getting out.
TomTom has every right to print his opinion on SB firms and I enjoyed the post.What concerns me is that he has discounted most of the emotional issues as to why people use SB firms.Trading as he does a well disciplined trader will always be better of using Direct Access. Personally I am more comfortable using Binary bets as well as SB. I have DA accounts but no longer use them.

Your absolutely right mate, he does have the right just like everyone does to express themselves and speak their mind, I'm all for free speech.


When someone constantly speaks their mind about the same issue over and over and over again this becomes a rant and is almost on the verge of persuasion as all his posts contain the same message......The point is...By all means speak your mind, have your say, but then move on. Change the record.

As for binary bets, this is pure gambling in its upmost form, also your money is not protected with the FSA. I undersatnd if you dont use DMA anymore, thats probably because they dont offer binary bets on DMA right.😆

Julian, read tomtoms posts, its the same mantra time and time again. "NOTHING NEW"
its got totaly boring! he needs to inject some new comment.
as ive stated many times, its quite obvious he got burnt by an sb in his past and he resents it.
read some of his posts, and its clear hes not totally daft. But he cannot let dumming down sb alone.