Do Genuine Forex Signal Services Exist?


Hello Guys,

Does anybody know where I can sign up to a genuinely good forex signal service, so I can make profit using Metatrader or Oanda?

I have a friend who used to run a signal service however I wondered if anybody on T2W was selling their signals who has good audited results. Is anybody using a signal service at the moment which is working well for them?

There are a lot of spammers and scammers out there and I wondered if there where any genuine signal service companies out there who make decent returns?

Best Regards,

You might wanna try zulutrade, this is a genious concept which lets you trade on others advice. It is all automated, you just choose which signal-providers you would like to have trading your account.

Good trading
Hello Guys,

Does anybody know where I can sign up to a genuinely good forex signal service, so I can make profit using Metatrader or Oanda?

I have a friend who used to run a signal service however I wondered if anybody on T2W was selling their signals who has good audited results. Is anybody using a signal service at the moment which is working well for them?

There are a lot of spammers and scammers out there and I wondered if there where any genuine signal service companies out there who make decent returns?

Best Regards,


Try here

Forex Signal | Forex Forecast & Currency Trading Alerts Reviews

You'll be wasting your time and money trading others signals for a myriad of reasons.

Just THINK about it.

They call the National Lottery a tax on the stupid
at odds of 12 million to 1 you are more likely to be struck by lightening twice in one day.

Making money consistently from forex systems has similar odds I believe.
It's even more difficult than you think, to win the National Lottery, with the chance of getting the jackpot being exactly 1 in 13,983,816. Astonishing that given such outrageous odds, people still queue up to hand over their money for the tickets. Sadly there is no shortage of desperate and gullible people, and the scam artists take advantage of this by offering money making get rich quick 'systems' to anyone with more money than sense.

Anyone contemplating the purchase of any such system, needs only to ask one simple question: 'If the system is capable of making a fortune, why are they showing it to everyone?'
Try here

Forex Signal | Forex Forecast & Currency Trading Alerts Reviews

You'll be wasting your time and money trading others signals for a myriad of reasons.

Just THINK about it.

They call the National Lottery a tax on the stupid
at odds of 12 million to 1 you are more likely to be struck by lightening twice in one day.

Making money consistently from forex systems has similar odds I believe.

I can totally see your sceptisism. But my account is actually up 20% over two months.
Thats all I need to see, to know this is not a scam. Furthermore it feels safe that large brokers as FXCM and has acknowledged the site.

I apologize if my english is bad, I am from Norway
20% per 2 months?, that's a projected annual growth of 120% ??? Phew!
Pardon me if I don't believe you.
It's nothing personal.
Incidentally, your grasp of English is far better than my grasp of Norweigan.
Nah, stay away from Norwegian, it's pretty hard. Lots of grammatical exceptions.

Would you do me do honour of signing up for a demo-account with zulu, and then give me a review. (It's free, nothing on stake but perhaps valuable trading time, this shouldn't be a big problem if you just take some time of your forum activities🙂 )
Forex Online Trading Systems. Autotrade Forex Signals by specialists, Manual Forex Trading, plus rewarding Forex Introducing Brokers Program.

Thus, we can have a discussion based on specific errors and/or scam característica at Zulu.
Where are you from anyway, I assume britain?
I guess you probably don't have time for this, but if you had it could be fun. You're obviously good at finding the bad aspect of things.
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Hello Guys,

Does anybody know where I can sign up to a genuinely good forex signal service, so I can make profit using Metatrader or Oanda?


You could use a genuine program to generate signals just for you without programming based on your own reward:risk ratio?

Discover trading systems automatically with APS Automatic Pattern Search trading software

APS Automatic Pattern Search Software Forex Application

There are other programs in the market, if you want to do some research. This one is interesting because it generates code for the patterns it finds you can use in Metatrader after a few suitable modifications.

Yeah Magndahl, I'm from the UK originally, although I don't live there now. Not really interested in taking a demo a/c with zulu to be honest with you. I already have plenty of money anyway, so it would probably be a waste of my time. I did some sums and it's just incredible how much money you're making. Annual growth of 120% applied to your $10,000 starting capital works out at something like this:

Year 1: 22,000
Year 2: 48,400
Year 3: 106,480
Year 4: 234,256
Year 5: 515,363
Year 6: 1,133,799
Year 7: 2,494,357
Year 8: 5,487,587
Year 9: 12,072,692
Year 10: A staggering 26,559,922 !!!

Jesus! Twenty six and a half million in just ten years!! Fantastic!
most of the forex signal service are genuine, but that doesnt mean they never have losing trade. trading is game of probability, as long you have more winning than lose it should be ok. most of the people lose because they wanna gamble trading like casino, and some people probably bet everything and hoping to hit a jackpot or something, most of the trader who survive in the market never do that. they play the game smart and steady, the winning will just come eventually.. 🙂
most of the people lose because they wanna gamble trading like casino, and some people probably bet everything and hoping to hit a jackpot or something, most of the trader who survive in the market never do that. they play the game smart and steady, the winning will just come eventually.. 🙂

I agree 100% with that.


most of the forex signal service are genuine

that's a pile of horses h i t.