Hi all,
I do know that this is like asking someone how to drink water, but I am still going to attempt it.
I have been trading for about a year, only as SB, and have no problem with it per se, but
if someone would be kind enough to help me get on the next step and explain the (very) basics of Direct access trading...?
I trade only futures (DJ, NAS, S&P, FTSE, Gold, GBP/USD, EUR/USD) and using a SB internet based platform, I have it easy in many respects:
1. I only have one price, the one I see when I hit the button.
2. The stops and limits I set always gets filled at that one price.
3. Garanteed stop losses.
4. Small bet sizes (all the way down to 50p per pts).
5. 'Commision' is really the spread paid and nothing else, so easily calculated.
6. Multiple positions is just that. It is easy to create and equally so to take part profit.
I am sure that all know the above, but these are the very things that I do not know about direct access trading, and I was hoping someone could throw some light on how the points above compare. Put as questions:
1. Bid, ask, offer, etc... what price does one really get?
2. Do unattached orders get filled by the broker, or would it be my local software the handles that (ok, really basic 😱 , do I have to have my PC on to fill an order)?
3. I guess garanteed stop losses are down to the broker, but assume most will not do this, and I should expect slippage. (Apart from 9/11 situations, have bad is it on average?)
4. What's the minimum bet per point (again down to broker I guess, but just to have an idea)? I am a very small fish in this big ocean!
5. Is the commision on direct access just a one off fee that you pay on entry, regardless of size, hour, etc., or is it a percentage. I even see people talk about spread here, would that be on top too, just less than that of the typical SB broker?
6. Do you do independent positions, or just one big one that you can 'shave' off when you need to secure part profit?
I really am a bit ashamed of asking these very basic questions, but I have just been in my SB box since the beginning and never thought about it much until now.
I did use to favour swing trading, so the spread wasn''t such a big issue, nor does my broker have any bias (the price is alway the market price compared to my data provider), but my temperament is taking me towards intraday now, and that is just plain out of the question with the spreads I pay.
I am aware of the drawbacks of SB trading, so in no way do I intend to open up the war over which of the two is best! Really!!
I recognise that these are exceptionally ignorant questions, so if someone rather give me a few links where to find this information, I understand perfectly (I have read through this and other fora, and some broker's pages too. Problem is, it is always taken for granted that you know the very basics - my problem in a nutshell. 😱
Help and enlightenment much appreciated!
I do know that this is like asking someone how to drink water, but I am still going to attempt it.
I have been trading for about a year, only as SB, and have no problem with it per se, but
if someone would be kind enough to help me get on the next step and explain the (very) basics of Direct access trading...?
I trade only futures (DJ, NAS, S&P, FTSE, Gold, GBP/USD, EUR/USD) and using a SB internet based platform, I have it easy in many respects:
1. I only have one price, the one I see when I hit the button.
2. The stops and limits I set always gets filled at that one price.
3. Garanteed stop losses.
4. Small bet sizes (all the way down to 50p per pts).
5. 'Commision' is really the spread paid and nothing else, so easily calculated.
6. Multiple positions is just that. It is easy to create and equally so to take part profit.
I am sure that all know the above, but these are the very things that I do not know about direct access trading, and I was hoping someone could throw some light on how the points above compare. Put as questions:
1. Bid, ask, offer, etc... what price does one really get?
2. Do unattached orders get filled by the broker, or would it be my local software the handles that (ok, really basic 😱 , do I have to have my PC on to fill an order)?
3. I guess garanteed stop losses are down to the broker, but assume most will not do this, and I should expect slippage. (Apart from 9/11 situations, have bad is it on average?)
4. What's the minimum bet per point (again down to broker I guess, but just to have an idea)? I am a very small fish in this big ocean!
5. Is the commision on direct access just a one off fee that you pay on entry, regardless of size, hour, etc., or is it a percentage. I even see people talk about spread here, would that be on top too, just less than that of the typical SB broker?
6. Do you do independent positions, or just one big one that you can 'shave' off when you need to secure part profit?
I really am a bit ashamed of asking these very basic questions, but I have just been in my SB box since the beginning and never thought about it much until now.
I did use to favour swing trading, so the spread wasn''t such a big issue, nor does my broker have any bias (the price is alway the market price compared to my data provider), but my temperament is taking me towards intraday now, and that is just plain out of the question with the spreads I pay.
I am aware of the drawbacks of SB trading, so in no way do I intend to open up the war over which of the two is best! Really!!
I recognise that these are exceptionally ignorant questions, so if someone rather give me a few links where to find this information, I understand perfectly (I have read through this and other fora, and some broker's pages too. Problem is, it is always taken for granted that you know the very basics - my problem in a nutshell. 😱
Help and enlightenment much appreciated!