Dissertation title help please


Dear all,

I have learnt a lot from many of these forums and hope that your knowledge will be able to help me decide a title for my dissertation.

I want to base it on the financial markets to further my education on the topic towards becoming a trader myself, however my degree in in the construction/real estate industry, bsc level.

Any suggestions on a relevant title that is not too complex would be greatly received?

Many thanks

thanks for your reply, I am looking for a topic yeah! I was looking for help with finance questions relevant to the construction or real estate industry. With the added benefit that the question will help me further towards becoming a trader, ie, any question that could tie in with futures, etc.

Does that make any sense?!
thanks for your reply, I am looking for a topic yeah! I was looking for help with finance questions relevant to the construction or real estate industry. With the added benefit that the question will help me further towards becoming a trader, ie, any question that could tie in with futures, etc.

Does that make any sense?!

Apologies - I deleted my reply because i thiught i had misunderstood you & replied with garbage!

Seeing as the real estate industry and Finance markets are inextricably intertwined - I would have thought that their realtionship, cause and effect fruitful area for a dissertation; throw in a bit of politics and you have scope for qualifying as a genius (ie people will think you know a lot even if you don't).

Good luck - sounds very interesting.
i agree that it should be an interesting topic area for study, i am just struggling with title suggestions. The cause and effect idea is interesting, I just cant find a way of wording a relevant idea into a title for study...

Any help at all will be appreciated greatly..
If you are asking for a title for your dissertation, like a name for a book, then you should give some details regarding your topic. If you haven't come up with any details yet (as it sounds like you haven't), then I wouldn't worry too much about the title and just focus on writing it first. After you have written it, you'll have a better grasp of your paper and the title will come to you naturally. If you put a title on it first, you'll most likely change it later when the paper is finished.
my knowledge of the finance markets is not as good as many people on here so i was hoping for some suggestions on topics i could write a dissertation on. ie, what are the main forces that move the money markets with regards to the construction/real estate industry. I don't know where or what to start researching and writing on right now so was asking for any basic suggestions anybody may have...
Real Estate 'Investment' - Is a house an investment or a place to live.... discuss...

tons of stuff to cover there including financing topics (interest rates, credit, risk, tax, etc), ecomonics (supply and demand, production, productivity, rational and behavioural, etc), business studies (the mortgage suppliers, the construction companies), Law, Politics, etc etc etc.... what constitutes and investment? risking your home for capital gain? easiest way to appreciate your capital? etc etc

is a very money orientated subject but still within your degree subject. And if you find a very low risk method to make great money in real estate then you might as well give yourself a PhD and youll get the big banks fighting over you.

How about "Factors That Influence The Property Cycle". Recommended reading: chapter 22 on Keynes's famous book from 1936, "The General Theory Of Employment, Interest And Money" (click here).
thanks for the pointers, any other suggestions on finance topics related to the construction or real estate industry will be greatly appreciated..