Direct access to US markets from an ISA account

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Junior member
Anyone knows of a UK ISA provider that offers direct access to the US market? All the brokers I know of only provide access to the IRS (International Retail Service) listings of London Stock Exchange, i.e., they don't have a direct access to NYSE or NASDAQ.
Im not sure myself but i wouldnt think you would get a dircet access ISA broker in the markets because of the tax savings you make. Id imagine if you did there would be some problem in drawing the potential proceeds from the account cos if you were profitable the taxman draws everthing out of us apart from the last bit of life so we can all work to fund the crap of labour goverment ideas that never work.

Im sure someone will guide you to spreadbetting on this forum but i dont think you'll make money or any tax savings there even though they are tax free.

From what ive read about spreadbetting your guaranteed to to find your trousers round your ankles with no recollection of what you've done and a sore backside as well.

If you find out let us know.................

About the tax free ISA direct acces and not the sore ar*e that is..

idealing and etrade provide DMA ISAs but not sure if either of them offer direct access to US equities.

IB may start provding a DMA ISA, see my signature.